IQ Online Assistant! !
From time to afternoon, Jinling Bieyuan.
At this time, the group of people in the villa was already ready to go.
Outside the villa, in addition to a familiar black commercial vehicle, there is also an ordinary family-grade silver benz sedan.
“I’m sorry, Dad, Mom, you should go with Sister Xia and the others first. Xiao Yin and I have something to do.”
At the door of the villa, Wu Shaoying coquettishly spoke with Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai.
“The concert is about to start, what can I do? We’re not going together, if you’re late, you’ll be the first person who can be late for a concert by yourself.
Yao Shihuai’s face turned solemn, and she was preaching to Wu Shaoying.
“Don’t worry Mom, it’s only three o’clock, the concert starts at seven… I’ll catch up soon…”
Wu Shaoying was going to pick up Tang Zhenli, so of course it was impossible to go with the couple at this time.
Yao ShihuaiI wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wu Xingjian.
Compared to Yao Shihuai, Wu Xingjian was all smiles.
“Daughter said so, why are you worrying about…”
After being told by her husband, Yao Shihuai could only look at Wu Shaoying helplessly, and then followed Sister Xia, Ye Yingxin and Wu Qiudie into the commercial vehicle.
Unexpectedly, as soon as he got in the car, Wu Xingjian glanced at his wife complainingly, and said immediately.
“You really are, what is Yingying thinking? Didn’t I tell you? Isn’t it obvious that you have to prepare a surprise? You are always talking nonsense there
Hearing this, Sister Xia, Ye Yingxin and Wu Qiudie’s heart skipped a beat. They hid it so well, so Wu Shaoying’s parents knew about it? ? ? This is out of thin air… can’t something go wrong…
Almost instantly, the atmosphere in the car became tense.
“Okay, okay, my fault, okay, let’s see what surprise Yingying has prepared for you!!!”
As if he didn’t feel the atmosphere in the car, Yao Shihuai said to himself.
As soon as her voice fell, the atmosphere in the workshop suddenly relaxed.
It was a misunderstanding..
It seems that Yingying’s parents regarded this concert as a surprise for them…
Thinking of this, the expressions of the three girls suddenly became strange…
I don’t know if it is a surprise to have an extra son-in-law out of thin air.
At this moment, Wu Xingjian didn’t notice anything strange in the car, his smile was still bright,
“Let me just say, the daughter is often said to be father’s caring little padded jacket. Our precious daughter, it is not too much to call it a big padded jacket. The daughter prepares the concert for her parents… Think about it. There is no such example in the world. It’s the first…”
While talking, Wu Xingjian’s eyes stopped on the three girls for a moment, as if showing off his daughter,
The three women who listened directly looked at each other, not to mention how weird they were…
There are surprises, but not for the couple at all…
A thoughtful little padded jacket…a little padded jacket with air leakage is right! ! !
Thinking about seeing my hard-working precious daughter about to fall into the arms of another man, even though the three women have no daughters, just thinking about it makes them feel cruel…
Sister Tianxian, this thing…it’s a bit unreasonable to do it…
On the other side, Wu Shaoying and the little assistant also temporarily relaxed as they watched the black business car driving slowly away.
“Little Yin, let’s go! Pick up your future brother-in-law!!”
In a happy mood, Wu Shaoying patted Xiao Yin’s head lightly, and said confidently.
Up to now, in front of everyone, Wu Shaoying has completely concealed her feelings for Tang Zhenli.
The little assistant covered his head, then waved his fist.
Immediately, the two got into the benz car…
At the entrance of the Four Saints Research Institute,
Without permission, parking is not allowed at the entrance of the Four Saints Research Institute, so Tang Zhenli set off from the research institute one step earlier.
“Hello, Academician Tang!”
When he passed by the door, the two sentries who were on guard at the sentry saluted him.
Since Tang Zhenli entered the Four Sages Research Institute, the high-level officials of Longguo specially deployed a squadron of troops to station in the Four Sages Research Institute. So for the person in charge of the Four Saints Research Institute, even if it is just an ordinary sentinel, he still has a deep impression on his mind.
To this, Tang Zhenli responded as usual, and continued to walk towards the gate.
After staying at the door for less than a minute, Tang Zhenli saw a silver car slowly approaching.
Then the window of the driver’s seat opened, revealing the face of the little assistant.
“Sister…I picked you up…Academician Tang, hello!”
Out of habit, the little assistant almost slipped his mouth. The word brother-in-law has already been half-spoken. Fortunately, the little assistant’s little brain is performing supernormally today, and he actually said it smoothly.
But even so, Wu Shaoying in the car was startled.
Hello Xiao Yin! ”
Although Tang Zhenli had only met the little assistant a few times, he was still deeply impressed. From Wu Shaoying’s mouth, he also learned about some people who followed Wu Shaoying.
After saying hello, Tang Zhenli opened the rear door on his own, and then sat on it.
“You…how are you
Unexpectedly, as soon as he got into the car, Tang Zhenli saw Wu Shaoying who was also sitting in the back seat, he was stunned for a while, and then said.
“There’s no room in the car over there, and I happen to be the only one who knows you…so I’m the only one who will accompany you…”
Wu Shaoying obviously had expected it long ago, so he said it right away.
“Is this so?”
For some reason, even though Tang Zhenli was leaning on the soft backrest, he still couldn’t conceal the stiffness of his body.
Ever since he knew that Wu Shaoying liked her, this was the first time Tang Zhenli was so close to her.
(De Nuohao) At this moment, Tang Zhenli’s heart was beating wildly, and he had never felt this kind of feeling before.
“Xiao Yin, there may be snow on the road, drive slowly…”
While thinking, Wu Shaoying said to the little assistant driving ahead.
“That’s awesome! Sister Yingying!”
Obviously, the little assistant’s IQ is 120% online today, and he understands Wu Shaoying’s meaning quite clearly.
If we spend more time together on the road, maybe the probability of a successful confession will be higher later, who can say for sure?
But after that, Wu Shaoying didn’t know if it was because of nervousness, or because she was afraid of leaking the truth. Unknowingly, when the car was driving on the road, there was also a light snow festival in the sky.
The sky outside was re-rendered, adding a touch of romantic atmosphere out of thin air.
After that, he couldn’t say a word.

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