The confession of the ten thousand concert? ? ?
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Qinghui District, Huayu Jingting,
As one of the top ten high-end communities in Shanghai, the various layouts are naturally top-notch. This is also one of the reasons why the Tang family chose to use it as a commuter residence in the city.
Compared with the ancestral house, the layout here is obviously more modern, and it also has a touch of life. After all, the ancestral house will only go back to live for a period of time during the long vacation. In other words, Tang Zhenli’s growth trajectory is more it’s here.
At this time, Chen Xinyao was busy in the kitchen with dinner this evening. Even though she was an associate professor of the Literature Department of Shanghai University, she was not the kind of lady who was pampered and pampered.
It can be said that it is a kitchen, even Tang Ziyue, who has always been picky, has to admit Chen Xinyao’s cooking skills.
Tang Lizhe is sitting on the sofa and watching the news channel on TV. From the kitchen to the living room, this ordinary and ordinary life scene is the norm in every family in Longguo.
Tang Ziyue, on the other hand, was in her room, holding her mobile phone in her hand, lying on the bed looking at something, a pair of slender legs wrapped in jeans swaying around, the scene was wonderful.
As New Year’s Day crosses the 18th eve, even if the Shanghai No. 4 Middle School is re-militarized, the holiday on this day is inevitable.
“Ziyue, it’s time to eat!”
At this moment, Chen Xinyao’s voice came from outside the door.
〃 here n
Tang Ziyue responded dully, then picked up the phone, and walked towards the door while looking at the phone.
Based on the feeling of many years, he did not even lift his eyelids, and accurately found his position on the dining table. “Tang Ziyue!”
Unexpectedly, this gesture immediately attracted Chen Xinyao’s glare, while Tang Lizhe looked at his daughter with concern.
For this pair of children, the husband and wife have always adhered to the principle of loving father and strict mother. “Understood, where am I here to refer to your daughter-in-law for the two of you? Really…”
Tang Ziyue pouted, her eyes swept away from the screen of her mobile phone for the first time, and she glanced at her parents complainingly.
Hearing this, both Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe were stunned for a moment, and then the two of them couldn’t care about anything else, so they hurried over.
And what was playing on Tang Ziyue’s mobile phone screen was the live broadcast of Wu Shaoying’s concert.
“Isn’t this the little girl from the Chinese New Year? So she is Wu Shaoying???”
Tang Lizhe looked at Wu Shaoying, who was in the focus of the camera, with a startled expression, and then said after realizing it.
Obviously, he is also concerned about the gossip on the Internet.
But when his voice fell, the mother and daughter looked at him for a while, and the eyes seemed to say again, you just know!
After a long while, the family of three listened for a while, and finally Chen Xinyao said involuntarily.
“Why do you have a concert… don’t say it, it’s pretty good
In fact, since the last time she learned about Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli, she has always had a good impression of Wu Shaoying.
Although she is in the entertainment industry, Chen Xinyao also observed Wu Shaoying’s words, deeds and actions. In her mind, Wu Shaoying is obviously different from those ordinary traffic stars. In general, this girl is still relatively real. , Every move shows true temperament, and even the things he likes Tang Zhenli are willing to make public.
In doing this, he didn’t take his star status too seriously at all.
After all, regarding Tang Zhenli’s personal problems, the couple may have been worried at first. After all, their original identities were there, but after Tang Zhenli’s deeds were exposed, the couple never worried about it again.
Even in the past, some blind date introductions that could not be asked for are not so earnest, and the reason is of course very simple.
The only hospital in Long Kingdom in his twentiesSir, how high is the future in the future, no one can say for sure!
In this case, why bother worrying about these early?
In Chen Xinyao’s words, those who want to marry their sons may be able to line up from the Shanghai Stock Exchange to Yandu, so why rush…
In this regard, it is natural to rely on Tang Zhenli’s personal wishes. After all, the current Tang Zhenli is no longer the son who needed them to worry about before.
“Well, these songs are really okay to cover…”
At this time, Tang Lizhe also nodded and couldn’t help but comment.
“You said… will my brother be right off the court now?”
Tang Ziyue finally broke free from Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe’s attack, and then said excitedly.
Hearing this, the couple froze for a moment at the same time, and then their eyes gradually brightened. Listening to Tang Ziyue’s words, it is not impossible.
With Wu Shaoying’s feelings for his son, there is no reason why he should not be invited to the first concert in his life…
With this in mind, Chen Xinyao simply tuned the live TV to the live channel.
Afterwards, the family of three watched the live TV in the living room while eating.
In other words, mainly looking at the future daughter-in-law of the Tang family in the center of the camera…
Yandu Fengchao Sports Center,
After Wu Qiudie came off the stage, Wu Shaoying, who appeared in the finale, finally took the stage.
At this time, Wu Shaoying had already changed into a pure white dress, as if she was wearing a princess dress, and an elegant temperament that was completely different from usual was naturally exuded.
To say that Wu Shaoying in the past exudes aura or immortal energy, just like 210 is a little fairy who is not familiar with the world…
The current Wu Shaoying is like the incarnation of a gentle and intellectual lady, with a hint of precipitation in it, although the attraction brought by the two is comparable, but the latter is more charming!
Needless to say, this appearance naturally caused another sensation.
The screams at the scene were even more continuous, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was also passing frantically.
“This look, it’s no problem to say the last one is the most beautiful of the year! ! ! ”
“Conservative, not only the most beautiful of the year, I think the most beautiful style of the decade is completely fine!!”
“Beauty returns to beauty, but it doesn’t stop you from scolding a damn scalper, or I’ll watch it live! ! ! ”
Naturally, the family of three watching the live broadcast on the Shanghai Stock Exchange at this time was also amazed.
In the end, it was Tang Ziyue who spoke first.
“The future sister-in-law is too beautiful!! If my brother really takes her down, then I can see it every day in the future!!” Hearing this, the couple did not speak, but silently stared at the camera like the world Wu Shaoying in the center.
I have to say that this prospective daughter-in-law and his wife are getting more and more satisfied the more they look at it!

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