The big guy in the container! !
Northwest Space Base,
Compared with Yandu’s gray and cloudy days, the Gobi Desert in the northwest was finally taken care of by the sun.
Even though the average temperature of the two places in December is almost the same, the warm sunshine will always give people a warm feeling. After getting off the plane, he suddenly came out of the closed cabin, and Tang Zhenli’s right hand could not help blocking the sunlight.
After getting used to it for a while, Tang Zhenli pondered in his mind as he watched the busy staff carrying the containers loaded with ‘Hanguang’ into the warehouse.
Heart Unrivaled performance test… To be honest, even he doesn’t have a specific plan in mind…
After all, the big guy in the container in front of me is the only one in the world. Humans’ use of this field is equivalent to zero…
If you have to say it, maybe some of the performance reference data in the movie can be used as a test item.
In his thoughts, it suddenly occurred to him that the mecha, as a substitute for humans in a sense, was created to perform some tactical actions according to the instructions of humans, and even more…
Gradually, Tang Zhenli’s mind was faintly enlightened, but at this moment, two familiar voices interrupted their thinking.
“Tang Gong!”
When he turned his head to look, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan were walking towards him with smiles on their faces.
“Wei Gong Wang Gong I”
Seeing this,’ Tang Zhenli also smiled and nodded towards the two of them, and then said.
“To be honest, the main purpose of this time is to borrow the space of the space base, and seminars and the like are secondary…”
“Oh? ”
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan looked at each other with a hint of understanding in their eyes.
it is as expected!
Then, Wei Pengyu seemed to think of something and said.
“Gong Tang is very kind! Our aerospace base has always regarded Tang Gong as one of our own. If you want any venue, feel free to mention it. The aerospace base will fully cooperate!”
Seeing that Wei Pengyu had said this, Tang Zhenli nodded, and then he didn’t bother to go around, and said straight to the point.
“Well, in this case, I’m welcome, I need a place that is confidential enough but must be empty, and the venue is not limited to indoors.
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan were startled. This kind of request is really rare…
Suddenly, Wang Shan’s heart moved, and her expression changed a little. It seemed that she thought of a place, and she immediately said to Tang Zhenli,
“Tang Gong, I know there is a place, but it’s still some distance away from our base…”
“You mean
But before Tang Zhenli could speak, Wei Pengyu reacted immediately.
On the contrary, Tang Zhenli was a little overwhelmed by the two of them. Seeing this, Wei Pengyu also turned his head and said to Tang Zhenli.
“Gong Tang, when will the test be…”
“As soon as possible, of course it’s better now!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was quite succinct. He didn’t ask in detail where it was, but said directly.
“Okay! I’ll arrange the vehicle and get ready to go!”
After speaking, Wei Pengyu glanced at the container in the distance, then took out his mobile phone and ordered.
As the chief engineer of the original ‘Zhuangba’ project, Wei Pengyu’s position in the aerospace base is at the top of the pyramid. Therefore, the authority equivalent to the status is naturally indispensable.
Soon after, a heavy truck and a crane drove up from the airport of the aerospace base, and several off-road vehicles stopped at the gate of the airport. Looking at this, Wei Pengyu called a convoy.
Then, under the command of the staff, the crane hoisted the container onto the heavy truck.
After that, Wei Pengyu waved at Tang Zhenli, and then said,
“In that case, Tang Gong, let’s go!”
Then He and Wang Shan walked straight towards the off-road vehicles at the gate.
Tang Zhen responded with a sound and followed behind the two of them.
After coming to the space base this time, Tang Zhenli’s heart set off some waves for the first time…
Test… I hope that ‘Hanguang’ will not disappoint yourself as much as possible!
As for the original discussion meeting…it has been completely abandoned at this time.forgot…
Obviously, for Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan, the guy in the container is obviously more attractive than the discussion meeting!
After all, the progress of each sub-item of the “Heavenly Court Project” has to be reported to the space base with the general design plan every day… In this regard, it is not so important for the two to discuss and not discuss.
For them, the progress of the Four Saints Project is a little more mysterious now!
As for Tang Zhenli, not to mention, his purpose in coming to the space base was not for the discussion meeting of the “Heavenly Court Project”.
Under various factors, the three of them at this moment seemed to have deliberately ignored the discussion meeting on the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ originally scheduled to be held in the afternoon.
Afterwards, the three of them boarded an off-road vehicle, followed by several off-road vehicles, all of which were accompanied by staff, and finally the heavy truck and crane loaded with “.Hanguang”.
A train consisting of several cars drove towards the vast Gobi Desert.
After a long journey for several hours, the convoy slowly stopped in one place.
This is a barren land, and it is also a Gobi Desert, but some buildings that remain on the ground can be vaguely seen that there are traces of people living here before, and there are quite a few people.
Because these remnants of dilapidated buildings are spread over a wide range, this scale seems to be an abandoned base.
Tang Zhenli got out of the car, looking a little surprised, and then said to Wei Pengyu who was getting out of the car at the back.
“Wei Gong here is”
“Here was the experimental base of the atomic bomb of Longguo, 100 kilometers away, and it was the test site of the first atomic bomb of Longguo!”
Wei Pengyu looked at the dilapidated experimental base with a solemn expression and a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.
(Denuo is good) “Is it an experimental base for the atomic bomb…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was shocked, and when he looked at this vast building complex, there was a wave in his heart.
it was here
Yuan Guo’s broken spine in modern times started from here and started to stand up again…
That generation of hard-working older generation is here, not afraid of hardships, swaying their sweat recklessly, and this has made the Dragon Kingdom as strong as it is today!
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli felt a sense of respect for this land in his heart.
Qingshan was fortunate enough to bury his loyal bones, why should Ma Ge be wrapped up and returned!
Inexplicably, looking at this broken and vast land, Tang Zhenli felt a sincere and sacred meaning in his heart.
Although the original ancestors have gradually disappeared over time, the faith endowed by this land has never disappeared! If you have to go into detail, it can only be because they
ever been here!

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