Could it be… This is Academician Tang’s mecha? ??
Northwest Aerospace Base, the ‘Zhuangba’ project building, or the ‘Tianting Plan’ design building at this time.
In a huge conference room, the experts and scholars who came to participate in the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ seminar kept walking around. Some are from other space bases, some represent their own research institutes… There should be one or two hundred people, big and small. Overall, the scene was very lively, and there was no serious atmosphere like a meeting.
In fact, the seminar is not a meeting-like discussion like ordinary people imagine, but a free discussion with relatively casual speeches.
To a certain extent, it is more like a gathering in the scientific research circle of Longguo, and the purpose is not strong.
It is one of the ways for many academic experts to contact the results of emotional exchange.
At this time, in a corner of the conference room,
Tang Heguang and Wan Wende were carefully looking at everyone who was walking back and forth~.
“Old Tang, your eldest grandson – isn’t it impossible to tell?” Wan Wende shrank his head at this moment, and glanced at the surroundings vigilantly.
“Who knows! I just got the news, and they said they would come. I heard that they sent more than 100 invitations and didn’t reply.
Why did it come again? I knew I wasn’t coming…”
At this moment, Tang Heguang also looked around carefully like a thief. “More than 100 invitations! Your eldest grandson’s card… No one else!”
Wan Wende was obviously taken aback by this number, and said with a surprised expression, then he seemed to realize that he was a little too flamboyant, and immediately shrank his head again.
Obviously, Tang Heguang and Wan Wende at this time are carefully avoiding meeting with Tang Zhenli… Because if they do, the honorific title of academician will not be able to escape…
At that time, the old faces of the two will not be able to mix in the scientific research circle of Longguo…
The two of them had planned before that in public, they would try not to meet Tang Zhenli if they could.
So at this time, it led to the two of them participating in a seminar like thieves.
Just when the two of them couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to apply oil to the soles of their feet, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened.A staff member of the space base hurried in, then glanced at the crowd, and finally walked towards the center
This behavior naturally attracted everyone’s attention, and their eyes were fixed on the staff member who came in.
And even though the staff member’s scalp was numb from the sight of many bigwigs present, when he thought of the importance of reporting the matter, he still took the risk and walked towards the center of the conference room.
The atmosphere in the conference room was quiet for a while…
The staff member finally stopped in front of an old man with white hair and beard. The old man was called Zu Qianqiu, a senior academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, and also the vice chairman of the Northwest Space Base Management Committee, commonly known as the second of the space base. handle.
In fact, the chairman of the space base management committee is already in a semi-retired situation, so Zu Qianqiu is now the second-in-command in name and the first-in-command in reality.
I saw that the staff member came to Zu Lao’s ear, and he raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, and there was a trace of shock during the period.
“You’re telling the truth?”
“Old Ancestor, it’s absolutely true!”
The staff member nodded affirmatively, only let him frown, pondering for a moment, Zu Lao continued.
“You put out the video information you shot and let everyone see if it’s true or false…”
The staff member just wanted to open his mouth to explain that this is the video data taken by Tianshu satellite, which is absolutely true, but after thinking about it, let it go. This thing… it’s better to let everyone see it!
Then the video data was uploaded to the screen in the conference room.
In the video, it is a humanoid creature dodging and moving in the sky, and every movement and gesture can be described as unrestrained.
But since I can only see an outline, I can’t tell what it is for a while.
Therefore, this also caused the faces of the experts and scholars in the field to change again and again.
Finally, an old professor couldn’t help it and blurted out.
“This is a man flying in the sky??? Where was this video filmed!”
The voice fell, and there was a lot of discussion in the huge conference room, which suddenly became noisy.
Only Du Wenxuan in the crowd looked at the ‘humanoid creature’ in the picture thoughtfully. Could it be… this is Academician Tang’s mecha? ? ? The visual screen was too blurry, and he couldn’t make judgments. He was the only member of the expert group in the exchange group yesterday, and he couldn’t find anyone to discuss and verify for a while. Thinking of this, he could only keep silent.
After seeing the video screen, the previous ancestor fell into contemplation for a while, and after a long while, he said in a somewhat inexplicable tone,
…ask for flowers…
“You mean this was filmed just now, where was it filmed?”
“Elder Zu, it’s over our original atomic bomb test base…”
Hearing Zu Qianqiu’s question, the staff member also said honestly.
“Atomic bomb test base?”
Hearing this, Zu Qianqiu’s eyes flickered for a moment, as if he thought of something, his expression returned to calm, and then he stroked the white beard on his chin, as if he was contemplating.
No wonder…the space base was discovered so quickly. The atomic bomb test base is a restricted military area. Except for two days a year, it is open to the outside world. If you don’t get the space base’s permission to enter the rest of the time, it can be treated as a spy.
And judging from the sporadic vehicles and crowds posted on the video screen… it doesn’t seem like they sneaked in.
Suddenly, Zu Qianqiu thought of the greeting Wei Pengyu gave him in the morning, and he knew it immediately.
It was so…
“Elder Zu, is there any clue…”
When a group of experts and scholars saw the strangeness of Zu Qianqiu, their hearts moved, and they couldn’t help but come up and ask curiously.
Unexpectedly, Zu Qianqiu said directly to the subordinate who was still waiting for instructions,
“Go on, don’t worry… It should be Wei Gong, Wang Gong and Academician Tang who are doing the test there…”
In fact, after the staff member mentioned the original experimental base, Zu Qianqiu remembered that Wei Pengyu greeted him in the morning…
At the moment when Zu Qianqiu finished the test, Du Wenxuan’s eyes glared, and he couldn’t react, and said subconsciously, “Is it really Academician Tang testing?”
As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention, including Tang Heguang and Wan Wende, who just wanted to apply oil to the soles of their feet… A group of people saw that Du Wenxuan was an insider, and they immediately gathered around.
Indeed, this ‘humanoid’ flying in mid-air is too incredible.
Seeing this, Du Wenxuan gave a wry smile, and then he could only tell about the mecha that he saw at the Four Saints Research Institute the day before yesterday.
“As far as I know, what Academician Tang and the others are testing should be the humanoids in the video, that is, the voice of the unmanned exploration mech fell, and the scene was silent.
“As far as I know, what Academician Tang and the others are testing should be the humanoids in the video, that is, the voice of the unmanned exploration mech fell, and the scene was silent.
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But Shao Sheng is to blame. This mecha, which was completely regarded as tasteless in the past, why is this progress so fast!
You must know that it has been three months since the establishment of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’.
It is impossible to develop a finished product, but if I have to say, it is not impossible if it is developed by other research institutes, maybe people have secretly engaged in this research in the past..
But this was developed by the Four Saints Research Institute! The Sisheng Research Institute has been established in less than a month!
And it is cross-disciplinary research and development!
Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes turned to Du Wenxuan with sympathy… From this perspective, it is very likely that the Four Saints Institute will have more than one in their hands.Project is up…
The man at the Four Saints Research Institute…it’s terrifying!
Upon seeing this, Du Wenxuan was surprised for a moment, and then a sudden burst in his heart, obviously he realized a problem that he had not realized before…
I was surprised when I patronized it before, but I didn’t even think about this aspect… It used to be the power system, so it won’t be the turn of mecha technology.

Immediately, a sense of crisis emerged in my mind, and the more than 20 academicians who competed with the Sisheng Research Institute were all defeated…
No, I have to figure out a way…
On the other side, the atomic bomb test base,
“Bang” sounded, ‘Han Guang, an extremely neat whereabouts, hit the ground directly, and immediately set off a cloud of dust.
In the end, the whole mecha was frozen in a wind-pulling posture, which caused many people to stare in astonishment and whisper.
However, Tang Zhenli was unmoved. Through this test, he still saw some problems.
As we all know, there are two basic systems for mecha, power system and control sensor system. As far as the current situation is concerned, the white tiger power module
performance is perfect.
However, there are still some shortcomings in the manipulation of the sensor system. The indirect manipulation of artificial intelligence commands brings the problem that people cannot see the real-time state of the synchronous comprehensive mecha, so when the command is issued, it is inevitable that there will be a short paragraph. Delay.
If it’s normal, it’s fine, if it’s an emergency, the difference of one second is a huge difference…
Therefore, in terms of control and sensing, it is still necessary to continue to improve. It is best to improve the holographic imaging technology and neural sensing technology, and set up a special cockpit. This is the future trend.
However, this can only be returned to the Four Saints Research Institute for consideration.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli issued the last command through the mobile terminal in his hand, ‘Hanguang’ slowly walked into the original container, and then fell dormant…
“Tang Gong, the test is over?”
At this time, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan also came up. Both of them had complex expressions. The speed and flexibility of the mecha just now made people feel shocked.
“Well, things are looking good so far… we can go back.”
Tang Zhenli was still thinking in his mind, and subconsciously replied.
When the words fell, Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan looked at each other, knowing that Tang Zhenli was thinking at the moment, and would not bother after that.
Just turned around and continued to direct the staff to hang up.
After a while, the convoy was ready to go and began to return.
On the way back, Tang Zhenli still didn’t say a word, and Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan also did not speak very interestingly.
It wasn’t until he was near the space base that Tang Zhenli took a deep breath before he came back to his senses. He turned his head and asked Wei Pengyu with a concerned tone.
“Wei Gong, how is the overall design of the ‘Phoenix’ completed by the space base at present…”
“Oh… At present, the preliminary plan has been passed, but there is still a lot of work to be done…”
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu was stunned for a moment, wondering why Tang Zhenli suddenly cared about the design plan, but then he told the truth. “Oh
Tang Zhenli made an inexplicable response, and then seemed to be thinking again.

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