The legend of the Dragon Kingdom! !
Just when the Sisheng Research Institute was preparing for its listing.
Early in the morning, Tang Zhenli walked through the snow-covered campus of Longke University with a cautious expression and returned to the Planetary Engine Laboratory.
Snowflakes are still falling in the sky, and even the students are tired and lazy under the cold weather, but Tang Zhenli is a little fortunate in his heart, or elseIf not, it might be like last night’s scene again.
Here, Tang Zhenli, who returned to the planetary engine laboratory alone, returned to his office.
To his surprise, a leader of the security team who had been by his side to protect him actually followed him in.
Seeing the middle-aged man in a black uniform walking towards him with heavy steps, Tang Zhenli was slightly startled, raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a while, and then subconsciously glanced out the window.
Then I saw the team leader take out a paper thing, put it on the desk, and said in a respectful tone.
“Academician Tang…this is your letter of appointment, please read it…”
After nearly a “193” month process, the academician special appointment letter issued by the Dragon Academy of Sciences to Tang Zhenli was finally in place today.
In order to distinguish it from other academicians and academicians selected in the future, Tang Zhenli was appointed as an academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences by special appointment
He didn’t use the usual recommendation and voting process. In a sense, Tang Zhenli was the first academician in Longguo since the establishment of the academician system.
〃letter of appointment? ”
Tang Zhenli glanced at him sideways, and then focused on the document on the table.
“Yes, Academician Tang… I have sent the letter of appointment, so I won’t bother you…”
The team leader nodded, with a resolute face, and left the laboratory straight after speaking.
As a result, he was left alone in the office again, his eyes flickered slightly, and without any hesitation, he picked up the documents on the table and looked at them.
“After discussion and decision between the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo and the Academy of Sciences of Longguo, Comrade Tang Zhenli is hereby appointed as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Longguo in view of the significant and outstanding contributions made by Comrade Tang Zhenli in the scientific research circle of Longguo…”
Finally, look at the two big seals of the Longguo Science and Technology Department and the Longguo Academy of Sciences at the end.
Tang Zhenli still didn’t turn the corner in his mind for a while, so he became an academician? ? ?
At this time, he suddenly thought of the old man. He heard that the old man has been coveting academicians for a long time, and he almost got elected before.
Unexpectedly, on the contrary, I helped him realize his dream first…
At this time, he also reacted, and there was a faint understanding in his expression. No wonder the students of Longke University called him Xiaotang Academician yesterday…
Daring is the reason…
Then he picked up the mobile phone that was still charging on the desk, wanting to see what happened during the two months he was addicted to the experiment… Looking at it, Tang Zhenli’s complexion changed a little, and then his tone was a little inexplicable Said to himself.
“Controlled nuclear fusion has been exposed? But this is a good thing…”
With the current achievements of Dragon Kingdom in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, even if it is announced, it is not a big deal, but it will be more conducive to improving people’s livelihood.
I think it has already caused a sensation in the international community. Needless to say, Longguo must have made sufficient preparations for the announcement of the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion this time. In other words, Longguo has already done the first stage of technology sharing. preparation.
Of course, this is not completely shared, and other countries will naturally need to pay some price if they want it.
Based on the past experience of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely make a lot of money this time and become a scientific research powerhouse with a complete comprehensive technology system. More importantly, under the various influences brought about by technological progress, various fields of the Dragon Kingdom will usher in a new take-off! But all of this is not something he has to worry about…
But thinking of this, Tang Zhenli still showed a smile with a sense of accomplishment.
There is no doubt that everyone will be proud to see that their research has brought great benefits to the country and to the people.
“what? ”
At this moment, Tang Zhenli’s eyes twitched. He saw his name on the news pushed by major software.
turn out to be,
Dragon Kingdom not only announced the controllable nuclear fusion,
He also announced his identity…
No wonder… Yesterday I felt like the whole world knew me…
“Heavenly genius, the youngest academician of the Dragon Kingdom! Tang Zhenli, the father of controllable nuclear fusion!”
“‘Zhuangba’ power master! The father of controllable nuclear fusion! The person in charge of the Four Sacred Project! The youngest academician of the Longguo Academy of Sciences has a not ‘young’ resume!!
“Legend of the Dragon Kingdom!!”
Looking at the news that almost praised him, Tang Zhenli felt a little twisted in his heart.
This feeling is like being behind the scenes all the time, and suddenly standing in front of the stage.
In his spare time, Tang Zhenli also felt a little curious, and then flipped through the news one by one.
The phases in which the largest number of these news were found were all concentrated one month ago.
Looking at some half-truths and half-fake news, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help laughing secretly.
Regarding these news, he just read it purely with the idea of ​​passing the time. If there is much fluctuation in his heart, it will not be…
But the news that followed made him feel a little nervous.
If it is said that the news about him can still be calm, then the next few news will make some ripples in his heart.
° “The boy that the fairy sister Wu Shaoying likes! Describe the legendary experience of the legendary academician Tang Zhenli in detail!”
“How to make Sister Tianxian chase after me? If there is no conclusion before, please refer to Academician Tang’s template now!”
“A boy who can make Wu Shaoying confess in person! What is so special about Academician Tang?”
Looking at the almost clarified news, for some reason, Tang Zhenli’s heart beat a little faster. For some reason, he felt an unspeakable sense of nervousness at this moment…
After a long while, an inexplicable murmur came out of his mouth.
“Wu Shaoying, do you like me? Backtracking?”
With his eyes flickering, Tang Zhenli recalled the past when he and Wu Shaoying got along.
Between myself and Wu Shaoying, when did I start to recognize each other?know?
Almost instantly, his powerful memory reminded him… It was junior high school, it seemed that he was still at the same table at that time.
From then until high school, due to the ranking mechanism of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School, Tang Zhenli was always in the top class.
Thinking back carefully now, it seems that Wu Shaoying’s class has not changed, she has always been in the same class as herself!
If he didn’t think about it carefully, Tang Zhenli almost forgot that Wu Shaoying was also a hidden schoolmaster!
Then when I was in college, my former classmates had transformed into a well-known star…
And the subsequent contact will start from the first meeting in the vocational college, and then continue until now…
In the end, Tang Zhenli was a little surprised to find that from his youth to now, this girl has never been absent from her life.
at any stage in your life…
Before that, it was not surprising that Wu Shaoying appeared in front of him again, and it seemed that he was not surprised by this weird coincidence.
been ignored
, or… get used to it? !
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s mood is a bit complicated. Even now, no matter how slow he is in reacting to this aspect, how can he not detect the abnormality…
all of a sudden,
He remembered the first question he asked Wu Shaoying in the Vocational College
It turns out…she really wasn’t passing by…
Are you really coming after me? ?
For a moment, Tang Zhenli propped himself on the table with complicated emotions, he didn’t know what was going on in his mind… Just now, he remembered the bright and moving smile when he met Wu Shaoying for the first time… What is he? Sometimes I selectively ignore her…
For a while, Tang Zhenli fell into deep thought.
It seems that after awakening from the scientific research system, Tang Zhenli devoted all his attention to scientific research.
Only now did he realize that he seemed to have neglected a very important person beside him…

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