Mysterious signal? ? ! !
In the Four Saints Research Institute, Tang Zhenli followed Wu Shaoying all the way to the laboratory on the third underground floor.
“Good job Tang Gong!”
“Good job Tang…”
Along the way, I don’t know how many people’s attention has been attracted, and there are staff constantly greeting him, but when he saw Wu Shaoying on the side, he couldn’t help choking.
As for Wu Shaoying, although everyone’s eyes looked a little shy, she still kept a quiet smile along the way.
It wasn’t until they took the elevator to the third basement floor, when the elevator door just opened, they saw Qi Lu and four male assistants walking towards him.
After seeing Tang Zhenli holding Wu Shaoying, the four male assistants widened their eyes, as if they saw something incredible.
“Tang…Tang Gong…”
The four boys stuttered, but their eyes glanced in Wu Shaoying’s direction from time to time.
This is the fairy sister! ! !
Now the focus of the focus on the Internet, now appearing in front of myself and others? ? ? ! ! !
Some people even pinched themselves hard to make sure that they are not dreaming now!
At this moment, it is difficult for them to express their mood at the moment in words.
Just as several people were stumbling, Tang Zhenli smiled slightly and introduced to Wu Shaoying.
“These are the first five assistants that I told you about following me first.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s face flashed a hint of enlightenment, then nodded, and then said with a peaceful smile on her face.
“You… hello!”
Several male assistants stammered in response, and the excitement in their hearts can be imagined.
On the other hand, Qi Lu looked at Wu Shaoying generously, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, and finally reached out his hand and said to Wu Shaoying.
“Hello, I’m Qi Lu, Tang Gong’s chief assistant!”
Seeing Qi Lu’s formality, Wu Shaoying also stretched out her hand, and then said in a serious tone.
“Hello, I’m your Tang Gong’s girlfriend… Wu Shaoying!”
For some reason, an inexplicable atmosphere radiated between the two women, and even someone as slow as Tang Zhenli felt a little abnormal and couldn’t help but speak.
“Go ahead and do your work first, and the research and development of the Four Saints Project will officially begin tomorrow.”
After speaking, Tang Zhenli took Wu Shaoying directly to his office.
As soon as Wu Shaoying entered the office, looking at the scale of the place, she couldn’t help but sigh.
“Is this an office? Why is there a bed…”
Halfway through the words, Wu Shaoying stared at the big bed for a while, and then there was a shyness in her eyes, and then a red ball climbed from the neck to the pretty face.
Could it be
While thinking wildly, Wu Shaoying turned to look at Tang Zhenli, seeing that he didn’t notice anything, just opened the lid of the insulated lunch box and took out the dishes one by one.
They are all the special dishes of Shanghai market, such as Shanghai-style braised pork, crystal shrimp, eight treasures duck. . . .
However… Tang Zhenli finally couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice.
“It’s all meat
And this amount…even if I was hungry for three days, I wouldn’t be able to eat that much…
Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Zhenli with hope in her eyes.
“How about it? I made it myself, alright?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli showed a smile on his face. If you just look at the appearance, it is indeed very appetizing.
“Then I’ll try
Later, Tang Zhenli took out the rice at the bottom of the lunch box, took out his chopsticks, and picked up a piece of braised pork under Wu Shaoying’s expectant gaze.
As soon as he entered it, a strong salty taste filled his brain, as if he was immersed in a heap of salt. Then it’s boring, or that kind of thingStuffed and greasy…
The next moment, a strong physical instinct prompted him to cough continuously.
“cough cough cough cough”
“What’s wrong… drink water drink water
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s flushed face, Wu Shaoying panicked, and quickly handed Tang Zhenli the water glass on the table, then ran behind him and patted his back gently.
For a long time, Tang Zhenli gasped for breath and did not forget to comfort Wu Shaoying.
“It’s okay…just a little salty…”
Plus it’s not cooked…
With some disappointment and self-blame in Wu Shaoying’s eyes, she replied dully, and silently took the braised pork away.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli grabbed her hand, his eyes were relieved, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and then he directly picked up the eight treasure duck…
As soon as he entered, the smile on Tang Zhenli’s face froze.
Then a disgusting fishy smell filled his mouth, but thinking of Wu Shaoying’s disappointed expression just now, Tang Zhenli still forced himself to swallow it.
“How about…is it delicious?”
At this time, Wu Shaoying seemed to be regrouping, and looked at Tang Zhenli with longing. “Delicious!”
In the end, Tang Zhenli said these words against his will.
Then without waiting for Wu Shaoying to speak, the chopsticks picked up a piece of crystal shrimp again, with a hint of courage in his eyes, as if he was a prisoner who was about to go to the execution ground.
But as soon as he entered, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up.
Finally, there is a dish that can be eaten…
I think it should be because the process of this dish is relatively simple…
Afterwards, under Wu Shaoying’s amazed eyes, Tang Zhenli specialized in crystal shrimps, a mouthful of shrimps, and a big mouthful of rice.
He really didn’t have the courage to try the other dishes.
It’s kind of funny to think about it. Tang Zhenli, who has always been bold in the field of scientific research and dared to try, was finally defeated by these few dishes…
After eating, while Tang Zhenli went to drink water, Wu Shaoying looked at the almost unmoved dishes on the table except the crystal shrimp, and couldn’t help but feel trapped.
Entered; a few thoughts…
In the end, as if mustering up her courage, Wu Shaoying tried all the dishes that Tang Zhenli hadn’t eaten one after another, such as braised pork, eight-treasure duck… As soon as she took it, Wu Shaoying’s complexion changed, and then she retched and swallowed the food in her mouth. Spit out the food.
At this time, Wu Shaoying finally experienced Tang Zhenli’s feeling just now.
For some reason, seeing Tang Zhenli walking towards her with a smile on his face, Wu Shaoying’s heart was very complicated, there was a trace of loss, but also a trace of sweetness.
The original station just endured it…
“(Great). What’s the matter?”
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s unusual expression, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help asking curiously.
Wu Shaoying lowered her head and said with a disappointed expression.
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli directly took her hands and said in a gentle tone.
“it does not matter ”
Speaking, Wu Shaoying took a deep breath, pursed her mouth, showed a proud face, and said in a commanding tone.
“You are not allowed to lie in the future, otherwise, if my cooking skills do not improve, you will only be able to eat such unpalatable dishes in your life!!!” Seeing this, Tang Zhenli laughed heartily and said loudly.
“Okay, I will report Zhan truthfully in the future!”
It can be seen that his mood when getting along with Wu Shaoying is slowly changing.
If I have to go into details, when I get along with Wu Shaoying, his expression and tone are no different from those when I get along with the Tang family…

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