Lectures? Isn’t this my brother?
that afternoon,
The school issued a notice that the students in the third year of high school will first conduct the study of special lectures.
As a senior in high school, I have more or less priority. Of course, this can be considered as a way to go back to class after listening to the lecture faster.
There are 50 classes in the senior year of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School this year, which means that nearly 3,000 senior students will enter a turning point in their lives next year. And the order of the classes also represents the level of the students, just like the third class where Tang Ziyue is located.
In layman’s terms, the better the grades, the higher the class number, and the classes are re-divided according to the final grades each semester.
Although this is simple but effective, it can stimulate the motivation of students to the greatest extent.
In those days, Tang Zhenli was called a god of learning because for six years from junior high school to high school, no matter what grade he was in, he was in the same class, and he ranked first every time!
It is rumored that Tang Zhenli is there, and the others can only compete for second place! !
The legend of the God of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School.
And now, this legend of his student days has once again created his own legend at an astonishing speed! ! !
Just then, a message came out from the broadcast,
“Please note that the first ten classes of the third grade of senior high school should gather in the school hall one after another! ! Please note that the third grade of senior high school.”
The voice of the broadcast fell, and it was almost the floor where Tang Ziyue was moving.
At this time, they also knew that it was time to go to the special lecture…
Needless to say, the senior high school students lined up in an orderly manner, heading towards the school’s large auditorium, which can accommodate nearly a thousand people.
Not long after, the huge auditorium was noisy,
After everyone took their seats one after another, the principal Kong Weiyang sat on the front desk with a fresh face, and the smile on his face has not stopped since they came in.
Kong Weiyang tested the microphone in front of him, and then continued,
“Classmates, good afternoon everyone, please be quiet now!”
When the principal spoke, the students naturally did not dare to be presumptuous, and the auditorium instantly became quiet.
– All the students looked at the principal in front of them curiously, not knowing what the content of this special lecture was…
After that, Kong Weiyang continued,
“Students, the first thing I want to say is that it is a great honor for me to be the tenth principal of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School. Looking back on the history of the school, our school has produced many talents in the past 100 years.”
After talking about I and watching, everyone also felt that something was wrong. After talking for a long time, the principal was still talking about the past. Could it be that in this special lecture, the principal is coming to school history today?
Not really… Logically speaking, isn’t this meant for incoming freshmen?
In fact, Kong Weiyang wanted to go straight to the topic, but somehow, under the excitement, he just felt more and more energetic, and completely forgot the concept of time.
“What is the principal talking about, I heard this when I first entered the school, right?
At this moment, Tang Ziyue’s tablemate couldn’t help complaining towards her.
As everyone knows, Tang Ziyue on the other side has already faintedFalling asleep, the little head hangs down, bit by bit, it looks very cute.
At this moment, it seems that Kong Weiyang came to his senses and started to get straight to the point,
“Looking back on the past, going one step further, your senior, Tang Zhenli, never forgets his original intention to build a dream together, forges ahead to write a brilliant chapter, in the field of controllable nuclear fusion
Made a major breakthrough, at only 22 years old, he became the youngest academician of our Longguo Academy of Sciences
Almost at the same time, there was an uproar in the audience, and discussions started.

“Holy shit, Tang Zhenli? Is that the god of learning three years ago???? Academician???? Controlled nuclear fusion???? Is that Tang Zhenli from ‘Zhuang Ba’???”
“This is the rhythm of conferring the gods!!!! Controlled nuclear fusion… that’s far off the mark!!!” Obviously, everyone is still concerned about some energy issues, and they are no strangers to controlled nuclear fusion.
“It turns out this is from our school!!!!”
“Legend of the Fourth Middle School, it really wasn’t called for nothing.

Kong Weiyang was chattering on the court, and the students were talking about it off the court.
Tang Ziyue’s deskmate was also in shock at this time. Even if she didn’t understand controllable nuclear fusion, it didn’t prevent her from hearing the news from her classmates.
With the title of academician alone, I don’t know how many people were shocked! ! ! But then he turned his head and found that Tang Ziyue was still drowsy,
While speaking, she shook Tang Ziyue’s arm.
“Huh? What’s the matter…”
Tang Ziyue’s little head was straight, her eyelids were fighting like a fight, she half-closed her eyes, and said weakly,
She was dreaming that her brother became a new star admired by everyone, and she was thinking about being beaten by her deskmate when the whole world announced that he was my brother.
“Ziyue, listen to the lecture quickly, our school has produced a great senior!”
“Great senior? Who?”
Tang Ziyue’s mental state recovered a little, he yawned, and said with some doubts,
Who is more powerful than his brother in Shanghai No. 4 High School?
“It’s Tang Zhen (the one who got the money). Three years ago when we were still in junior high school, we were famous as the god of learning. I heard that he developed controllable nuclear fusion and was in charge of the Four Sacred Project. And the former chief teacher of ‘Zhuangba’ is now the youngest academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences… In short, he is very arrogant…”
Tang Ziyue’s tablemate turned into a puzzle-solving expert at this time, and added to Tang Ziyue who had just deserted.
“Tang Zhenli? The god of learning? Controllable nuclear fusion? The Four Sages Project? ‘Zhuang Ba’ chief teacher, academician? ? ? ? ”
Tang Ziyue was taken aback when she heard Tang Zhenli’s name, thinking that she had heard it wrong, but then she became more and more confused, and finally realized when she heard the head teacher of ‘Zhuang Ba’.
Isn’t this my brother? ? ?
Dare to love this special lecture, is it just for my brother? ? ? ?
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