It turns out that the world in the eyes of idols is like this!
Yan City, inside the Science and Technology Museum,
A group of old men and women looked at the rushing crowd. They had never seen such a posture before, and they all backed away a few times with surprise in their eyes. Only Wu Shaoying’s face was slightly solemn, and all this was found, and immediately, she couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed.
But looking at the gradually bustling science and technology museum, her heart gradually settled down.
If I prepare to bring a second stream of traffic to the Science and Technology Museum, it is the only thing I can do…
Seeing that the crowd was about to approach Wu Shaoying, sister Xia and the two appeared out of nowhere, panting and surrounded Wu Shaoying, lest they be caught by people with ulterior motives.
In fact, when a group of reporters were reasoning with the photos, they came to their senses, that’s why they came one step ahead.
Wu Shaoying sized up the two of them, feeling slightly relieved.
Then she turned her head to look at a group of reporters. She knew that it would be hard to do well if she didn’t answer a few questions today…
At this time, a group of reporters with long guns and short cannons finally came to Wu Shaoying’s front, and with them came the excited fans behind. Facts have proved that amateurs are still inferior to professionals, and a group of light-packed fans can’t outrun a group of journalists carrying equipment. At this time, the two little girls realized that the person they bumped into before turned out to be their idol!
Immediately, a look of shock appeared on his face, two pairs of big eyes blinked, and then a look of regret appeared in his eyes.
If I hadn’t been so anxious before, I would have recognized it!
At that time…wouldn’t it be possible for 163 to travel alone with idols? ? ? ? ?
To put it another way, just now, they literally missed the opportunity to be alone with their idols! ! !
In an instant, the two little girls only felt that their intestines were about to turn green with regret!
If I had known earlier, it would be great to come to the Science and Technology Museum!
On the other side, when the reporters saw Wu Shaoying accepting the interview, they immediately became excited.
“Two questions, I only answer two questions…”
But at this time, Wu Shaoying compared the number two to them, obviously not wanting them to disturb her, and said immediately.
Hearing this, the reporters were not disappointed, on the contrary, their eyes lit up. Even if it was just two questions, they were already able to book hot searches! Even a reporter took the lead and asked.
“Shao Ying, why did you choose to participate in this technology exhibition instead of the art exhibition? Is it because of Tang Zhenli?”
“There’s a reason for that…”
Wu Shaoying did not hesitate. Answer directly, and then two fingers in the handAlso became a root.
After the words fell, all the reporters and fans were stunned for a moment. They all thought that Wu Shaoying would answer tactfully, but they didn’t expect to admit it directly.
As everyone knows, the current Wu Shaoying has the confidence to admit directly, after all, a certain person never reads entertainment news…
After the scene was silent for a while, the second question came later,
“Shao Ying, may I ask where your relationship with Tang Zhenli has developed. (biei)…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying hesitated for a moment, with a hint of hope in his eyes, and then said lightly,
“I am not married, he is not married
Hearing this, everyone present, including the three sisters Xia, couldn’t help but gasp.
Under the careful consideration of these words… it is really meaningful!
One is unmarried and the other is unmarried. Can this be interpreted as the point where we are talking about marriage? ? ?
Is it possible that sister Tianxian wants to marry young? ? ?
If this is confirmed, it can be said to be heavy news among blockbusters!
Even the three of sister Xia who lived together every day were dumbfounded.
Could it be that there has been a major breakthrough in the relationship between Yingying and Tang Zhenli? ? ? Don’t know yet? ? ?
So in this arena, no one can close their mouths… After a while of silence.
After the two questions, looking at all the reporters present, they all showed joyful expressions.
Although there are only two short questions, what they have gained can be described as a lot.
In the end, Wu Shaoying seemed to think of something, her expression changed, and she said immediately.
“Since everyone is here, let’s calm down and take a look at this exhibition hall. In fact, there are still many interesting things here…” Hearing this, everyone’s eyes also flashed a hint of curiosity, which can make Tianxian sister feel moved. Interested, they are naturally interested.
After that, Wu Shaoying also knew that she couldn’t stay this time, so she could only walk home under the cover of Sister Xia and the others.
And the group of old men and old ladies who shrank to the corner early did not know that the girl they praised just now was the fairy sister they were talking about…
Realizing this, several old men looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little emotional in their hearts, they almost pointed to the name just now, but the little girl was not annoyed…
Look, this star is not completely arrogant!
After Wu Shaoying left, the reporters and fans did not leave immediately.
With such strong praise from Sister Tianxian, they couldn’t help but have some interest in this science and technology exhibition. In particular, the two little girls began to visit the science and technology museum with great concentration.
After the visit, the two had no previous thoughts, and looked at the beautiful blueprints of the future.
The two girls are completely shocked!
This undoubtedly planted a seed in their hearts within their limited worldview!
It turns out that the world in the eyes of idols is like this!
All of a sudden, they understood… the brilliance of technology and the vastness of the sea of ​​stars.
Longke University, more than half a month after the ‘Tianting Project’ was proposed.
The research institute led by more than 20 academicians started at the same time, announcing the official start of the “Tianting Project”.
Not only that, the research institutes under the command of more than 20 academicians have also started to join hands with Longguo Aerospace to develop the power module of the “Phoenix” with the help of the power module data of the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle project.
Even Tang Zhenli was stunned for a while when he heard the news for the first time, not because of some kind of “backstab” by Longguo Aerospace, but because it was the first time he knew that there was a space exploration that was going on simultaneously with the Four Sages Project Power Research Institute…
Now, he is listening to Wei Pengyu’s apology on the phone,
“I’m really sorry, Mr. Tang, we didn’t know that they were competing with your next project. Here, on behalf of all the staff of the ‘Zhuangba’ project team, I would like to express my apologies to Mr. Tang… ”
Wei Pengyu on the other end of the phone seemed to have a low profile, but it was no wonder that he had a low profile, because it stands to reason that what he did was honest and kind.
Saved the entire ‘Zhuangba’ project on the front foot, and sold Tang Zhenli in a blink of an eye…
“It’s okay…but what do you mean by Mr. Wei, the benchmarking?”
As for the Xuanwu engine of ‘Zhuangba’, Tang Zhenli was not afraid. The Xuanwu engine loaded by ‘Zhuangba’ was only the original model, and when they researched and understood it, he would have already replaced it.
In fact, he was just a little curious about these research institutes that suddenly wanted to engage in space power!
After all, before this, he hadn’t heard of any research institute in Longguo that started to study this aspect, and at this time, according to Wei Pengyu, this project is still benchmarked against the Four Sages Project?
“Huh? Mr. Tang, haven’t you heard of the ‘Phoenix’?”
Wei Pengyu’s doubtful voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.
“I’ve heard that, isn’t this part of the ‘Tianting Project’ package?”
Tang Zhenli obviously paid attention to this, so he said slowly at this time.
“Then you don’t know that the Four Saints Project is the power module of the ‘Phoenix’, and it has already been determined as a preparatory plan?”
Wei Pengyu said again.
“Huh? Is there such a thing?”
Tang Zhenli really didn’t know about this, but he also recalled what Wei Pengyu said at this time.
He only knew that the dean had handled all the preparatory matters for the Four Sages Project. Hearing this, did the dean even ‘sell’ himself? After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhenli didn’t call to ask Fu Zhiyuan again. After thinking about it in his mind, he opened the webpage of Longguo Science and Technology Department,
Looking at the large air-space strategic carrier platform, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself.

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