Public opinion explodes, the strongest blessing group in history!
At the same time, the copy that Wu Shaoying sent out before going to bed last night, similar to the official announcement, was also turned out.
“One day, two people, three meals, four seasons… For the rest of my life, the sun is shining, running in the wind and rain!!!”
For a while, this official post immediately sparked a wider discussion.
This is the first time everyone has seen Sister Tianxian express her inner emotions so frankly, and netizens have commented on this post.
“This is a direct official announcement!! I didn’t expect my sister to be able to say such straightforward words… I am in the same boat, and I am inexplicably lost, because the object is not me.
“You must be happy! ! ! ! ”
“It’s over, the last fluke is shattered! I’m lost in love with “210”…I don’t agree with this marriage!!!!!!!”
“It can’t be a mental patient upstairs! If there is a doctor in the comment area, drag it away! ! !”
“People are born with talent and beauty, and it is your turn to object to this toad? ? ? ? ”
“By the way, Academician Xiao Tang’s love story is really special…Irreversible chemical reaction…Tsk tsk, is this the romance of a science and engineering man?”
“It seems that Academician Xiao Tang also has feelings for Sister Tianxian… Otherwise, this relationship would not be so logical!!”
“Ten years of company, how can there be no feelings, maybe Academician Xiao Tang has not reacted before!”
“Mom, love, is this love going both ways?!”
“Both of them are representatives of the younger generation of the Dragon Country! That’s what a well-known pair might say!!!!”
“The integration of literary and art circles and scientific research circles is okay…”
In addition, the comment area is full of words of blessing.
It can be said that with the blessing of Tang Zhenli’s identity, Wu Shaoying has gradually changed from a traffic star to a family member of the Dragon Kingdom.
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Head of the Department.
Ji Chengtian got up early today, came to his office early, and was leisurely watering the flowers and plants on the windowsill.
At this moment, the door handle of the office twisted, and then I saw that Li Wei broke in without even knocking on the door of the office, and said to Ji Chengtian by the window with a smile in his tone.
“Old Ji, good news!”
“Oh? Let’s hear it…”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian was stunned for a moment, then a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly.
Although the current ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is in progress in an orderly manner, I have not heard of any major achievements…
“Academician Xiao Tang’s personal problems have made great progress…”
Li Wei smiled and continued.
“Just last night, forget it…you can see for yourself…”
Halfway through the words, Li Wei handed over his mobile phone directly.
Ji Chengtian glanced at Li Wei suspiciously, then took Li Wei’s mobile phone and looked at it.
After a long while, Ji Chengtian’s complexion changed slightly, and his eyes were a little strange.
“Xiao Tang is in love???”
In fact, although I have never met Tang Zhenli face-to-face, I have some understanding of Tang Zhenli’s temperament.
Shouldn’t those who can sink their hearts and engage in scientific research are boring straight men?
But after watching it, Ji Chengyi saw the clue, and then muttered to himself with a strange expression.
“Concert confession?! It turns out…it was the woman who took the initiative…this girl has courage!” If you didn’t understand it just now, now it’s hard to explain everythingNo wonder it’s so sudden… Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian raised his head and handed the phone back to Li Wei, a gratified smile appeared on the old face.
As for Tang Zhenli, Ji Chengtian has trained him as the future successor of Longguo scientific research. It is hard to hide his excitement when he hears the news now…
“Old Li, like this… in the name of our Ministry of Science and Technology, send a blessing to Xiao Tang and the two… I really appreciate this girl in the entertainment industry…”
“Is this… appropriate?”
Hearing this, Li Wei was stunned for a moment, and then said hesitantly.
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian laughed and said.
“What’s wrong with this, he is an academician and a national…”
Seeing this, Li Wei was also taken aback for a moment, his mind changed, and he thought it made sense.
Now Tang Zhenli’s scientific research achievements, what is the face of this?
“That’s fine too…”
Thinking of this, Li Wei also smiled, agreed, and then walked out of the office.
Not long after, on the many platform accounts of the Ministry of Science and Technology, a completely different post from usual was published.
“Congratulations to Tianxian sister Wu Shaoying, who has become a member of the Longguo scientific research family! ! ! I wish you a long life and a hundred years of harmony! ! ! ”
As soon as this post was published, many netizens who followed the Longguo Ministry of Science and Technology account first rubbed their eyes, as if they could not believe the official announcement.
this kind of post.
Compared with the official and serious posts issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the past, this post is out of place. But then I took a closer look at the certification and found that it was clearly the official account of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo.
But even so, the majority of netizens are still holding speculation,
It is suspected that the official account management personnel of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo has logged into the wrong account…
If so, unsurprisingly this post should be deleted soon.
But I waited left and right, but found that the post was still hanging on the account of Longguo Science and Technology Department, and even the administrator was afraid that others would not see it, so he directly pinned it!
At this time, everyone reacted! ! ! ! ! !
This is an official blessing! ! ! ! ! !

this kind of post.
Compared with the official and serious posts issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the past, this post is out of place. But then I took a closer look at the certification and found that it was clearly the official account of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo.
But even so, the majority of netizens are still holding speculation,
It is suspected that the official account management personnel of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo has logged into the wrong account…
If so, unsurprisingly this post should be deleted soon.
But I waited left and right, but found that the post was still hanging on the account of Longguo Science and Technology Department, and even the administrator was afraid that others would not see it, so he directly pinned it!
At this time, everyone reacted! ! ! ! ! !
This is an official blessing! ! ! ! ! !
X I forced
share 丨
And that news is the news that Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli are together.
After that, Fu Zhiyuan clicked into the news with curiosity.
Looking at it, Fu Zhiyuan’s expression changed. When he saw the news of Wu Shaoying’s confession at the ten thousand concert, his brows twitched.
“This love talk is too grand.”
After a long time, Fu Zhiyuan’s old face suddenly opened up. He was still quite interested in Tang Zhenli’s life events. Thinking of this, a different idea came into his mind, and this idea coincided with Ji Chengtian’s idea.
As he said, Fu Zhiyuan directly picked up the handle on the desk and called the staff who manage the accounts of the major platforms of Longke University.
Northwest Aerospace Base, inside the office,
Tang Heguang was chatting with Wan Wende hotly,
“Old Tang, your eldest grandson is very promising, and you will have a good harvest in career and love!”
Wan Wende squinted at Tang Heguang and said in a sour tone.
Hearing this, Tang Heguang laughed and said immediately.
“Just kidding, we are the seed of the old Tang family. Speaking of which, I didn’t think about this kid. How could he be able to live and die with a girl from a good family. He is still a big star. I can’t figure it out… I really can’t figure it out.”
Speaking of which, it seemed that Tang Heguang couldn’t figure it out either.
In order to confess, a concert was specially opened.
The impact this had on Tang Heguang was the same as when he was young, he held a theatrical performance at the aerospace base for his confession. This is simply incredible…
But I don’t understand, I don’t understand, Tang Heguang was already thinking about it at this time. During the New Year’s Day this year, Tang Zhenli must take his granddaughter-in-law home to have a look.
At the same time, the previous post by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo and the subsequent blessing post by Longke University have caused heated discussions on the Internet.
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo said, “Congratulations to Tianxian sister Wu Shaoying, who has become a member of the Longguo scientific research family group!!! Wishing you a long life and a hundred years of good luck!!”
As for Longke University, “Congratulations to the well-known professor of our school, Academician Tang and Miss Wu Shaoying, to spend the rest of their lives together!”
At this point, the majority of netizens suddenly had a heated discussion.
“The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Dragon University of Science and Technology officially send blessings!!! Let me ask whether it is the entertainment industry or the scientific research circle… Who else is this treatment????”
“Official blessing, this treatment, this card…”
“The father of controllable nuclear fusion is making trouble with you!!!! This card is very reasonable…”
“Is this an officially certified relationship… so sweet!!”
“Really officially certified love!!”
f 99
While the turmoil on the Internet continues, the impact in reality continues.
Sisheng Research Institute, three floors underground.
Tang ZhenliIt was very rare for Tang Zhenli to fall asleep until the phone rang, and Tang Zhenli yawned half-awake, then closed his eyes and pressed the answer button.
“Tang Zhenli, you’re not still sleeping in, are you…”
Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone asked curiously listening to his lazy voice.
Tang Zhenli was stunned by such a gentle tone, then opened his eyes, looking at the three words Wu Shaoying on the screen of his mobile phone, he couldn’t help being stunned.
After a long while, the memories of yesterday night gradually came to my mind.
It turns out…it’s not a dream…
Wu Shaoying… is now his girlfriend!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli replied dully.
“A little sleepy last night
After speaking: Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then spoke with a little nervousness.
“You haven’t eaten yet… I just learned to cook, why don’t you try it later?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression became stagnant, and he couldn’t say what he refused, and then said happily.
“I look forward to your skills!”
After that, the couple chatted for a while, and then hung up the phone reluctantly.
Half an hour later, at the gate of the Four Saints Research Institute,
After washing up, Tang Zhenli was waiting at the sentry pavilion at the door. The sentry on the side would glance at him from time to time. Obviously, not everyone knew what happened last night, at least it was a household name…
After a long while, a greeting came from Tang Zhenli’s ear.
“good afternoon! ”
Turning his head, he saw Wu Shaoying in a snow-white down jacket holding a thermal lunch box in both hands, greeting him playfully.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli showed a smile on his face, and naturally he took Wu Shaoying’s left hand and led her into the Four Saints Research Institute.
“Come on let’s go in”
When passing by the sentry post, Tang Zhenli habitually nodded towards the sentry.
The sentry glanced at Wu Shaoying but did not stop her.
Just kidding, state certified love! ! !
If this is blocked outside… I guess I have to apologize to the people of the whole country…

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