One person makes the whole project involuntary! !
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Chief,
All matters are in the process of orderly preparations, and Ji Chengtian rarely sneaks in at this time, grabs a cup of tea and comes to the window, looking at the snow scene in the compound of the Ministry of Science and Technology, his expression is satisfied.
“Boom boom boom~”
At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in I”
Ji Chengtian turned his head slightly, and then said something loudly.
Then the doorknob of the office was turned, Li Wei walked in slowly, holding a report in his hand, and walked straight towards Ji Chengtian by the window.
In the end, he directly handed the report in his hand to Ji Chengtian, and said immediately.
“Old Ji, this is the detailed progress of this month’s ‘Tianting Project’…〃
“Um ”
Ji Yantian put down the cup in his hand, took the report, and glanced at it briefly, Ji Chengtian’s expression was a little strange and surprised.
“Unmanned exploration mecha??? Produced by the Four Saints Research Institute? Lao Li, you are right! Isn’t Du Wenxuan in charge of this aspect?? And how is the progress of the recent ‘Tianting Project’ compared to the speed of the previous few months? Ascension so fast…”
Li Wei who heard the words gave a wry smile, and then said,
“It’s not just you, I was shocked when I found out just now. After repeated confirmation, I can be sure that the unmanned exploration mecha is the Four Saints.
It was developed by the research institute, and the news was confirmed from the Northwest Space Base…”
It’s fine if Li Wei didn’t explain, but Ji Chengtian was even more confused after explaining this way, turned his head to face Li Wei, spread his hands, and said with a weird expression.
“You mean, the Four Saints Research Institute has developed an unmanned exploration mech that originally belonged to Du Wenxuan, and the news was confirmed from the Northwest Space Base??? Where does this come from?”
“This…Old Ji, this is indeed the case.”
Li Wei smiled helplessly. Although this matter seemed weird no matter how you looked at it, it happened to be true.
Seeing Ji Chengtian’s puzzled look, Li Wei had no choice but to explain slowly.
“Strictly speaking, the unmanned exploration mecha was discovered by the exchange group headed by Du Wenxuan when they went to the Four Saints Research Institute. The unmanned exploration mecha was officially unveiled when the space base held a discussion meeting two days ago. of…”
After a long explanation, Ji Chengtian had some understanding in his heart, but he still felt something was wrong.
The unmanned exploration mecha was developed by the Four Saints Research Institute, Ji Chengtian can barely understand it, but what does it matter to the Four Saints Research Institute that the speeding up of the ‘Tianting Project’ is in progress?
Seeing Ji Chengtian’s surprised face, Li Wei could only tell the ins and outs of these things one by one.
“It is said that the research and development of the Northwest Aerospace Base started to speed up the development of the design plan. I do not know where the rumors say that if this situation continues, the ‘Tianting Project’ may be returned to the Four Saints Research Institute…so there is a chain reaction that makes the entire project The competition has increased considerably, and the process has been accelerated…”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian slightly stretched his eyebrows, and then showed an inexplicable smile.
“So…the Four Saints Research Institute has started to involve the entire project team of the ‘Tianting Project’ by itself?”
“It should be so
Hearing this, Li Wei shook his head slightly, and then couldn’t help but secretly laughed.
“What is a lucky general? This is called a lucky general! No matter what you do, it will become a good thing if you make a mistake…” Ji Chengtian was very happy at this time, and said while laughing.
Finally, Ji Chengtian turned his head to look at Li Wei, and continued,
“So… ask Wang Zhi to allocate some more funds to the Four Sages Research Institute… To be honest, I wish there would be as many introspections as possible… I hope they can withstand the pressure that the Four Sages Research Institute puts on them!”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian laughed again, with a little inexplicable expression on his face.
“Okay, I’ll do it now
Li Wei nodded when he heard the words, and seemed to agree with this decision.
After finishing speaking, he left the office directly.
On the other side, Tang Zhenli finally returned to Yandu in the early hours of the next day.
When the sound of the propeller of the J 01 helicopter resounded over the research institute, the ground staff below came out of the research institute and quickly cleared the snow on the lawn so that the helicopter could land.
Fortunately, the staff in the research institute are basically on call 24 hours a day, and they have cleaned it many times before, so Yun-101 landed on the lawn very quickly.
After unloading “&light” and transporting it to the core laboratory on the third basement floor, Tang Zhenli also returned to the office he hadn’t seen for a few days.
Looking at a report on the desk, Tang Zhenli was taken aback. He was not in the research institute, and only Qi Lu and others were qualified to go down to the laboratory on the third basement floor in the entire Four Sacred Research Institute.
Out of curiosity, Tang Zhenli didn’t have time to wash up, so he picked up the report and read it.
December warehouse loss material report…”
Tang Zhenli looked at the report and murmured subconsciously at the corner of his mouth.
“Fifty million… so ‘Hanguang’ already used fifty million?”
Regarding these, Tang Zhenli really didn’t have any concept in his mind. Although 50 million (De Nuohao) was somewhat beyond his budget, in the final analysis, 50 million was just a number to him. There is no fluctuation.
In the past, he always focused on experiments, and the dean controlled all the materials, but now, as the head of the research institute, he still has to go through the necessary procedures.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli lost interest in the report, but he still sent the report to Fu Zhiyuan by email afterwards.
: Anyway, the dean should handle it well…”
After finishing all this, Tang Zhenli murmured, and then looked at his watch, it was almost six o’clock!
A wave of tiredness struck, and after washing up, when ordinary people were preparing to face a new day, Tang Zhenli fell into a deep sleep.

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