I’ll Pick You Up! !
Whether it is long or not, a week is not short.
If it weren’t for the fact that the snowflakes in Yandu were thicker than the previous time, perhaps it would be difficult for others to notice the passage of time.
There is less than a day before Wu Shaoying’s New Year’s Eve concert.
Under the previous publicity and momentum, there are more and more discussions and expectations about this New Year’s Eve concert on the Internet. Although there are only two original songs by Wu Shaoying in the concert, it is still difficult to stop the attention of fans.
“Sister Tianxian’s first concert, I heard that the second song will be released at the concert~”
“I’m really looking forward to it, but it’s a pity that I didn’t get a ticket. It would be great if there was a live broadcast…”
“There is a live broadcast, the official announcement of the ‘Quick Words’ concert just now, don’t worry!”, ‘Quick Words’ is the theme of Wu Shaoying’s concert.
“If it weren’t for those nasty scalpers, I would have watched it live!!!”
“The price of scalpers is too expensive, mainly because they can’t be obtained! It’s a pity!”
18 “The main thing is not you guys, I don’t want to watch everything that is said on the Internet, and I didn’t see you keeping your hands when grabbing tickets. It will be less than ten minutes. I will be disrespectful when I come back to watch.”
Bian took it seriously…I was staring at it all the time, the phone card was blocked, and the ticket was gone…”
In fact, when the tickets were sold out early, the price of the tickets sold by the scalpers outside went up to 3,000 yuan, and some VIP seats in the front row reached more than 10,000 yuan.
You know, the original price of VIP seats in the front row is only 1,000 yuan, and the price of ordinary seats is 298 yuan.
So to be honest, it is already very low for a top star like Wu Shaoying.
However, as tickets were hard to come by, the ticket prices for scalpers outside increased tenfold.
Even so, it’s no wonder that such high-priced tickets will be swept away as soon as they come out.Netizens complained. It can be said that the enthusiasm of fans has come to the most intense time.
Sisheng Research Institute, in the corridor,
Li Haoxuan and other four male assistants looked hesitantly at Tang Zhenli’s back.
Every now and then you touch me, I touch you, four big men, one of the ends is extremely twisted.
The cause of the incident is also very simple, all because of Wu Shaoying’s concert tickets.
Seeing that the relationship between Tang Gong and Tianxian sister is definitely not ordinary, at least it is a lover level, maybe there is a way.
“You go ask…”
Li Haoxuan poked Kang Deyun’s waist and asked in a low voice.
“Why don’t you go…”
Not to be outdone, Kang Deyun replied angrily.
“Bah, it’s all vegetarian!”
Xue Ziyao snorted when he saw them being so twisted.
“Then you go?!”
Unexpectedly, this immediately attracted the attention of the other three.
“I dont go…”
Xue Ziyao’s expression changed, and he quickly waved his hand.
He doesn’t know what Tang Gong thinks about this kind of entertainment, in case he hates it… Didn’t he hit the gun?
At that time, Tang Gong didn’t even need to tell him. If the woman knew, it would be enough for them to drink a pot.
That woman doesn’t care about her comrades at all now. It can be said that they are more afraid of Qilu than Tang Zhenli.
Tang Gong may only give you a blank look and won’t say anything, but Qi Lu is different, she really dares to punish you…
Previously, Li Haoxuan was a little overwhelmed when training newcomers, and was punished by Qi Lu to be treated the same as the newcomers at that time. He completed a huge amount of calculation alone. During that time, it was Li Haoxuan’s dark end.
So secretly, including those newcomers, they called Qi Lu the female devil of the Four Saints Research Institute…
“What are you doing, filial piety?”
At this moment, Qi Shi’s voice came from the back of the four people at the right time, which scared the four people who were originally guilty and suddenly shuddered.
The four hurriedly waved their hands, their expressions trembling.
“Are you free? Chatting here?”
Qi Lu glanced at them suspiciously, his face darkened slightly, and he said in a serious tone.
“No no no, we just passed by, let’s go now… let’s go now…”
Hearing this, the four boys looked suffocated, especially Li Haoxuan, who seemed to think of some kind of dark past, and immediately put out the question about the concert tickets.
During the discussion, the four of them smeared oil on the soles of their feet and quickly slipped away.
So it seems… it’s also good to watch the live broadcast!
Qi Lu looked at their backs, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, and while she was thinking carefully, Tang Zhenli’s voice behind her interrupted her.
It seems that Tang Zhenli also noticed the movement just now.
“Tang Gong…”
Hearing this, Qi Lu didn’t take it too seriously, he responded quickly, turned his head and walked towards Tang Zhenli, with a naturally indifferent smile on his face. Compared with the attitude of the four people just now, this attitude is simply a world of difference.
“Gong Tang, this is the temporarily selected member list of the R&D team… Take a look at it…”
When Qi Lu approached, he directly handed the list to Tang Zhenli.
Tang Zhenli took over the list and glanced at it roughly, only to see that in the list, there were those from the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, as well as those from Longke University… It seems that Qi Lu’s bowl of water can still be leveled…
But then his gaze inadvertently skipped the last name, and Tang Zhenli’s brows slightly raised.
“Well…Liu Xiaoxuan, Liu Xiaoyuan…Are these the two twins from the institute back then?”
“Yes, after this period of investigation, I found that the two sisters of 193 have a special sensitivity in neurosthesia, which is commonly known as having a consonance of the heart. I was thinking, will this affect our future drone armor? helpful…”
“Oh? ”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed with surprise.
It seems that Fan Hongbo asked himself to accept these two sisters for no reason…
When the Four Saints Research Institute has determined to conduct in-depth research on unmanned exploration mechs, the importance of these twin sisters is highlighted..
Just as he was thinking, the phone on his waist shook again. Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at Qi Lu, who was unaware, and Tang Zhenli took out the phone from his pocket.
“Wait for me to pick you up… Longke University or the Institute? ”
The news was naturally sent by Wu Shaoying.
“The gate of the institute…”
Tang Zhenli replied very quickly, then put down the phone and said to Qi Lu again.
“Qi Lu… I’m going out in the evening, you should watch more in the research institute…”
Hearing this, Qi Lu’s eyes widened, but he didn’t think of anything for a while, nodded and said in a respectful tone.
“Okay, then you pay attention…”
After speaking, Tang Zhenli took the elevator to the third underground floor. Before going, he still needed to tidy up.

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