After a hundred days of hard work, I want to be admitted to Shanghai University of Science and Technology! ! ! !
After confirming the fishing boat, netizens also realized that there was a misunderstanding about Shangke.
What people say is true, but they still want to charge them directly!
After realizing their mistakes, everyone felt a little guilt and curiosity about the college that trained Academician Tang, or the original college.
As a result, many netizens also left messages under the official account of Shangke.
“The misunderstanding is cleared up, go to Shanghai University of Science and Technology, remember, I will directly revise! ! !”
“Fortunately, I didn’t arrive in time, or else I accidentally injured Academician Tang’s alma mater!”
“Forget it, I’m not pretending anymore, I’m going to showdown! After a hundred days of hard work, I’m going to be admitted to Shanghai University of Science and Technology! ! ! ”
“Me too!! (Zhang Fei expression pack)”
“It’s not to hit the two upstairs, I’m afraid there will be more than that many points in the next year…
“That’s all right, I’ll work hard for a hundred days, I’ll go to the construction site…”
“Me too!!! (Zhang Fei expression pack)”
“The two upstairs are at the same table…”
In fact, under the aura of Tang Zhenli, after the promotion of the Higher Vocational College, the development of the upper vocational college in the past two years has received the greatest help from the above. The allocation of teachers has been tilted, and the score line is no less than that of some colleges and universities. .
And after the exposure of the honorary principal of Tang Zhenli, it can be expected that more and more students will apply for the entrance examination next year. Under this premise, the score line will naturally rise sharply.
And it is said that in the next stage, Shangke will usher in a further transformation, officially transforming into a well-known university in Longguo. And all of this comes from just one person! ! !
Yandu, it is already mid-November. Although there is no snow, the gray and cloudy sky still brings a bit of cold. Jinling Bieyuan,
As a high-end villa group in Yandu, all kinds of greening are done in place, and all kinds of expensive green plants can be seen everywhere. But even so, under such bad weather, the flowerbeds and the plants on the roadside looked desolate.
inside the villa,
“I’m back! ! ! ”
As soon as Wu Shaoying opened the door, she attracted everyone’s attention. It could be seen that she was in a very good state of mind.
In fact, every day on the way back to school, Wu Shaoying would make a special detour to pass by the side gate of Jinling Bieyuan, just to catch a glimpse of the Sisheng Research Institute under construction.
She seemed to have decided in her heart that this must be prepared for Tang Zhenli!
As long as she stayed until the day it was completed, she and Tang Zhenli would obviously be closer, even if it was just a little bit closer, it made her extraordinarily happy.
On the other side, Sister Xia and the others seemed to be taken aback by Wu Shaoying’s childish playfulness, they just glanced at it and didn’t care too much. They are all used to Wu Shaoying’s changes during this time.up.
It seems that after planning to have a showdown with Tang Zhenli, Wu Shaoying’s mentality has undergone some positive changes.
“what the hell!”
Seeing that several people ignored her, Wu Shaoying pursed her mouth and murmured secretly, then she seemed to think of something, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes.
Secretly chose the best target to bully, Xiao Yin, it’s you! After that, he quietly came to the back of Xiao Yin,
“Ha! 〃 With a sound, Wu Shaoying’s two pairs of little hands, which were frozen like popsicles, reached into the poor little assistant’s chest very quickly!
“Ah! Sister Yingying! No way!〃
Xiao Yin’s petite body instantly bounced like a rubber band, and he let out an exclamation.
Then the two women fought for a while, and finally stopped when they were out of breath.
“Xiao Yin, I didn’t expect you to be so knowledgeable…”
A cunning flashed in Wu Shaoying’s eyes, and she compared her palms to Xiao Yin.

In an instant, the little assistant’s face turned red, and then he stuck out his tongue at Wu Shaoying.
Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin seemed to be used to Wu Shaoying and Xiao Yin’s fighting, so they just watched silently from the sidelines. “Ah! Sister Yingying, read this post quickly!”
Suddenly, Ye Yingxin, who had been obsessed with her mobile phone, let out an exclamation, turned her head and said to Wu Shaoying.
“What’s wrong? ”
Sister Xia was the first to move over, and then Wu Shaoying and the little assistant joined forces to move forward.
“In order to upgrade the cost, developed a controllable nuclear fusion
Sister Xia read the content on the phone word by word. In the end, the four girls looked at each other, their almond eyes widened. …ask for flowers…
As if they couldn’t believe it, they each took out their mobile phones to check.
After a while, I looked at Tang Zhenli’s original question, “Have you developed a controllable nuclear fusion energy upgrade?”
Xiao Yin asked with a little doubt in his tone.
“straight fake”
According to the fairy tale, she didn’t believe that her brother-in-law would do such a thing in the future!
Just as Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin were about to speak, Wu Shaoying’s determined voice reached everyone’s ears, with a slightly inexplicable tone.
“It should be true…”
After speaking, he directly handed the mobile phone to the three of them.
What appeared on Wu Shaoying’s mobile phone was the four big characters of “Jian Zhenzhen”, and under the officially certified yellow font, “Contacts in the Address Book” was impressively written on the back.
“Really!!!!” After confirming, the expressions on the faces of the three girls were extremely complicated.
After a while, only the weak voice of the little assistant sounded.
“Brother-in-law’s brain circuit…is really different from ordinary people like us…”
She knew she was wrong, and very wrong.
For someone like my future brother-in-law, I actually want to think about him with ordinary people’s thinking!
i’m so stupid….really…..
“Liao#? I can see his state of mind at that time from the question I asked. According to the time calculation, why is he so cautious when he developed controllable nuclear fusion?”
Ye Yingxin said in a daze, not only she, but the three people including Wu Shaoying could also see the state of mind of the questioner at that time.
how to say? Asking a question is still so…humble? ? ?
“Brother-in-law, what have you experienced…”
The little assistant said in a low voice with a weird expression on his face.
“I don’t know what he has experienced before, but I know that he will experience a sweet love soon!”
At this time, Wu Shaoying, who had been silent for a while, took the words, her pretty face was slightly tense, her eyes were shimmering, her fists were clenched tightly, and her tone was very confident.
This statement made Sister Xia and the three of them couldn’t help but stare sideways.
It seems that this time, Sister Tianxian is going to get serious!

how to say? Asking a question is still so…humble? ? ?
“Brother-in-law, what has happened to this…”
The little assistant said in a low voice with a weird expression on his face.
“I don’t know what he has experienced before, but I know that he will experience a sweet love soon!”
At this time, Wu Shaoying, who had been silent for a while, took the words, her pretty face was slightly tense, her eyes were shimmering, her fists were clenched tightly, and her tone was very confident.
This statement made Sister Xia and the three of them couldn’t help but stare sideways.
It seems that this time, Sister Tianxian is going to get serious!

“Suddenly, the motivation to take the postgraduate entrance examination came here?”
“It’s a pity that the registration period for this year has passed…Longke University, wait for me next year!!!”
“Ahhhhh! It would be great if I could see Academician Xiao Tang!!!”
Long Ke University did not stop this situation. In other words, it was a publicity in disguise. I believe that students who apply for Long Ke University next year will directly rise to a higher level.
The purpose of these students applying for the exam is definitely not ‘simple’, and I believe most of them are girls…
What can be seen is that there are definitely many people who have the idea of ​​​​competing with Tianxian sister! ! !
Just after that, there was another discussion on the Internet about Tang Zhenli’s promotion.
At the same time, the posts on the campus forum of Longke University were about to explode in an instant.
“Upgrading to a junior college??? So that’s what Academician Xiao Tang’s special recruiting undergraduates mean!!!”
“In this way, academician Xiao Tang developed controllable nuclear fusion for the purpose of upgrading his undergraduate degree??? No way
“I didn’t say that, although our Dragon University of Science and Technology is also a world-class university, it doesn’t seem that difficult to take the exam, right???”
“You don’t think it’s difficult because you’re a graduate student. As for Academician Xiao Tang…you know everything…”
“Is it true that the undergraduate degree of our Long Ke University has such a high gold content? It is even more difficult than a graduate student…”
“Do you know what controllable nuclear fusion is? Do you know what is the gold content of special recruit undergraduates!dog head)”

After several discussions, the students of Longke University once again had a deeper understanding of their Academician Xiao Tang. It is said that the thinking of a genius is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, and now I finally understand the true meaning of this sentence.
Longguo Science and Technology Department,
At this time, Ji Chengtian was inspecting various departments directly under the Ministry of Science and Technology.
As the general manager of the country’s scientific research, there are more than 20 departments directly under the Ministry of Science and Technology, and there are countless departments under the indirect jurisdiction of the local government.
At this moment, his confidential secretary came over and whispered something in his ear.
I saw Ji Chengtian raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, his expression froze, and then his expression became inexplicably strange.
Didn’t I hear that Tang Zhenli developed controllable nuclear fusion for the purpose of upgrading?
But thinking about it now, it’s not impossible…
After all, Tang Zhenli’s way of thinking is difficult for even him to understand…
Maybe the difference between a genius and an ordinary person is reflected in these details…
“Old Ji, what’s the matter?”
Li Wei and Wang Zhi, who accompanied Ji Chengtian on the inspection, looked at him with some doubts, the expression on Old Ji’s face…
“Xiao Liu, you can talk to them…”
Ji Chengtian came to his senses, then smiled, turned his head and said to his confidential secretary…
The confidential secretary who was replaced by Xiao Liu responded, and then told Wang Zhi and Li Wei that Tang Zhenli had developed it for the purpose of upgrading his undergraduate degree.

The ins and outs of controlled nuclear fusion.
“Li Bu, Wang Chu, that’s how things are…Academician Xiao Tang didn’t choose to be recommended, but took the college entrance examination, and there were some accidents during the college entrance exam… That’s why he finally got into a junior college…”
At the end, Wang Zhi and Li Wei had the same expressions as Ji Chengtian just now, with weird expressions.
And the abnormality of the three people made the subordinates of the science and technology department around feel terrified. What kind of thing could make the three bosses of the science and technology department show such expressions.
“Are we getting old, or is academician Xiao Tang’s thinking too far…”
After a long while, Li Wei muttered to himself in a voice that only the three of them could hear.
The scene back then was so big… Dare to be affectionate just for a college upgrade? ? ? ?
I don’t know whether this is the dereliction of duty of the Ministry of Science and Technology, or the dereliction of duty of the education department…
After that, Li Wei took a look at Ji Chengtian and Wang Zhi, and saw that they both agreed with each other.
After all, it is the world of young people, they don’t understand…
w I empty

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