Father Witch: This is obviously to surprise us! ! It is indeed a little padded jacket! !
At noon, Long Ke University, Dean’s Office,
After Fu Zhiyuan came back from the research institute below, he saw a stack of reports on his desktop, so he sat on the office chair and read them directly.
“The Four Saints Research Institute developed unmanned exploration mechs?The one who came that day was an unmanned exploration mecha…”
When he read this report, Fu Zhiyuan raised his eyebrows, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was always uncontrollable. Xiao Tang… This is another job robbed from others, it really brings glory to our Longke University!
Apparently, Fu Zhiyuan was extremely happy to see Tang Zhenli’s ‘not doing business properly’.
Afterwards, Fu Zhiyuan looked at the report again and again, as if unable to extricate himself.
“With my own efforts, the process of the entire ‘Heavenly Court Project’ has been accelerated a lot…”
“Striving, really striving…”
Fu Zhiyuan looked at the report cheerfully, and he never got tired of reading it.
Turning his head to look at the snow scene outside the window, Fu Zhiyuan felt much more relaxed.
After a little peace of mind,
Fu Zhiyuan glanced from the corner of his eye,
Glimpsed the blinking computer icon.
Fu Zhiyuan didn’t pay attention to it for a while, and clicked directly,
“The warehouse material report of the Four Saints Research Institute…um”
Fu Zhiyuan touched his chin, nodded slightly, and after seeing a number 193, his expression froze, and the corners of his eyes twitched. “5…50 million unmanned exploration mechs!!!”
For a moment, his eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe it, then he rubbed his eyes, put on his reading glasses again, and looked at it carefully
stand up.
After seeing the expenses of “^light” item by item, he finally settled down in his heart.
“This… I really don’t know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt…
The material cost of the titanium alloy alone was almost 10 million. Looking at it, Fu Zhiyuan’s face gradually twitched. All good things in this matter are built up…
Titanium alloy materials, molecularly reinforced plastics, cutting-edge chips for aviation…
The price of fighting for spirit… is too expensive…
If you say 50 million, you can smash it! In the end, Fu Zhiyuan didn’t know what he had said. After swallowing hard, this was the first time he saw Tang Zhenli’s prodigal place.
Almost in an instant, the previous happy mood disappeared, and when he thought that it was exchanged for 50 million, his heart ached… He couldn’t be happy no matter what
Jinling Bieyuan,
Wu Shaoying was sitting on the small sofa in her room, her slender white legs were used as pads, and she was holding a large fat bear in her hands. From time to time, Xiuquan punched lightly a few times, as if he took it for someone.
“Damn…why didn’t you reply to the message…”
There was a voice of resentment in the room, and Wu Shaoying’s pretty face was tense, her plump mouth was pursed, and her eyes were fixed on the phone interface, as if she wanted to see flowers.
“I carry on”
After staring at it for a long time, Wu Shaoying seemed to be discouraged, and sighed, even though she was anxious, she was helpless and powerless.
I can only vent with the large doll in front of me…
“Kill you, kill you!”
In the end, Wu Shaoying seemed to be in the act, and directly bit the fat bear’s face with a small mouth.
“Yingying…your parents…huh?”
Unexpectedly, this scene was seen by Sister Xia who forgot to knock on the door and pushed in.
For a moment, the big eyes of the two women met the small eyes, especially the poor fat bear’s fluff around Wu Shaoying’s mouth, and the scene was a little awkward.
“Uh… that… that, I want to tell you, Yingying, your parents are here, so I won’t bother you for now.”
The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds. Miss Xia pretended not to see her, her eyes drifted, and she said immediately under her active mind.
After finishing speaking, without looking at Wu Shaoying’s expression, he closed the door directly, patted his chest with his right hand, and showed a hint of surprise on his face.
It seems… Yingying has really reached the age of wanting a man…
In the room, after Miss Xia left, on Wu Shaoying’s pretty face, a red mass rose from the neck to the cheek at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Wu Shaoying directly cupped her face with both hands, and then let out a muffled coquettish cry, as if she was ashamed to see others.
Just when Wu Shao was so ashamed that he couldn’t extricate himself…
Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai looked at their daughter’s villa curiously. Judging from their expressions, they should be very satisfied. , Now there are less than ten days before the concert, the husband and wife who received the invitation came to Yandu early.
In fact, Wu Shaoying specially invited her parents to come here, but she actually had a different idea.
How can such a grand confession be possible without witnesses at home?
And the more important reason is that Wu Shaoying knows that Wu Xingjian has never had a good impression of Tang Zhenli… To be exact, Wu Xingjian
Xingjian has a bad impression of all the men who approach her…
On this occasion of the concert, it can be regarded as indirectly putting pressure on my father…
Even at the beginning, Wu Shaoying wanted to invite Tang Zhenli’s family members,
But think about it carefully, forget it…
The horoscope has not yet been written, who knows what Tang Zhenli is thinking.
“Uncle and aunt, Sister Yingying is in the room, Sister Xia is going to call her, you sit down first…”
At this time, the little assistant walked towards them with two cups of tea, talking as he walked.
“Yes, yes, uncles and aunts are standing, please sit down!” Ye Yingxin on the other side also greeted enthusiastically.
At this moment, Miss Xia, who had a slightly weird face on her face, came down from upstairs. After seeing Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai, she said with an unnatural expression.
“Yingying is still upstairs, come down later
“alright, no worries”
Yao Shihuai showed an intellectual smile and said to Sister Xia.
“The preparations for the concert have come to an end. Uncles and aunts will play in Yandu for a few days…” Here, Xiao Yin said with a lovely smile on his face.
“Okay…have a heart!”
Yao Shihuai’s eyes lit up when he looked at the little assistant who looked a little naive, and he said in a soft tone.
“Dad, Mom, you are here!” At this moment, a voice came from the second floor.She made a screeching sound, followed by the sound of ‘staring, dangdeng’ going downstairs.
Obviously it is Wu Shaoying who has been adjusted,
However, after going downstairs, she still glanced at Sister Xia with a guilty conscience.
“It’s not that I told you, I just want to hold a concert after two songs… I don’t have a small appetite…”
Looking at the slender daughter who had been born, Wu Xingjian nodded Wu Shaoying with his fingers, but there was a gratified smile on his face. Come on, leave it alone… I do! ”
Wu Shaoying had a plan in her heart. Looking at her parents, she couldn’t help but say coquettishly.
Then the family of three chatted for a while,
After a while, Sister Xia glanced at her phone, raised her eyebrows, and then said to Wu Shaoying, “Yingying, we need to go out to the venue and the supporting guests…”
“Oh, good!”
– Listening to the business, Wu Shaoying didn’t care about chatting with her parents, and immediately said to Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai, “Mom and Dad, you stay here first, let’s go out…”
After finishing speaking, Wu Shaoying and the other four hurriedly walked towards the door.
“Be careful on the road!”
The couple looked at the commercial vehicle that was going away and said loudly. After that, there were only two people left in the villa.

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