The Uneasy Wei Pengyu! Wouldn’t it be targeted by Tang Zhenli? ?
When the team returned to the space base, the time had come to the evening. The container loaded with ‘Hanguang’ returned to the airport again.
Due to time constraints, Tang Zhenli did not stay long, because Wu Shaoying’s concert is less than half a month away.
If it stays, I don’t know how long it will stay…
After all, ‘Hanguang’ has already completely appeared in front of the world, and the consequences that remain are no more than to say.
So after saying hello to Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan, and after the ‘Hanguang’ was loaded, Tang Zhenli drove away in the original Y-1 01 helicopter.
Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan stared blankly at the helicopter that disappeared into the night. After a long while, the two left.
Afterwards, Wei Pengyu returned to the office. As soon as he opened it, he was surprised to find that there was a guest in the office.
The two were stunned for a moment, looking at an old man with gray hair sitting on the sofa, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes, and the accompanying staff was on the side.
After seeing them come back, the two people on the sofa stood up at the same time. The staff here stood up and introduced to Wei Pengyu.
“Wei Gong, this is Professor Du Wenxuan, who is in charge of the remote control frame in the ‘Heavenly Court Project’…”
“Oh? Hello, Professor Du!”
Wei Pengyu was taken aback for a moment, then he stretched out his right hand with a polite smile on his face.
Seeing this, Wang Shan in the back waved to the staff member. The staff member nodded and walked straight out.
Only the two of them were left in the office.
“Hello, Wei Gong!”
It was Du Wenxuan who came, and he shook hands with Wei Pengyu while talking.
And the purpose of his trip was to discuss with Wei Pengyu. After all, Tang Zhenli came from the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project, so it was a no-brainer to find Wei Pengyu.
Apparently it was the afternoon seminar that gave him a wake-up call.
However, in front of Wei Pengyu, Du Wenxuan did not speak directly, but said it euphemistically.
“Wei Gong, I wonder if you feel that Academician Tang is not doing his job properly…”
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu raised his eyebrows, obviously not knowing what Du Wenxuan wanted to do.
But on second thought, unmanned exploration mecha is indeed no longer within the scope of Tang Zhenli’s accusation.
In this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that the last sentence is not doing business, but what Du Wenxuan said is not without reason.
Wei Pengyu thought of Du Wen againXuan’s identity is clear in his heart. It seems that Tang Gong’s unmanned exploration mecha should have put pressure on his research institute.
Dang Genjie explained with a smile
“Don’t worry, the unmanned exploration mecha of the Four Saints Research Institute is just out of curiosity, and will not affect the experiments under Professor Du’s command. Maybe you can complement each other in this regard in the future!”
However, this kind of explanation is obviously powerless in Du Wenxuan’s eyes. His eyes tightened and he looked at Wei Pengyu and said.
“Wei Gong, it’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s…it’s a lesson learned from the past! The previous power system.”
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu smiled slightly, and was about to continue explaining to Du Wenxuan, when suddenly his face became stiff.
Because in a flash in his mind, he suddenly thought of Tang Zhenli asking about the progress of the design plan in the car just now…
Immediately, his face froze, and then his expression changed.
Hiss~Could it be that…the question that Tang Gong asked earlier was purposeful? ? ? Isn’t the Four Saints Research Institute also working on the research and development of the design plan….
Study quietly, catch up behind the scenes…
The more Wei Pengyu thought about it, the more likely it was. You must know that Tang Zhenli’s previous achievements were completed quietly. Before the test stage, almost no one could predict what Tang Zhenli was doing… just like no one at this time Exploring mechs in general.
If it’s someone else, he has self-confidence, even if someone competes with them, it doesn’t matter, but… After all, this is the Four Saints Research Institute led by Tang Zhenli…
Thinking of this, for some reason, Wei Pengyu felt a sense of crisis inexplicably.
“Wei Gong, it seems that he has thought about it, I’ll go first…”
“it is good…”
After sending Du Wenxuan away, Wei Pengyu thought more and more that something was wrong, so he took out his mobile phone urgently and called Wang Shan.
“Wang Gong, we need to speed up the progress of our design plan!”
“Um? ”
Wang Shan on the other end of the phone is obviously a little confused, so I don’t know why Wei Pengyu is in such a hurry all of a sudden.
But before she could ask, Wei Pengyu continued.
“Isn’t the design of the first phase already completed? For the next complete phase, please inform the following, work overtime, and complete the design preparations for the ‘Phoenix’ as soon as possible at all costs!”
“Today Tang Gong asked about our progress…”
“Just ask… Wait, power? Mecha? Okay, I’ll speed up…” Wang Shan responded, and then only listened to Wei Pengyu on the other end of the phone to continue.
“It was the power system at the beginning… Now it seems that no one can escape the mech exploration!” Hearing this, Wang Shan’s heart tightened, and she, who was smart, naturally figured out Wei Pengyu’s metaphor after a little thought. Could it be that…the Four Saints Research Institute is not limited to the power system? ? ?
This is a blatant robbery! ! ! Hearing Wei Gong’s meaning… the unmanned exploration mecha has been severely damaged?
Thinking of this, Wang Shan was breathing heavily. After hanging up the phone, she urgently contacted the people in charge of the design of the ‘Phoenix’ and asked them to work overtime.
“Notify me, try to speed up the progress of the design plan!”
The researcher on the other end of the phone was stunned, and the current progress is considered to be very fast.
“Wang Gong, is there something wrong?”
“You said… can our aerospace base compare to the research institutes under the leadership of more than 20 academicians…”
Wang Shan didn’t answer directly, but said meaningfully.
“Hiss~ I understand!”
The researcher suddenly realized that the fact that the Four Saints Research Institute directly stranded the plans of more than 20 academicians had already been spread in the “Tianting Project”
Could it be 1… now it’s the space base’s turn? ? ? ? ?
The researcher was obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter, so he passed on the instructions.
193 almost instantaneously, the entire huge aerospace base is like a machine running efficiently, full speed horsepower. And without deliberate concealment, a piece of news was widely summoned inside the space base, and it was the kind that became more and more outrageous.
“Have you heard, it is said that the Four Saints Research Institute is not only focusing on the power module of the ‘Tianting Project’
“Who did you hear that, it’s outdated long ago, and now the mecha belongs to the Four Saints Research Institute…”
“You know what a fart, I heard that the Four Saints Research Institute is still developing the design of our ‘Phoenix’ recently, it is said that we will be banned…”
“What? The ‘Tianting Project’ is all owned by the Four Saints Research Institute?”
Over time, these increasingly outrageous news spread throughout the internal communication of the “Tianting Project” project to all the project teams participating in the “Tianting Project”.
Although most people don’t believe it, the overtime R&D and design plan of the Northwest Aerospace Base is real, and Academician Tang has a criminal record.
And the news from the Northwest Space Base seems to have caused a chain reaction.
Believe it or not, the person in charge of the hundreds of projects in the ‘Tianting Project’ has speeded up the process, so we must not procrastinate. The water is empty.
Over time, with the participants of the ‘Tianting Project’ working overtime day and night, the progress of the entire project was pushed forward very quickly.

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