Experts: Wait? ? ? Is that a man flying in the sky? ? ? ?
the original experimental base,
Looking at these weathered buildings, Tang Zhenli’s thoughts were complicated.
The seniors have already returned to Xinghai, but the things they left behind are still protecting the people. Thinking about it carefully, isn’t this what it means to be involved in scientific research?
Human civilization progresses alternately, and for individual human beings, this span is terrifyingly long.
But…it is undeniable that no matter how long the time span is, if all this is meaningful, then there is no regret…
As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening!
This…maybe the meaning of the existence of each generation of scientific researchers!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed a ray of light, and the faith in his heart became more and more firm, and there was a whisper that ordinary people could not hear.
‘ Guarded by the youth of my generation ‘
Afterwards, Jiu Zhenli took a deep breath and calmed down a little.
Turning to look at Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan who were already deploying the crane, they walked over with resolute steps.
When the crane lifted the container from the heavy truck, Tang Zhenli walked to the door of box 193 and slowly opened the container in the eyes of Wei Pengyu, Wang Shan and many other staff.
‘Hanguang’! Official debut in the world for the first time!
The titanium alloy body shone with a silvery-white metallic luster under the sunlight, and the joints connecting the limbs and the torso exuded a sense of mystery.
The six-meter-high body in a static state shocked everyone’s perception, and the strong and powerful limbs were full of violent aesthetics, which caused it to be clearly not loaded with any lethal weapons, but it seemed to exude a dangerous atmosphere everywhere, even if it’s still at rest
Xin ° Everyone is watching it, as if watching a beast that devours people!
At the moment when “^guang” appeared, many staff members couldn’t hold back.
“Mecha??? This is a mecha???!!!”
“Oh my god! I can actually see a mecha appear in front of me in my lifetime!”
“Am I dreaming! ! !”
H 99
The sound of heated discussions came from the crowd, even though most of them had passed the age of blood.
But at this time, seeing a (biei) living mecha in front of him, how can he care about these, his eyes suddenly become hot…
Jin is that Wei Pengyu is no exception. At this moment, everyone completely interprets what it means to be a boy until death is a boy!
At this time, Tang Zhenli ignored everyone’s reaction and walked into the container early, looking for something under the feet of ‘Hanguang’.
“This guy Tang Gong… There is actually a mecha inside, maybe that’s what he came here for, right? The communication is just incidental!!” Wang Shan was equally shocked, and silently walked to Wei Pengyu’s side, and said with emotion.
“I… really don’t know what to say…”
Wei Pengyu was also silent for a few seconds. At this moment, he temporarily put away the shock in his heart and shook his head with a wry smile.I thought it was a module in the Four Saints plan before, but now it seems that this is completely different from what they thought before.
This mecha… except the power system may have something to do with the Four Saints plan…
But in other respects, it doesn’t look like part of the Four Saints plan…
This professional field spans… it must be too big!
And what Wang Shan said is very likely to be true.
On the other side, Tang Zhenli crouched at the feet of ‘Hanguang’, holding a laptop in his hand, which was a mobile terminal of the ‘Tianji’ intelligent system, and the other end was connected to the ‘^guang’ drone armor.
In layman’s terms, if the ‘Hanguang’ UAV A is likened to a toy, then this laptop is undoubtedly its remote control device.
Theoretically speaking, within a range of ten kilometers, ‘Hangguang’ can be controlled. If it exceeds this distance, it can only start the system originally stored on its chip to complete some previously entered commands.
Tang Zhenli was tapping on the laptop at this moment, and after a while, a dull metallic sound came.
“The pregnancy system is activated!”
Then I saw the two small 360-degree high-speed cameras mounted on the eyes of “^ Guang” flashed a red light, and then the body trembled.
After Tang Zhenli gave the order to take a step,
Seemingly adapting, ‘Hanguang’ walked out of the container with slow steps with his right leg.
“Move, move! ! ! 〃
“It really moved, the mecha really appeared???”
Almost at the first moment of ‘Hanguang’ moving, the staff in the field immediately boiled. “It can really be done…”
Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan opened the corners of their eyes, and then twitched, this… it’s so simple!
But the next order from Tang Zhenli was not so simple, after ‘Hanguang’ walked out of the container.
In addition to the basic action instructions, Tang Zhenli also issued running, upper body stretching, and even rolling, etc…. This operation can be said to be stunned by everyone.
When did our mecha technology become so mature? ? ?
Completely anthropomorphic?
Of course, these are just basic operations. In the end, there is something to be done…a flight test…or a long-distance raid!
In the original design plan, Tang Zhenli’s expected maximum combat attack speed is 300m/h, which means that the flight speed must at least reach this speed, and in the overclocking state of the white tiger power module, it is necessary to be in a small space. To achieve this instantaneous speed, and also to be able to retract freely.
The difficulty during this period can be imagined. Just ask, a large man weighing more than ten tons needs to accelerate to a certain speed in a short period of time, and then hedge its inertia in a short period of time. This difficulty… is simply unimaginable!
But fortunately, the white tiger power module has been developed to this day, with the technical strength of the two sets of vector jet thrusters behind the ‘Hanguang’, it may be able to complete these flashbacks.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli breathed a sigh of relief, then took a half step back, and gave the order to travel around two kilometers to the maximum cruising speed! After the order was given, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the jet mounted behind the ‘Hanguang’ emitted a blue flame. Almost instantly, the body weighing nearly 20 tons was pushed by the thrust generated by the powerful White Tiger power module. , all of a sudden jumped to the sky.
This speed is so fast that the intellectuals present have no time to organize the language, and can only subconsciously say the words that they want to spit out the most.


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