
Dragon University, Planetary Engine Laboratory,
Tang Zhenli looked at the five people in front of him with a slight expression.The tired assistant had some different emotions pouring into his heart, and then said with a hint of relief in his tone.
“It’s been a lot of hard work for you recently…”
“Tang Gong, it’s not hard work… As long as you can witness the true knowledge, what is all this…
Although Qi Lu looked tired, his eyes were still bright, not only her, but also the other four.
“Having said that…I’m sorry, it’s all from the same road, so I won’t say more.
Tang Zhenli just wanted to speak, but halfway through, he realized that he and their ideals and goals are the same, so the source of forging ahead is naturally the same.
For people on the same road, no amount of words is as good as a look.
In the end, Tang Zhenli moved in his heart and continued to speak.
“You guys go back to rest now. The large laboratory may be completed in a few days. At that time, our team will usher in a qualitative change. You have to be mentally prepared, and you can go back and adjust…”
“That’s great, I can finally cast my fists with all my strength…”
Hearing this, the five assistants also showed joy on their faces.
Having said that, the five of them knew that even more difficult work awaited them in the future, and they did not hesitate to return to their respective dormitories.
And Tang Zhenli went straight to his apartment after checking the laboratory.
The five security teams escorting him also acted immediately, carrying out the security work in an orderly manner.
As usual, Tang Zhenli walked slowly on the campus, but he was quickly recognized by his current popularity.
“Academician Tang… it’s Academician Tang!”
“I actually saw the real Academician Tang!
“He’s more handsome than the picture! ! ! He’s handsome and talented, I love him!” “Idol! Idol!”

The students of Long University of Science and Technology became excited one after another, and even the girls rushed over directly, seemingly wanting to have a close contact with Tang Zhenli.
Fortunately, the surrounding security team was not a vegetarian and stopped her directly.
“Huh? What’s the matter?”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s heart flashed a trace of doubt.
And as soon as the news spread here, the nearby students of Longke heard the wind, trotting all the way towards him.
– Running and shouting, there are many bold girls among them.
“Academician Xiao Tang!! I love you! I want to give you a monkey!!!! 〃
〃 Academician Xiao Tang, sign me! ”
This kind of situation made Tang Zhenli frown subconsciously, Xiao Tang…Academician? ? ?
Are you talking about yourself? ? ? When did you become an academician? ? ?
How does this feel… I haven’t come out for two months, and the whole world has known me!
Under the large number of people, until the end, the five security teams were almost unable to hold on.
Fortunately, at this time, he had already reached the downstairs of the teacher’s apartment.
Tang Zhenli saw that the situation was not good, he turned around quickly, and went directly into the teacher’s apartment.
Looking at the slightly fanatical crowd downstairs, Tang Zhenli felt a sense of fear in his heart, and his scalp was slightly numb.
Although he didn’t know what happened, he knew very well that if he was surrounded by the crowd downstairs, the consequences would definitely be predictable.
After returning to his apartment, Tang Zhenli became more and more confused. Looking at the crowd downstairs who refused to leave for a long time, he muttered something subconsciously.
“What the hell happened here?”
Out of curiosity, I just wanted to take out my phone to investigate.
But when I touched my pocket, I found that the mobile phone was still charging in the laboratory, and the tablet was also left in the laboratory.
…ask for flowers…
For a while, he actually found that he didn’t have a qualified communication device in his hand…
But looking at the crowd downstairs, Tang Zhenli didn’t have the intention to go to the laboratory…
Shaking his head slightly, Tang Zhenli went straight to the bed after taking a shower.
Soon after, steady breathing came from the room.
the next day,
Outside the Sisheng Research Institute, which has been largely completed, some leftover construction waste has been cleaned up.
From the outside, the entire six-storey building presents a courtyard structure with no more than ten cutting-edge laboratories inside, and the building materials used are all constructed according to the highest standards in the world.
More importantly, in addition to the six floors on the bright side, there is another mystery in the basement of the research institute.
The basement is divided into three floors, each of which has a super-large laboratory, and a lot of anti-detection materials and equipment are specially installed on the periphery of the underground laboratory.
In fact, most of the institute’s construction period was spent on this basement.
It can be said that the level of confidentiality and security in this basement is top-notch in the Dragon Kingdom!
Looking at the overall situation, the entire laboratory is fully ready to be put into use.
And in fact, the Four Saints Research Institute is just an insider’s name.
In the eyes of outsiders, the official name of this institute is “Dragon Country Advanced Power Plant Research Institute”.
Today, the listing of the institute is imminent!
Everyone understands that after the listing, it is the official settlement, which means that the four saints return to their places…
-Thinking of that huge plan, many people who learned the news also felt a heat in their hearts.

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