Spread, shock the world! !
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai University,
After Tang Zhenli’s case was exposed, the matter spread to Shanghai University, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.
“It has attracted worldwide attention! Academician Tang Zhenli, son of Chen Xinyao, a professor of literature in our school, successfully developed controllable nuclear fusion! ! ”
I have to say that this title is very eye-catching, and it seems that it is intended to promote it in this way.
Let me ask, who can teach a mother who is an academician who is not curious about the whole dragon country? ? ?
So at this time, Chen Xinyao’s office was already full of people, all of whom were well-known students and teachers.
Only then did they understand why Chen Xinyao was invited to the ‘Zhuangba’ project to watch the ceremony?
The mother of the youngest academician in history, this is not just talking…
In fact, after Chen Xinyao first learned about the news, she couldn’t believe it at first~.
When she knew that Tang Zhenli was the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project, she was already very surprised. Now she suddenly said that her son had developed controllable nuclear fusion. If she hadn’t seen the official news, she would have Thought – someone rumoured…
But after everything was confirmed, she finally realized that it was time to go to the Northwest Aerospace Base at the front end, and Tang Zhenli said that he was not just talking about the summer vacation…
But at this time, in addition to joy, Chen Xinyao’s heart was also filled with great relief.
Before she knew it, the little ball of meat that she gave birth to when she was pregnant in October has grown to the point where it is difficult for even her to see it all! Mr. Mang Dong, can you tell us the story of Academician Tang when he was a child? ”
“Yes, yes, let’s talk…”
Looking at the noisy crowd in the office, Chen Xinyao also had a headache in her heart.
However, the crowd surrounding her did not see Chen Xinyao’s headache at all. At this time, they all still looked eager and wanted to know some anecdotes about Tang Zhenli, so that they could use it as a bragging capital in the future.
The heroic mother who cultivated Academician Tang is our teacher! ! !
If it was rounded up in ancient times, it would be considered a fellow apprentice brother after all! ! !
If Chen Xinyao told some interesting anecdotes from Academician Tang’s childhood at this moment, then they could tell them directly to the outside world.
“Tang Zhenli, Academician Tang, right… I know him! We know each other very well! We grew up together when we were young…
Chen Xinyao looked at dozens of fiery eyes in the office, not only her students, but also her colleagues.
She knew that if they didn’t tell some interesting anecdotes about Tang Zhenli today, they wouldn’t leave…
But she can understand
Tang Zhenli’s name can be said to have spread all over the Dragon Kingdom, and with his achievements, it is natural to attract attention.
Thinking of this, Chen Xinyao’s expression gradually calmed down. Since this is the case, you might as well talk to them,
Recalling carefully, the memories of Tang Zhenli’s childhood also slowly emerged in his mind like a tide, thinking of the last, the corners of Chen Xinyao’s mouth could not help but outline a beautiful arc.
At this time, everyone in the office also knew that Teacher Chen was recalling, and the atmosphere froze in an instant. Chen Xinyao saw this, and a trace of reminiscence slowly emerged in her eyes, and then said.
“To be honest, Zhenli was also very naughty when he was a child. It should be the same as when you were young. He took his sister to run wild every day. Fortunately, his grades have always been outstanding, so he went. It was not until he reached high school that he gradually calmed down. Some……”
As Chen Xinyao spoke slowly, everyone in the room raised their ears and listened carefully, and some students were afraid of forgetting, so they took out their mobile phones and started a memo. The serious look made the atmosphere in the room seem as if Chen Xinyao was there. General class for elementary school students.
Only Chen Xinyao’s voice resounded throughout the office.
Although Chen Xinyao said some trivial things about Tang Zhenli at this time, everyone listened to it with great earnestness and interest. After all, not everyone has this opportunity.
After Tang Zhenli’s identity was made public, there is no doubt that he is now a legend recognized by the entire Dragon Kingdom!
And everyone at the scene was able to hear the growth history of a legendary figure with their own ears. I have to say, it is also a special honor!
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Financial Building.
Tang Lizhe is now thinking about ‘controllable nuclear fusion’ and ‘Tang Zhenli’, and has no intention of working at all. Even when his subordinates reported to him at this time, he would be distracted from time to time.
“Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang? 7 M
The subordinates who reported to Yibian saw that his expression was different and could not help reminding him kindly.
“Huh? What did you just say…”
Tang Lizhe raised his eyelids, came back to his senses, and then asked his subordinates.
Helpless, the poor staff can only re-narrate what they just said,

“Mr. Tang, it’s like this, the recent successful research and development of controllable nuclear fusion may have some impact on the traditional energy industry, according to the risk department’s
Colleagues say share prices in all aspects of energy companies could fall sharply…”
Ask for flowers…
“Well… Controllable nuclear fusion, oh no, the stock price has fallen.
I don’t know if Tang Lizhe hasn’t come out of the situation just now, and he almost paid attention to the center of gravity again. After thinking about it for a long time, Tang Lizhe always felt that he couldn’t calm down. After struggling, he finally got up and said,
“You can decide according to the situation. My suggestion is not to sell so quickly for the time being. By the way, I will be here first today, and I will go back first…” “Mr. Tang”
Wen Shu, the employee almost suspected that he heard it wrong. Mr. Tang, who has always been meticulous in his work, will leave work early today. ..0
Seeing this, Tang Lizhe saw a flash of light from the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then patted such a small staff member on the shoulder, and said with a smile,
“Come on, boy!”
The clerk who was patted on the shoulder suddenly changed his expression, and his breathing gradually became heavier, Mr. Tang… Are you optimistic about me? ? ?
You must know that Mr. Tang has always been known for his strictness in the company, and getting a compliment from him is simply harder than reaching the sky!
Almost instantly, the small staff had already thought of promotion and salary increase, and embarked on the process of reaching the peak of life!
After Tang Lizhe finished speaking, he left the office, but when he was about to go out, Tang Lizhe turned back and said to the clerk who was still standing there,
“By the way, turn off the computer for me…”
Stretching Pregnancy丨”
The clerk nodded in agreement.
The voice fell, and calm returned to the office.
And the clerk went to Tang Lizhe’s computer. After closing the computer, he was about to go back to work full of enthusiasm.
A family portrait placed next to the computer caught his attention, and with curiosity, he looked up.
In the photo, there is a family of five. Except for an old man sitting in front, the people standing at the back are vaguely recognizable as President Tang and his wife.
Son, in the middle should be a pair of sons and daughters of President Tang.
Looking at the smiles of the family in the photo, the clerk couldn’t help but smile. It can be seen that this family is very happy!
But just as he was about to look away, a vague sense of familiarity made him frown…for a long time.

Son, in the middle should be a pair of sons and daughters of President Tang.
Looking at the smiles of the family in the photo, the clerk couldn’t help but smile.
It can be seen that this family is very happy!
But just as he was about to look away, a vague sense of familiarity made him frown…for a long time.
鬲 I W
reward share

Right now, he is just like Tang Lizhe just now, his mind is full of ‘controllable nuclear fusion’ and ‘Tang Zhenli’!
Northwest Aerospace Base,
After the completion of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project, Wan Wende and Tang Heguang also had a little leisure time. in the residence,
Tang Heguang and Wan Wende sat opposite each other.
A pot of Huangtai wine, a local specialty of the northwest, was placed on the desk, and several plates of snacks were placed on one plate.
“Old Tang, your grandson is famous now. It seems that the Ministry of Science and Technology has no intention of hiding him…”
Wan Wende took a sip, looked at Tang Heguang with envy on his face, and had no way of knowing the pain in his heart. Obviously they are all grandfathers, why is my grandson so far away from others…
“What’s there to hide, we are different now…”
Tang Heguang laughed, and then said indifferently, hearing this, Wan Wende nodded in agreement.
Since the disclosure of the controllable nuclear fusion technology, the current dragon country can be said to be the same in the international community.
Although it is now largely based on technology, as long as the Dragon Kingdom has been pressing them in the aspect of controllable nuclear fusion, they are not afraid of what they will do.
What a moth.
Over time, when an attitude is maintained for a long time, it becomes a habit…
For this, Tang Heguang and Wan Wende believe that the high-level officials of Longguo will only think more than them. Afterwards, both of them threw away the distracting thoughts in their hearts, these things were taken into consideration by those at the helm.
Wan Wende’s face twitched, showing a little emotion on his face, and then said,
“Academicians of this age are unique.
Having said that, he seemed to have thought of something again, Wan Wende’s old face trembled slightly, his face was a little strange, and then he said to Tang Heguang. “Old Tang, so, if you see your grandson in the future, don’t you have to call out Academician Tang?”
In academia, scholars who are not academicians must use honorific titles when they see academician-level scholars. This is an unwritten unwritten rule in the scientific research community of Longguo.
Hearing this, Tang Heguang’s hand that was about to raise a glass paused slightly, and his expression suddenly froze. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case… Thinking of this, Tang Heguang only felt that his face was bitter, and he also gave up going forward. Yandu’s thoughts on visiting Tang Zhenli…
And not only that… In the future, I have to avoid meeting my grandfather and grandson in public, otherwise, I will lose my face for decades… I have been around all my life, but in the end I am not as good as my grandson… Even if it is Tang Heguang, at this time He couldn’t help but doubt his life… But when he saw Wan Wende’s half-smiley eyes from the corner of his eye, he suddenly understood, Wan Wende… This was said on purpose! Immediately, he snorted coldly, squinted at Wan Wende, then raised his glass and drank it, and then said…
“Of course, what’s the matter? It’s shameful to call your grandson an academician, it’s better than calling someone else’s grandson an academician.

“cough cough…”
Hearing this, Wan Wende’s expression was stagnant, and then his face instantly turned red, I don’t know if it was shy or choked, and there was a bit of bitterness in his heart, even if he wanted to slap his two big mouths!
Before, I had clearly made up my mind not to talk about this, but why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut? ? ?
Talking to Tang Heguang about the younger generation, he has never won, and often he hurts the enemy by eight hundred, and loses one thousand…
But Tang Heguang’s words also reminded him,Zhong also secretly made up his mind to avoid going with Tang Zhenli as much as possible in the future…
Energy Supply Office,
Chu Wenqian stared blankly at a certain place, but when she looked carefully, she found that her eyes were not focused, and she was actually wandering in the sky.
“director? ”
She didn’t react until someone called her,
〃What’s wrong? ”
Shu Wenqian adjusted her glasses, her eyes gradually regained clarity, and her pretty face also returned to its usual cold appearance.
“Here is a document that needs to be signed by the Director
The visitor looked at Chu Wenqian in surprise, and then said, she had never seen the director’s expression just now…
Chu Wenqian picked up the document and browsed through it, then signed ±7 her name.
After the subordinate left, Chu Wenqian shook her head vigorously, then covered her pretty face with her hands, and murmured in a low voice.
“What’s wrong with me…”
For some reason, after Tang Zhenli’s incident was completely exposed, she felt a faint emotion in her heart, which prevented her from sinking
Come on.
Feeling depressed, Chu Wenqian took out her mobile phone and browsed some hot topics on the Internet. After seeing the photos of Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli running in the morning,
There was some subconscious resistance in her heart, her pretty face tightened, and her beautiful eyebrows also subconsciously frowned slightly. For some reason, this feeling made her feel empty and uncomfortable…

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