This must be for that man again! !
Yandu, autumn goes and winter comes, if there is still a hint of bleakness in Yandu in November, then Yandu in December will undoubtedly be lonely and cold
Finally, on a gray afternoon, a biting cold wind brought Yandu the first snow this year.
The raging snowflakes are falling down one after another, and the biting wind is blowing. In Zhongguan Village, pedestrians with their necks shrunk, their collars tightened and their steps hurried can be seen everywhere on the road. The air is filled with cold and dry.
Almost overnight, after a night of heavy snowfall, all places in Yandu were covered with thick snow.
In Jinling Bieyuan, the cleaning workers outside are clearing the snow on the road.
In the warm villa,
The three women still sat on the sofa as usual, chatting a few words from time to time.
In such cold weather, even the crew couldn’t start work.
“Sister Yingying on weekends still likes to sleep in as always…”
The little assistant held a cute pillow in his arms, and glanced upstairs inadvertently.
“No, when I got up just now, I heard movement in Sister Yingying’s room
Ye Yingxin shook her head, and subconsciously glanced upstairs.
Hearing this, the little assistant tightened the pillow in his hand, and said incredulously.
“Have you guys forgotten the plan Yingying made some time ago?”
Sister Xia on the other side of the sofa picked up the coffee in her hand and took a sip, with a pleasant smile on her face, then said to the two of them.
“Um? ”
The little assistant and Ye Yingxin were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other.
Could it be… Miss Yingying is really planning to confess her love? ? ?
They thought Wu Shaoying was just talking last time…
But at this time, when I heard what sister Xia said, I couldn’t help but doubt it.
For Wu Shaoying, sister Xia, who has more experience, obviously knows best.
In the midst of a few people’s thoughts, there was some movement upstairs.
Immediately there were a few sounds of “staring, slamming, slamming, slamming”, and as expected, Wu Shaoying came down.
Looking at Wu Shaoying who didn’t look like he just woke up, the little assistant and Ye Yingxin were almost convinced. The only person who can keep Sister Yingying from sleeping in is that man…
A smile appeared on Wu Shaoying’s face, and she said to everyone.
“Morning, Miss Yingying!”
“Morning, Yingying
Sister Xia and the three also responded.
In the words, Wu Shaoying had already come to the sofa, inserted forcefully between Ye Yingxin and the little assistant, and held the two girls into her arms one by one, just like a strong queen.
The most important thing is that Ye Yingxin and Xiao Yin are still very obedient.
From this point of view, the charm of Tianxian sister does not only work among men.
“Yingying, are you ready?”
Seeing this, Miss Xia’s eyes flashed, and she said immediately.
“Of course… By the way, Miss Xia, I recently composed a new song, listen to it later…
Wu Shaoying was brimming with an incomparably confident aura at this time, obviously she had already planned how to confess her love!
“Yeah! Sister Yingying is writing a song again! Do you want to listen to it now?”
heard, littleYin rubbed against Wu Shaoying’s body like a kitten, and whispered coquettishly, while Ye Yingxin, who was on her left, also showed some expectation in her eyes.
When Wu Shaoying’s debut work after transformation was released, it received widespread praise, so for her second song, I naturally have great expectations.
rm rm
As sister Xia was speaking, a bell rang, interrupting what she was about to say.
She frowned slightly, then took out her cell phone and began to answer the call.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying simply took the little assistant and Ye Yingxin to her room to watch her latest song.
In the room, the decoration in warm colors makes it very cozy.
At this time, the three of them were sitting around on the small sofa, all eyes focused on Wu Shaoying’s computer.
“Stars and seas? Is this the song sister Yingying sang in the Science and Technology Museum last time?”
The little assistant was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of the inspiration for the new song that Wu Shaoying said at the Science and Technology Museum last time.
“Yeah, the song hasn’t been written yet, so please read the lyrics first…”
Wu Shaoying nodded slightly, and said immediately.
Hearing this, the little assistant and Ye Yingxin watched intently, and while watching, Ye Yingxin muttered words over and over again.
“Whenever you come to me, tell me that the stars and the sea, the light in the distance, walk with me and bloom at dawn…”
Seeing the end, Ye Yingxin said in a sour tone,
“Needless to say… This must be for that man again… Sister Yingying, when will we have this treatment…”
After the initial misunderstanding of Tang Zhenli was resolved, Ye Yingxin’s relationship with Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli gradually changed from opposition to support, and even turned into fanaticism in the end.
But seeing my idol writing songs for Tang Zhenli one after another at this moment, I still can’t help but feel a little sour in my heart!
“Want to be treated the same as my future brother-in-law? It’s not easy. Wouldn’t it be over to be a sister with Sister Yingying? Just like in ancient times…” The little assistant nodded her chin and said innocently.
“Little Yin, what’s in your little head all day long!!!”
“Little Yin, what are you talking about??”
Unexpectedly, after the words were finished, Ye Yingxin and Wu Shaoying’s expressions changed, and then they spoke in unison, both with embarrassment in their tone.
180 They naturally know what the little assistant means by being sisters like ancient times…
As a result, the poor little Yin was slapped with hands by the two girls who became angry from embarrassment, and his chubby bun face was also deformed under the clutches of the two.
It hurts… Sister Yingying, I was wrong… I won’t talk nonsense anymore”
There was a little sparkle in the little assistant’s eyes after being pulled, and he immediately begged for mercy.
Among the four, Sister Xia is the oldest and most calm eldest sister, and the youngest and purest is the little assistant Xiao Yin, so she often speaks surprisingly in the chat.
As always..
After the three girls fought for a while, they all looked out of breath.
At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open.
Sister Xia glanced at the disheveled three girls in surprise, a strange flash of eyes flashed in her eyes, and finally her eyes fixed on Wu Shaoying’s body.
“Yingying, I told you about a script just now, you can read it when the time comes…”
“Sister Xia, didn’t you agree not to accept the show…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying frowned, looked at Sister Xia and said.
“Don’t rush to refuse, you will know when the time comes after reading the script”
Sister Xia seemed to have expected it a long time ago, with an incomprehensible smile on her face.

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