The moment of ecstasy! !
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
“Hello, Don?”
Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Fu Zhiyuan was slightly taken aback, and then he came to his senses.
Thinking about it this way, it seemed like it had been a long time since I had heard from Tang Zhenli.
“Dean, I have perfected the plan of the white tiger power module in the Four Saints Project to the point where it can be put into experimentation, the ‘Heavenly Court Project’…

Tang Zhenli on the other side of the phone is still straightforward, but he didn’t say that the prototype of the white tiger power module has been created. After all, it has not been tested at this time, and whether it can be called the word “white tiger” is yet to be considered.
But even so, Fu Zhiyuan’s face changed when he heard the words, and he was taken aback. As far as he knew, other power module research institutes of the ‘Phoenix’ were still discussing design plans.
Is it already going to be put into experiment here?
It seems that Xiao Tang learned a lot in the “Zhuangba” project before “163”…
—For a while, he even forgot that he hadn’t mentioned to Tang Zhenli that the Four Sacred Plans were included in the “Heavenly Court Plan”.
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said,
“I understand, you send the plan, I will report to the higher up…”
Tang Zhenli on the other end of the phone agreed, and then hung up.
Not long after, looking at the blinking icon on the computer, Fu Zhiyuan clicked on a file that Tang Zhenli packed.
“Summary of White Tiger Power Module Scheme…”
Fu Zhiyuan muttered the name of the plan, not knowing what was going on in his mind.
After being stunned for a long time, Fu Zhiyuan came back to his senses and began to browse through the plan. At the end, he seemed to realize something, and his eyelids twitched slightly.
“”Research scholars who also have grass-roots work experience after being on the right side for a year, after seeing some data and formulas, they gradually understand.
He can be sure that Tang Zhenli must have said a little less…
Where is there a plan here?
In other words, even if this plan is renamed, it is not an exaggeration to call it an experiment log…
Some of these processes are obviously conclusions and data that can only be drawn through assembly observation or during the manufacturing process, but they are convincing in this plan.
Naturally, there is no doubt about Tang Zhenli’s academic level and scientific research spirit. He can be so sure of a data or process only with practice.
But Tang Zhenli didn’t say it clearly just now, it seems that he hasn’t invested in some basic experiments…
“It’s really as calm and rigorous as ever…”
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan subconsciously muttered to himself, if ordinary people, they might have already raised the conditions at the beginning of the completion of the plan, how could they settle down to continue the research and development.
If a prototype machine is developed, it is even more eager to directly announce that it has been successful.
But Tang Zhenli is different. After the prototype is manufactured, the proposal report is submitted. The actual situation is always a process faster than the report.
And the good thing about this habit is that it will always surprise you!
So at this moment, Fu Zhiyuan’s state of mind was one of pleasant surprise. But the most important thing now is to discuss this matter with the Ministry of Science and Technology. The current ‘Tianting Project’ has only one unit directly under it, and that is the Dragon Kingdom Science and Technology Department! Dang even dialed Ji Chengtian’s phone…
Long Guo, Ministry of Science and Technology,
At this time, Ji Chengtian was in Wang Zhi’s office discussing the distribution of the ‘Tianting Project’. “Old Wang, in terms of deep space exploration equipment, what do you think of one billion…”
The corners of Wang Zhi’s eyes twitched slightly, looking at Ji Chengtian with a natural expression.
He really wanted to say, just kill me, just asking for one billion for the exploration equipment? !
A lion’s mouth can’t open so big!
In the previous estimates of the cost calculation team, the “Phoenix” in the first phase of the “Tianting Project” needs to invest hundreds of billions of funds. Among them, the two-way synchronous power module needs to invest at least 50 billion yuan!
But at this time, if Ji Chengtian’s thoughts were followed, two hundred billion would not be enough for him.
One must know that the annual scientific research funding of Longguo will be less than one trillion yuan. He has to take care of nearly 3,000 universities and official research institutes in Longguo, and the pressure can be imagined.
Now the “Tianting Project” alone is a bottomless pit, even if next year’s scientific research funding increases, it will certainly not be possible to increase such a large amount.
At this time, Wang Zhi is completely in pain. He feels that between the lines of his conversation with Ji Chengtian, there are a lot of scientific research funds that are scattered like smoke in the blink of an eye…
And at this moment, Ji Chengtian’s confidential secretary came to his side and whispered something in his ear,
Then, in Wang Zhi’s eyes, Ji Chengtian was taken aback for a moment at first, then his expression changed again and again, and finally a light flashed in his eyes. There is no doubt that Ji Chengtian was not in the office just now, and the confidential secretary must be a copy at the momentFu Zhiyuan’s words.
“Call me the academicians of those power modules back then, as soon as possible!”
In the end, Ji Chengtian gave an order to his confidential secretary, who nodded and said yes, then walked out.
Just as the doubts in Wang Zhi’s heart were getting bigger and bigger, Ji Chengtian turned his attention to Wang Zhi, only to see his tone with a little joy, and said to him,
“Pharaoh, our ‘Heavenly Court Project’ may have a breakthrough! You’ve saved money.”
Just when Wang Zhi was still confused, Ji Chengtian got up and walked towards his office.
He wanted to see what was supposed to be an experiment already possible.
Out of curiosity, Wang Zhi also followed, he instinctively felt that something big should happen! When Ji Chengtian saw this, he didn’t stop it. It just so happened that this matter was also related to this God of Wealth…
At the beginning of his order, the power module of the ‘Phoenix’ was developed synchronously in both directions, but now it seems to be a bit sloppy…
Although this move looks very competitive, it is a good thing, but the investment in it…
In the discussion between him and Wang Zhi just now, even he couldn’t help but feel a little palpitated about the astronomical figure it would cost.
In the end, he still believes in Tang Zhenli, although he may have to withstand the pressure of twenty academicians later, but for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’
, what does this count…
But before that, we must really convince those arrogant academicians!
Back in his office, Wang Zhi sat opposite him, Ji Chengtian immediately turned on the computer, and then began to browse Fu Zhiyuan’s
The message he sent…
– During the time, the office was silent…

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