Concert with Ten Thousand People! ! ! !
On December 31st, at 6:00 p.m., in the Wind Nest Stadium, many spectators who were full of anticipation had already started to enter the arena.
At the same time, the live broadcast of the ‘Quick Words’ concert alsoFrom here on, almost instantly, the total number of live broadcast rooms on all major platforms has reached hundreds of millions.
“Audience friends, hello everyone, the next thing I want to bring you is the live broadcast of Wu Shaoying’s ‘Quick Words’ concert! From the live broadcast, you can see that the audience of the concert has already entered the venue one after another.”
In the live broadcast screen, after a location host gave an introduction, he focused the camera on the center of the venue.
On the other side, holding the ticket given by Wu Shaoying, Tang Zhenli entered the venue, facing the number plate on it, and slowly walked forward.
Fortunately, Tang Zhenli’s real person is rarely exposed to the public. The only few times he was exposed was in the “Zhuangba” project. Most people in Longguo have only seen Tang Zhenli’s photos.
Moreover, Tang Zhenli was wearing three layers inside and three layers outside, and he didn’t deliberately exude the aura of work at this time, which was very different from the Tang Zhenli on TV back then, so basically he was not recognized much193.
Even if I noticed it, I just thought they looked similar…
After a long while, Tang Zhenli walked along the aisle to his row of seats with difficulty.
Wu Shaoying prepared a good position for him, not only the angle of view was facing the center of the stage, but the position was in the first three rows, more than ten meters away from the stage.
“Excuse me, excuse me
While talking, Tang Zhenli walked towards his position again and again.
“Seven seats in three rows…”
Qu Chenli looked at the seat number on the ticket, and then compared it with the seat number posted on the seat, feeling sure.
“It should be here…”
After slowly sitting down, Tang Zhenli looked at the people sitting on his left and right.
There seems to be a young couple on the left, and a middle-aged couple on the right.
While Tang Zhenli was looking at them, the couple also glanced at Tang Zhenli curiously.
On the left, Liu Ling was slightly taken aback when she saw Tang Zhenli, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she whispered to her (biei) boyfriend.
“Su Ran, do you feel…the person sitting next to you looks like Academician Xiao Tang…”
“Um? ”
Su Ran has been playing with her mobile phone. Hearing this, she couldn’t help but glance at the boy on her right from the corner of her eye.
I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I was startled when I saw it, as if I didn’t dare to confirm it, Su Ran glanced at Tang Zhenli again.
“Fuck!” Su Ran was shocked inwardly, and almost dropped the phone.
After a long while, as if he was sure, there was a great excitement in his heart, his fists were clenched slightly, even so, he still couldn’t stop the slight trembling of his arms.
I didn’t expect that I would be able to sit with Academician Tang one day! ! ! It is simply a lifetime series! ! !
Afterwards, Su Ran took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart, then turned her head and moved towards the surprised Liu Ling, speaking with a trembling tone.
“Don’t say it…it’s true!!!!”
Hearing this, Liu Ling rolled her eyes, then carefully looked at Tang Zhenli, her breathing gradually became heavy.
As a girl, she felt more intuitive than Su Ranlai.
Now, the template of a perfect man, the man whom even Tianxian’s younger sister fell in love with, is sitting right under her nose! ! ! ! ! ! Under the extremely ups and downs of mind, in order to conceal her excitement, Liu Ling’s right hand interlocked with her boyfriend’s left hand, and then they looked at each other tacitly. The couple could clearly feel the emotional fluctuations in each other’s hearts.
the other side,
Yao Shihuai simply glanced at the young man on the left, and subconsciously wrinkled her beautiful eyes.
This young man…why does the more he looks, the more familiar he looks? ? ?
Immediately with a thought, she turned her head to look at her husband who was looking forward to the stage, and couldn’t help but leaned close to Wu Xingjian and whispered.
“Xing Jian, look at the young man on our left, do you feel a sense of familiarity…”
Hearing this, Wu Xingjian couldn’t help turning his eyes from the stage to Tang Zhenli. After seeing Tang Zhenli, Wu Xingjian was also taken aback, obviously feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this young man.
But from his point of view, he could only see Tang Zhenli’s side face, so for a while, Wu Xingjian didn’t see that this was the pig he’d been thinking about day and night, and wanted to hug his daughter.
After thinking for a long time in my mind, I still had no clue, and then the curiosity in my heart gradually disappeared.
Now he only cares about what kind of surprises his precious daughter will bring to him.
But he still explained to his wife,
“It should be the male star… I’ve seen it on TV a lot, so I’m a little familiar…”
Hearing this, Yao Shihuai glanced at Tang Zhenli on the left again, and subconsciously nodded.
It should be the same, I am very sure that I don’t know the young man in front of me, maybe it is a certain male star who often appears on TV…
Thinking of this, Yao Shihuai also gradually lost interest.
At this moment, there was still half an hour before the start of the concert, and some warm-up programs had already been put on the stage. Except for Su Ran and Liu Ling who recognized Tang Zhenli and the young couple, everyone’s eyes were focused on the stage.
Four Saints Institute, inside the Assistant Office,
“Stool stool, it’s about to start…”
Li Haoxuan said loudly towards the other three boys.
“I’m coming
Everyone agreed one after another, and hurriedly moved their chairs to Li Haoxuan’s computer. What was playing on the screen was the live broadcast of the ‘Quick Words’ concert. At this time, the four big men gathered together shoulder to shoulder, their eyes focused on a computer.
If you don’t know, you might think you’re watching something unhealthy.
At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, Qi Lu hugged the tabletThe computer walks in.
And the four of them didn’t know if they were too focused, so they didn’t notice it at all.
When Qi Lu saw the scene of the four of them at this time, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.
Then he went straight to his place, far away from the four boys, and opened the tablet to read it.
On the screen, there is also a live broadcast of the concert.

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