Announce controlled nuclear fusion?
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
Fu Zhiyuan was leaning on his seat and closed his eyes.
At this time, he can be said to be light-hearted, and he does not need to control the affairs of the school!
“Jingle Bell!”
Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang.
Fu Zhiyuan raised his eyebrows and immediately picked up the conversation.
“Dean, I have some new progress here…”
It was Tang Zhenli who was on the other end of the phone. After the magnetic mirror device was developed, he felt it was necessary to speak to him,
After all, the Four Saints Project is now associated with the ‘Heavenly Court Project’.
“Little Tang?”
Fu Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted,
“Well, you said…”
“That’s right, in the initial practice of the Four Sacred Project based on the tokamak device, we felt that it was a bit difficult to carry, so recently we are going to improve the Four Sacred Project with the newly developed magnetic mirror device…”
When receiving the call from Tang Zhenli, Fu Zhiyuan was a little surprised. It stands to reason that Tang Zhenli rarely called himself during the project process. But when Tang Zhenli explained the magnetic mirror technology and everything word by word, he still couldn’t control his facial expressions.
“Fa Liang’s Four Sages Plan?? So, the magnetic mirror device, you made it???”
“Yes, Dean, the Tomacac device is indeed unable to undertake the research and development needs of our “180”. For research and development needs, this is the only way…”
Tang Zhenli’s tone on the other end of the phone was very calm, but Fu Zhiyuan was startled by the words he said.
At the end, he also understood. To put it simply, Tang Zhenli felt that the Tomacac device could not keep up with his research and development speed, so he first came up with the magnetic mirror device……
Just why, Xiao Tang’s tone can be so calm…
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan’s expression was a little weird, and then he realized slightly that this logical way of thinking is indeed very Tang Zhenli!
You you on the line! !
no? ? Then I’ll make another great one…
This seems reasonable logic, but Fu Zhiyuan can’t understand it. It’s like God said that if there is light, then there will be light…
What is reasonable is revealed everywhere is unreasonable…
Tomacac doesn’t work, I don’t, magnetic mirror technology works, so I built it…
This logical way… direct, domineering, savage…
Putting it on Tang Zhenli, it revealed that it was reasonable. If it was so easy to do scientific research by himself, then he would not have changed to an administrative position in the middle of the year… It is a sad tear! ! !
After calming down, Fu Zhiyuan’s breathing gradually became short, because he thought of the subsequent changes.
The significance of the research and development of the magnetic mirror device is not only the reason for research and development mentioned by Tang Zhenli, or… an excuse?
As far as he knows, the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices is also conquering the magnetic mirror technology, that is, linear fusion, in order to break the singleness of Longguo in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, so that the controllable nuclear fusion can be used for civilian use more quickly.
Now it seems that the research institute on the outskirts of Yandu is ‘false’, and Tang Zhenli is the real humanoid self-propelled research institute!
And this also means that the civilian use of controlled nuclear fusion can be put on the agenda? ? ?
After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhiyuan was still unable to calm down for a long time. Once these technologies related to the future of mankind are announced, the results will be irreversible!
However, none of this was something he considered. Right now, he still has to tell the head of the Science and Technology Department of Longguo about this matter. The final result is still up to Ji Chengtian to decide.
Longguo Propaganda Department, Head Office,
Ji Chengtian frowned, sat at the desk, and looked at Wang Hongxuan.
You can see the seriousness in each other’s eyes.
During this period of time, the direction of various fishing reels gave the two high-level bosses in Long Kingdom a headache.
“Ji Bu… The current fishing reels, if we don’t make the reputation of our Dragon Kingdom, we may lose a lot of praise for this…” “I’m…”
Ji Chengtian sighed, his face full of helplessness and confusion.
The current ‘Heavenly Court Project’ has not yet announced its authenticity, but the previous cancellation of the research and development authority of some research institutes has attracted attention.
The current Dragon Kingdom can be said to be difficult to ride a tiger, confirm the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’The authenticity is not, nor is it not confirmed.
If it is confirmed, it is undoubtedly clear that the controllable nuclear fusion will be announced. If it is not confirmed, the negative fishing boats day after day have already
has become uncontrollable.
In the end, the national self-confidence of the entire Dragon Kingdom may be hit.
– Time, Ji Chengtian fell into a dilemma, which is why he came to the Propaganda Department today.
“Ministry Wang, you said that the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Propaganda will take the lead. Let’s make a sci-fi film about the ‘Heavenly Court Project’. Can we stop the momentum of the fishing boat?”
, Wang Hongxuan shook his head, then turned to look at Ji Chengtian.
“It’s possible, but the effect… can only be said to be negligible…”
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian’s face was slightly gloomy. Seeing how fermented the fishing boat was, even he didn’t expect it.
It seems that there are many, many people with ulterior motives for the Dragon Kingdom.
With this in mind, Ji Chengtian could only say.
“It doesn’t work, it’s better than nothing…”
Hearing this, Wang Yeche also nodded, but the current situation is not very optimistic. As the Propaganda Department of the Dragon Kingdom, it is true that the situation cannot continue like this, so he said immediately.
“Since this is the case, it is settled. In this regard, the Propaganda Department will strongly support and cooperate with the work.”
At the end, the two bigwigs shook hands, and a consensus was reached. An unprecedented film destined to cause a sensation in the Dragon Kingdom is already quietly brewing.
After returning to the office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it was already afternoon,
Ji Chengtian skillfully turned on the computer and began to deal with the affairs accumulated in the morning.
At present, the only things that need to be decided by him are the most important projects in the scientific research circle of Longguo.
Obviously, the ‘Tianting Project’ is also one of them.
Including the power module, various projects of the ‘Phoenix’ large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform are proceeding in an orderly manner at this time.
Check out the news about the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ uploaded below, which made Ji Chengtian’s mood gradually stabilized, although there was still a trace of melancholy in it.
It’s not a problem to drag the fishing boat like this… Cultural propaganda can only be said to be a temporary solution, not the root cause!
The solution is to announce controllable nuclear fusion and create the authenticity of the “Tianting Project” for the public.
But controllable nuclear fusion… is not so simple and open…
At least for the time being, according to his thinking, there is no public idea yet.
When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly saw a message signed by Fu Zhiyuan, his heart moved slightly, and he just wanted to open it. Unexpectedly, at this time, the phone on the desk rang.
“Hi, I’m Ji Chengtian…”
“Old Ji, have you read the document I sent?” Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone was straightforward.
“Huaiyanjini 7F; live and watch”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian glanced at the email he wanted to read just now, and said.
“Then look, I won’t disturb you, beep beep
After finishing speaking, Fu Zhiyuan hung up the phone on his own…
“Um? ”
Only Ji Chengtian was a little confused, a little confused, what does Fu Zhiyuan mean? He made a special phone call to remind himself to check his email?
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian became curious and clicked on the email.
“Magnetic mirror device?”
“A recent application of controlled nuclear fusion…”
In the end, Ji Chengtian was really a little stunned, for a moment he even forgot the melancholy just now,
Without making a sound, Tang Zhenli updated the controllable nuclear fusion technology…even the magnetic mirror device? ? ?
After thinking about it, as the leader of Longguo’s scientific research, the meaning of this should not be too obvious!
If this is the case… the tokamak device can be converted to civilian use!
In other words, the controllable nuclear fusion technology can be announced!
This is exactly what Ji Chengtian is worried about. If there is a new technology, then why not announce the original Tomacak device?
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian clenched his fists tightly, a smile appeared on his face, and he felt the pressure in his heart relax. If so, all kinds of negative fishing boats against Longguo now will naturally be resolved.
As long as the controllable nuclear fusion technology is announced, no one will question the “Tianting Project”!
However, the announcement of controllable nuclear fusion is a major event at the national level, not limited to the field of scientific research, it can be said that it affects the whole body.
°Even if it is him, it is impossible to be the master, so this matter needs to be consulted with the national-level leaders of the Dragon Kingdom.
In the end, Ji Chengtian submitted a report directly to his superiors.
“Application for the conversion of controlled nuclear fusion to a limited extent for civilian use!!!”
As for the magnetic mirror device, it is still kept in a state of secrecy. After all, this is the most advanced application of Longguo in the field of nuclear energy.
After reporting the application, Ji Chengtian directly notified his confidential secretary, obviously intending to do it both ways.
“Notify the high-level officials of the Ministry of Science and Technology that the conference room will be assembled within ten minutes!”
Not long after, in the meeting room,
The heads of the various departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology are all sitting in their seats.
The situation is urgent, Ji Chengtian glanced around the crowd, and then said,
“This meeting is discussing the announcement of the first phase of controlled nuclear fusion…”
Hearing this, everyone in the audience was slightly startled.
“Ji Bu, no way, it’s not good for the next research work to announce it now!”
“Yeah, Jibu, we still need to think more about it…”
“Be careful, Jibu…”
Li Wei and the others hurriedly began to persuade, but Ji Chengtian pressed his hand directly as expected, and then said,

“I understand your concerns, but I can say with confidence that our controllable nuclear fusion technology has reached maturity in various fields, and it will not affect our dominant position under the impact of research…”
Sanle 7
So far, everyone has stopped the momentum of persuasion.
“Jibu, what you said is true?”
However, there are still people who have doubts and ask immediately.
Afterwards, Ji Chengtian nodded and said in a firm tone,
“Naturally, in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, we have reached a point where it is difficult for them to surpass!” The voice fell, and there was silence in the field, and there was no objection.
The top leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology have made it so obvious that they naturally have no opinion to raise. In the end, Ji Chengtian’s eyes brightened and he said to the crowd,
“Comrades, on the basis of controllable nuclear fusion, the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ will be officially announced!!”

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