The sea of ​​stars! !
Yandu, Wind Nest Sports Center.
With a peaceful smile on her face, Wu Shaoying stood in the center of the venue. At this moment, she was the focus of the entire world.
But what is surprising is that after she came to power, she did not start singing immediately, but stood silently for a while, as if she was doing something.
After a while, Wu Shaoying raised the microphone in her hand with a calm expression. She was the only one on the empty stage, making her look like an independent fairy who had left the world.
After standing still, a soft and warm voice spread throughout the Wind Nest Sports Center, and even the voices of all the spectators in the venue were silent for a lot.
“I’m glad that so many fans came to my concert in person today. In fact, this concert has been prepared in my heart for a long time…”
In the middle of speaking, Wu Shaoying paused for a moment, glanced at the audience seat below, and then said with a firm tone.
“Next, I’ll bring you the last song of this concert, which is also my new song Xingchenhai! I hope you like it…”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying closed her eyes, her chest rising and falling regularly, as if adjusting.
There was a lot of excited cheers off the field, not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room. If the operator temporarily added a few servers to operate, the live broadcast rooms of major platforms might have collapsed directly.
Off the court, Su Ran and Liu Ling, who heard the words, were very excited. Afterwards, the couple looked at Tang Zhenli next to them from the corner of their eyes.
Tang Zhenli, who was also attentive, stared at Wu Shaoying in the center of the stage, with a bright light flashing in his eyes from time to time. The sea of ​​stars! ! !
The couple looked at each other tacitly, and there was a hint of surprise and surprise in their eyes.
Looking at the situation, there is definitely a drama between Sister Tianxian and Academician Xiaotang! ! ! !
the other side,
Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai were even more excited. Looking at their daughter, who was focusing on the eyes of thousands of people, a faint sense of pride and arrogance emerged spontaneously.
Especially Wu Xingjian, who clenched his fists tightly, looked at his precious daughter on stage with a flushed face, turned his head sideways and whispered to Yao Shihuai on the left.
“Come! Come! I knew… This new song must be a surprise for us!!!”
Yao Shihuai also seemed to be infected by Wu Xingjian’s emotions at this time. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Wu Shaoying without blinking, and the palms of his hands were slightly sweaty.
Half a minute later, Wu Shaoying slowly opened her eyes. At the same time, a refreshing rhythm gradually sounded.
“I would like to become a star, illuminating the twilight of the sea of ​​stars..”
With the sound of Wu Shaoying’s voice like a nightingale, almost instantly, the song was like a butterfly about to fly, fluttering its wings, and it flowed brightly throughout the Wind Nest Sports Center.
And as soon as the song came out, it instantly grabbed the audience’s attention.Heartstrings, fans waved their light sticks and cheer cards to the beat, and the barrage on the Internet also swiped like a meteor shower.
“This voice, with this song and lyrics…it’s like listening to fairy tunes!!!
“What is the lingering sound, it is like a thread, it turns out that the ancients did not deceive me!!!”
“The live broadcast scene is so shocking, if it were live
“God damn scalpers!!!!!!!〃
u n
In the Wind Nest Sports Center, there is no more noise in the field, only Wu Shaoying’s melodious singing wanders in the middle.
“Will our love be blown by the wind to the sea of ​​stars… and never come back…”
“Whenever you come to me, tell me the sea of ​​stars!!!!”
“The distant light, walk with me…”
“I am running towards you, you are the sea of ​​stars! You are also the fiery star in my eyes, following me in the long night…”
Then the last song fell, and the huge Wind Nest Sports Center fell silent.
It seems that everyone is immersed in this wonderful singing. Under the interpretation of Wu Shaoying’s ethereal singing, a vast picture appears in everyone’s mind.
In the vast sea of ​​​​empty, a young girl is waiting for the young man who has traveled far into the deep space to come. For the young girl, in the dark and lonely universe, the young man she is waiting for is a beacon, and she is the one for whom The meaning of existence.…
Every return from a voyage of a teenager is the most dazzling and beautiful moment in a girl’s life!
Gradually, an inexplicable feeling circulated throughout the Wind Nest Sports Center.
Xingchenhai cleverly combines the mind-blowing unknown universe with the mood of a pair of ordinary boys and girls, making the audience’s heartstrings tremble.
Even though Wu Shaoying’s singing has been falling for a long time, the audience seems to be completely integrated into the picture they imagined as the singing dissipates, and it is difficult to extricate themselves for a long time… The scene can be described as quiet, and the quietness makes people feel that this is The occasion of a concert of thousands of people.
At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also instantly quieted down.
Many netizens seem to have experienced the emotions experienced by the audience through the screen… Many people’s closed eyes seem to be fascinated by the previous singing…
Even if it takes time to post bullet screens at this time, it is undoubtedly a waste of this atmosphere, or blasphemy…
Overhang I W
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