: Big Shock in All Sides!
Shanghai No.4 Middle School, Principal’s Office,
As a well-known high school in the country, the principal Kong Weiyang has to deal with a lot of things every day.
However, Kong Weiyang, who has been in charge of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School for more than ten years, has long been used to it. For him, the responsibility as the principal should be to create all conditions that are conducive to students’ learning.
Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a knock on the door. Kong Weiyang heard the sound, it was Zhao Kezhi, the teaching director, and immediately whispered.
Hearing this, the door of the office was opened directly, and then Zhao Kezhi quickly walked in front of him with a very urgent look.
This gesture made Kong Weiyang frown instinctively.
After all, his teaching philosophy is relatively traditional. In his opinion, not being alarmed by changes is a necessary state of mind for ordinary people.
But obviously Zhao Kezhi didn’t do a good job at this time.
“Principal, Don…”
Seeing that Zhao Kezhi was about to speak, Kong Weiyang waved his hand and suppressed him, wanting to exercise his mood specially.
If the dean of a school is all frizzy, what is the style of study?
“Kezhi, it’s not the first time I’ve said that when I live in the world, I end up with a 18 mountain collapse in front of me without changing my color. Look at academician Tang Zhenli Tang, who is in the limelight now, how young he can be like this Fan Chengcheng, if you don’t have a mature and steady state of mind, it is definitely impossible, you are the dean of our school, you should know this truth…”
“Principal, but
Zhao Kezhi’s face was still urgent, but just as he opened his mouth, Kong Weiyang stopped him.
“There’s nothing wrong with it, there’s no harm in being calm…”
Zhao Kezhi opened his mouth, but he could only forcefully suppress his emotions. He knew the principal’s temper, and everything else was fine, but he was a bit rigid, but this rigidity was his bottom line.
Once Kong Weiyang’s bottom line is touched, even Zhao Kezhi will have to drink a pot.
That’s why at this time, he didn’t dare to continue talking, and being interrupted again and again, his original anger gradually dissipated, and in the end, he simply let nature take its course.
After a while, seeing Zhao Kezhi calm down, Kong Weiyang nodded in satisfaction, then picked up the thermos cup on the table, brought it to his mouth,
“By the way, what did you want to say just now, tell me…”
“Principal, let me tell you straight, Academician Tang Zhenli is a graduate of our school a few years ago…”
It seemed that his temperament had been worn down a bit, Zhao Kezhi spoke in an extremely calm tone when he said these words.
“Hm…..hmm?? Mmmm!!! Kekekekekeke
Kong Weiyang, who was savoring the mellow tea in his mouth, stared, subconsciously trying to say something, and then the tea poured into his lung cavity.
“Cough cough cough cough cough…”
“Principal, are you okay!”
Seeing Kong Weiyang’s extremely uncomfortable expression, Zhao Kezhi subconsciously stood up, and couldn’t help asking with concern.
“Cough cough cough cough cough…”
However, what responded to him was still a coughing sound, and he saw a trace of unbearable expression on his face, then he walked quickly to the back of Kong Weiyang, and patted him on the back
Otherwise, he really doubted whether the headmaster would just cough it up.
It took a long while before Kong Weiyang came to his senses, his face was flushed, and he weakly pointed at Zhao Kezhi with a finger.
“Bastard, why didn’t you say such an important thing earlier!!!”
Kong Weiyang is familiar with the youngest academician in history
“Principal, you are the one who said you have to be calm…”
Zhao Kezhi looked helpless, if he hadn’t been blocking him before, he would have spoken out a long time ago.
“Go away I I I don’t let me see you today I”
Hearing this, Kong Yu and Shi Yang’s expression froze for a moment, as if he had no reason to refute, and then he could only speak in a rage.
“Good job, principal!”
When Zhao Kezhi saw this, if he was granted an amnesty, the news had already been passed, and the follow-up would not be his business.
This matter was reported by Tang Zhenli… Academician Tang’s class teacher back then. He was quite excited at first, but he lost his mood when Kong Weiyang made such a move.
After Zhao Kezhi left, only Kong Weiyang, who was still panting, was left in the office.
I saw that his expression was more anxious than Zhao Kezhi just now, and he was completely gone from the indifference before. He seemed to find something on his computer, and when he looked carefully, it turned out to be his past student records.
Then the computer screen freezes atA picture, and then Kong Weiyang took out his mobile phone again, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly in comparison.
“It really is…”
After realizing it, Kong Weiyang’s eyes flashed with light.
Tang Zhenli, Academician Tang, whom he admires so much… actually went out of his school? ? ?
all of a sudden,
The phone on Kong Weiyang’s desk rang,
And he can only show his mood to suppress his fluctuations and take the blame.
“Hey, I’m… Wang Ju?”
The person on the other end of the phone was none other than the person in charge of the education department of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
“President Kong, your school really has a real dragon, the first 22-year-old academician in the history of the Dragon Kingdom! ! ! Even the education system of the entire Shanghai stock market is honored…”
The voice on the other end of the phone was very exciting, and he obviously knew where Tang Zhenli came from.
“The bureau is polite…”

As Kong Weiyang spoke, the corners of his mouth would twitch from time to time, obviously he couldn’t control the smile he wanted to show all the time.
“That’s it, we plan to vigorously publicize the deeds of Academician Tang and hold lectures on learning in the city. The first stop is to start from No. 4 Middle School. What does Principal Kong think?”
“Yes, of course, no problem!”
Hearing this, Kong Weiyang was overjoyed. He was eager to publicize that Academician Tang Zhenli graduated from the Fourth Middle School. After the two chatted for a while, the matter came to a close.
Without further ado, the first lecture started from Shanghai No. 4 Middle School.
On the afternoon of the same day, the whole school issued a notice that all classes in the afternoon would cancel classes and attend special lectures in batches in the school auditorium.
Class three of high school,
After hearing the school’s broadcast, there was a neat exclamation from the class.
“Ziyue, I can finally be liberated! If I keep learning like this, I will collapse!”
The girl at the same table with Tang Ziyue said to her that there is still more than half a year before the college entrance examination. For senior three students, now they are either doing questions every day, or they are on the way. There are no entertainment activities at all, and mobile phones are more important. Forget it.
Life is boring and the task is heavy, no wonder she would say such a thing.
“What kind of lectures are you going to give?”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue’s delicate palm rested on her chin, and her face was full of confusion. Her outstanding appearance and her charming appearance immediately attracted the attention of many boys.
“Hey… It’s better to think so much than to go to class…”
Apparently, the same table is not clear. For the students of No. 4 Middle School, as long as they are in the school, they are in a closed environment, and neither outside interference nor news can affect them at all.
Therefore, even though Tang Zhenli’s matter is now known to the whole network, in just one day, the news cannot reach everyone’s ears at all.

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