Tear down and repeat, magnetic mirror technology!
Planetary Engine Laboratory,
After Tang Zhenli instructed his assistant to dismantle the engine, several people were not idle.
To say that I may have felt distressed before, but now I am completely used to it.
Because they all know that Tang Gong is a perfectionist and will not allow failed products to appear in their laboratory, so at this time they also appear to be extraordinarily neat~.
As the saying goes, dismantle and dismantle – just get used to it…
Tang Zhenli, who returned to the office, also started research on new technologies.
As we all know, there are three kinds of energy emitted by the fusion reaction in the fusion engine: plasma heat energy, neutron energy, and bremsstrahlung energy. Different emphasis brings different working methods.
Among them, the advantage of the tomacak device is that it is relatively easy to implement at the technical level, but this advantage is naturally lost in the case of experiments now.
Small but the shortcomings did not disappear because of this, in short, too bulky, and the crowns in the fuel that needed to be reacted were too easily decayed and could not be stored for too long.
All these shortcomings restrict it from being used in a better way.
Therefore, at this time, a new technological breakthrough has to be made.
Before the development of controllable nuclear fusion, there were two methods recognized in the international community, magnetic confinement and inertial confinement.
Among them, magnetic confinement is further divided into circular fusion and linear fusion.
Circular fusion is the Tomacak device, and linear fusion is the magnetic mirror device.
At this time, what Tang Zhenli was thinking about was linear fusion, that is, the magnetic mirror device, which was also called open magnetic confinement.
Unlike the Tomacak device, the restraint device is not annular but cylindrical in shape.
The hot plasma is confined in the confinement device, that is, in the cylindrical space, and the axial direction is restrained by two stronger “mirror”-like magnetic fields, which is the origin of the name of the magnetic mirror.
Because the mirror at the exhaust port is weaker, the thermonuclear fusion reaction products are ejected from the nozzle behind, balancing the loss of the plasma.
The benefits of this technology are also quite obvious. This reaction uses He-3 as fuel, and the waste produced by fusion can be directly injected as a working fluid, so that the specific impulse is higher, and He-3 is compared to Tomacak. The D-reaction used is much more stable.
“Maybe we can start with the magnetic mirror device…”
While thinking about it, Tang Zhenli had an idea in his mind.
With the previous experience, the research and development speed of the magnetic mirror device is obviously not too slow, and the theory is already preliminary in the international field. It will obviously not take too long to develop and put it into application. Of course, this is only for Tang Zhenli.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s expression moved, and the scientific research system in his mind was fully powered, and he concentrated on the configuration of the magnetic mirror device.
Under the overload of the system, or the overload of Tang Zhenli’s mental power, a few days later, the complete scheme of the magnetic mirror device has been deduced. In fact, the theoretical scheme has long been available, mainly the latter implementation plan.
How to actually use it is the most important thing!
When Tang Zhenli walked out of his office, he couldn’t tell whether it was morning or evening.
But after coming to the offices of several aides.
It seems that it should be early in the morning….
In desperation, Tang Zhenli could only go back to the office to rest for a while.
It wasn’t until the sky was bright that he slowly woke up, walked out of the office, and ordered Qi Lu to directly ask a few people to recreate a magnetic mirror device with the results of the past few days.
After following Tang Zhenli for so long, the academic level of the five assistants is no less than that of some famous experts and scholars. With the current solution, the magnetic mirror device should not be difficult for them.
After Qi Lu took the plan handed over by Tang Zhenli, his eyes paused, then a flash of surprise, then calmed down, and then handed it to the other four people, and the other four people’s reactions were surprisingly the same as Qi Lu’s. In the end, calm was restored.
After going through all kinds of things, they are not surprised at what plan Tang Gong can come up with.

Isn’t it controllable nuclear fusion, isn’t it the implementation plan of the magnetic mirror device…
It is very reasonable and logical for Tang to come up with this plan as the father of contemporary controllable nuclear fusion devices…

Not to mention controllable nuclear fusion, even if one day Gong Gong said that he had built a curvature engine, they would believe it.
Without him, habit becomes natural
“Any questions? ”
After that, Tang Zhenli glanced at a few people and asked.
“No no
Hearing this, the five assistants waved their hands one after another. If there is still a problem with such a detailed plan, then they have no face to join the scientific research circle. …ask for flowers…
The level of detail in this plan is as if the meal has been fed into your mouth, and they are forced to chew with your chin. All they need to do is that simple ‘swallow’ action.
Such a detailed plan…
The eyes of several people lit up, and they felt very motivated. After that, they said goodbye to Tang Zhenli and rushed to the laboratory impatiently.
Tang Zhenli also turned around and continued back to the office. In fact, if the engine was based on the magnetic mirror device, then the previous Four Saints plan would need some structural modifications.
The reason why the magnetic mirror was handed over to several assistants was precisely the same. He alsoThere are more important things.
Tang Zhenli felt that if he did it himself, it would undoubtedly be a waste of time.
As everyone knows, if this is seen by scientific researchers in the field of nuclear energy from the outside world, it will be necessary to beat the chest.
In his eyes, projects that others hate as much as they want to be completed are just a waste of time, and they have no interest in doing it.
After that, the division of labor in the laboratory was also clarified. Tang Zhenli improved and perfected the Four Saints Plan, and five assistants were responsible for the development of the magnetic mirror device.
And time has passed quietly like this, and before you know it, the weather has gradually changed from cold to cold.
Coincidentally, in mid-November, Yandu ushered in the first snow of the year…
For a time, the entire campus of Dragon University of Science and Technology was filled with silver.
Tang Zhenli in the office stretched his waist. He was already perfecting the Four Saints plan based on the magnetic mirror device.
After a long sigh of relief, Tang Zhenli got up and pushed open the door of the office, and his clear eyes showed that this time the progress was obviously smooth.
– Turning around, wanting to walk towards the loading workshop, but turned around and heard a sound,
“Tang Gong, the magnetic mirror installation is successful!”
Tang Zhenli took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Qi Lu who was trotting all the way. At this moment, her face was filled with joy.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also nodded, knowing it in his heart.
This result was within his expectations, and he could understand Qi Lu’s mood. He was similar to himself at the beginning? Now that the magnetic mirror device has been developed, there is no need to stick to a tomacak device anymore… Long.
Island I 0
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