The Four Saints of Heaven, Across the Star Sea!To say that I didn’t have any specific application concepts for the Four Saints Project before, but now it seems that I have a direction.
Although I don’t know why the Four Saints Project has entered the alternative plan for the power module of the ‘Phoenix’, and the dean hasn’t told him yet, but whether it is the ‘Phoenix’ or the ‘Tianting Project’, it doesn’t make any difference to him .
Out of trust in the dean, Tang Zhenli asked himself that he did not need to consider the dean’s actions throughout his life.
Anyway, Tang Zhenli himself is also thinking that he is a brick of scientific research, and he needs to move it wherever he needs to.
Now with the direction of the ‘Phoenix’, the goal is much clearer.
As for the so-called benchmarking research institute, to be honest, there was pressure, but Tang Zhenli didn’t really care.
Controlled nuclear fusion technology alone is not so delicious.
But having said that, the level of Longguo’s research institute should not be underestimated. In terms of reproduction ability and theoretical improvement ability, Longguo’s research institute is completely outstanding.
If you are overtaken, it will be very bad.
After thinking it over, Tang Zhenli also had a slight sense of urgency in his heart. It seemed that the launch of the Four Sacred Project was urgent.
But now it’s just a question of the venue, and it still takes time.
Since it cannot be practiced, it can only improve the theory on the existing basis…
Before the large-scale laboratory promised by the dean is completed, the manpower selected by the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Devices and Longke University will have to wait for a while.
Otherwise, in the current small laboratory, the 40 or 50 people of the Four Saints Project are not crowded enough.
After that, in the next period of time, Tang Zhenli could only try his best to perfect the Four Sages plan within his own ability.
However, this situation did not last long. Under the limitations of existing technology and clinical practice, the theoretical progress required in the Four Saints Program has reached the point where it must be promoted by practice.
So at this moment, even Tang Zhenli has to start thinking about whether to use one of the power modules of the Four Saints Project to practice first

After thinking it over and over again, under the existing conditions, Tang Zhenli could only start the preliminary practice of the Four Sages plan.
However, due to the limited equipment in the original laboratory, Tang Zhenli could only show that the body shape and structure of the four sages were relatively uncomplicated.
He did not summon Qi Gu and others, but was thinking silently in the laboratory alone, as if he had thought of something, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help muttering to himself,
“White Tiger’s performance tends to be explosive, and if the persistence is not high…in space exploration, it should be mainly used for assistance or rescue”
When the “Tianting Project” came out and the “Phoenix” project was established, Tang Zhenli thought that the research and development of power modules should first consider the primary use, and then use this to consider the direction of the research and development plan.
If there is a direction, the purpose of research and development will be very strong…
“The Four Saints of Heaven, Across the Sea of ​​Stars”
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of the future picture, he couldn’t wait, so he did it first, because the future can be expected.
Immediately, Qi Lu and others were summoned directly to start the development of the white tiger power module.
Not long after, Qi Lu and others who were mentally prepared came hand in hand, and Tang Zhenli gave an order directly.
A six-member development team entered into the dark research and development again.
Some celebrities once said that if you want to experience time travel, then do scientific research! Because it makes you forget the concept of time.
Unknowingly, time passed quietly.
From Tang Zhenli’s return in late September to now, time has slipped away for a month.
Planetary Engine Laboratory, within the main loading bay,
Obviously there are only six people in the laboratory, but the mobility shown is far higher than that of six people.
In the field at this time, an engine that had just taken shape was placed steadily in the center, and it could be seen from its configuration that it contained a sense of sharpness.
The straight lines are wrapped around it, making it look like a complex composed of irregular rectangles.
Overall, the angular shape lends it a sharp and overwhelming vibe.
Although the configuration of this engine will be covered by the body when it is used in the future, it does not affect the momentum it exudes at this time.
At this time, Tang Zhenli was wearing goggles, and was controlling the mechanical arm hoisted above the laboratory through the electronic remote control device, step by step adding something to the engine in the middle.
..ask for flowers….
This is a job that requires extremely precise techniques, and ordinary people really can’t do it. If it weren’t for Tang Zhenli’s systematic blessing, it would definitely not be so easy
In the case that the right equipment and system lines are not fully connected, this is not a white tiger power module, it can only be called an engine.
Not long after, Tang Zhenli took off his goggles and stopped operating his hands.
Immediately, several assistants headed by Qi Lu surrounded him, their eyes shining brightly,
Before Tang Zhenli operated, they were responsible for monitoring the data.
I saw Qi Lu stepped forward quickly, and then spoke.
“Tang Gong, the two vector jet thrusters were successfully assembled. According to the data from the previous research and development, the estimated kinetic energy of these two sets of thrusters is consistent with the plan…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed a gleam, and then his eyes turned to the engine.
Now it seems that the embryonic form of the white tiger has just emerged, which means that the engine can barely move in the laboratory.
Although this research and development of materials and technology is based on a process that is as simple as possible, the subsequent data of this power module may not achieve the expected results.
But before that, Tang Zhenli had anticipated the situation at this time, and added an estimated researchable number to the modules of the Four Saints.according to.
This data represents the minimum data that the module has the potential to continue to develop. If it is lower than this data, the power module will be abandoned directly and no further changes will be made.
If it is higher than this data, it proves that this power module can fully achieve the final expected effect after the technology, material and process meet the requirements in the future.
At this time, Tang Zhenli also wanted to put the prototype of this white tiger into the experiment as soon as possible.
But before that, I still need to talk to the dean. After all, the Four Sages Project is still a part of the “Heavenly Court Project”, and there is a need to report some progress.
Avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and waste.
—With this in mind, Tang Zhenli and the others gave orders, and then returned to his office, ready to speak to the dean. ….Long.
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