: Tang Zhenli’s Mission,
Yandu, Zhongguan Village, during this New Year’s Eve period, Zhongguan Village, the university city of Yandu, also ushered in a period of dullness during the students’ holiday.
There are only a few sparse cleaners sweeping away the snow on the deserted streets.
But there are still special places. For example, the Four Saints Research Institute at this time is still in full swing and full of energy. After Tang Zhenli issued the news of speeding up the process at the front end, the Four Saints Research Institute entered a stage of rapid research and development.
So even during the New Year’s Eve, there is no such thing as a single researcher quitting!
At this time, outside the gate of the Four Saints Research Institute,
A black commercial vehicle stopped slowly. Not much to say, this group of people was Wu Shaoying and others who were on their way home.
At this time, there were less than three days before the New Year’s Eve, so it was too late to go back now.
Inside the car, Wu Shaoying stared blankly at the Four Sages Research Institute, with a trace of longing in her eyes, and finally turned into a voice of indecision.
Ming long ~ sigh.
At this moment, sister Xia, who saw this, patted her on the shoulder, looked at Wu Shaoying with relief, then turned to the driver and said -.
“Let’s go!”
The other two people in the car, Xiao Yin and Ye Yingxin, looked at each other, nodded tacitly, and did not speak. Afterwards, the commercial vehicle started up again and was on its way to the airport.
Inside the Four Saints Research Institute, in the core laboratory on the third basement floor.
Tang Zhenli was alone in his experimental overalls, with a pair of transparent white impact-proof glasses on the bridge of his nose.
At this time, he was concentrating on manipulating the mechanical arm in the laboratory, and was modifying a metal component in the center of the field. The one in the center of the field is none other than the Suzaku power module, which is not yet in its prototype form.
As the power module with the main attack speed among the Four Saints, it is used for both long-distance raids and close combat. Therefore, for the Suzaku power module, matching high mobility and high performance are essential. .
And the most important thing is that the purpose of the Suzaku power module is the unmanned space fighter code-named Bao Peng series. Tang Zhenli learned from the technology sharing in the “Tianting Project” that the Bao Peng unmanned space fighter is a kind of advanced The unmanned aerial fighter with sweeping wings has a very complicated structure!
It can also be known from the application that this kind of unmanned fighter aircraft needs to be suitable for flying in space and also needs to fly in the atmosphere. Naturally, the requirements for power modules are naturally extremely high.
In Tang Zhenli’s original idea, the Suzaku power module is divided into two groups of modes, one is the propulsion mode in the atmosphere, and the other is the propulsion mode in space.
In general, the model performance in space is greater than that in the atmosphere!
After all, those who are good at attacking must move above the Nine Heavens! ! ! !
The Bao Peng series of aerospace unmanned fighters are said to be aerospace unmanned fighters, but in fact they are controlled by a remote pilot in the cockpit, and then transmitted to the aerospace fighter itself through signal transmission, so as to achieve long-range combat.
This also involves neural sensing technology, real-time scene simulation technology, and signal transmission technology, etc., but these are not things that Tang Zhenli needs to worry about.
At the current stage, he only needs to build the first machine of the Suzaku power module, and he has already completed most of the tasks! ! ! ! Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s mood eased slightly, and he continued to immerse himself in the research and development that made him obsessed.
In the research and development project of the Suzaku power module, coupled with the support of strengthened thinking, Tang Zhenli actually faintly returned to the original
The feeling of developing a controlled nuclear fusion device alone.
Being able to indulge in one’s own field is also a meaning of life!
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Hongqiao Airport,
Wu Shaoying and his group, who had just got off the plane, appeared in the airport hall. If it wasn’t for the Spring Festival approaching, there were not many people in the airport hall at this time, otherwise it would cause a sensation again.
After all, this is the first official appearance of Sister Tianxian after the concert!
Not long after, a group of people came to the gate of the airport hall. After seeing the familiar car at home, Wu Shaoying was sure, and then turned around.He greeted Sister Xia and others with his head, with a sweet smile on his face.
“Sister Xia, Xiao Yin, Ying Xin, then… goodbye to the new year! ! ! Xiao Yin, eat more fat for the New Year?”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying pinched the little assistant Baby Fat’s cheek, and then made a grabbing gesture towards her.
…ask for flowers…
Seeing this, Xiao Yin’s face suddenly turned red, and then he couldn’t help but glance at her resentfully.
Obviously, during Wu Shaoying’s double bed-sharing training, Wu Shaoying did not eat less tofu from the assistant…
Seeing this, Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin could only shake their heads lightly. Obviously, they were a little helpless to Sister Tianxian, who was emotionally fluctuating after falling in love. She was obviously still in a low mood when they were in Yandu. Personally changed…
However, they were helpless, and several people then greeted him.
“See you next year, Yingying!”
“See you next year, Sister Yingying!”
It is said to see you next year, but it is estimated that several people will be separated for a few days…
After saying goodbye, Wu Shaoying walked straight to the car where Wu Xingjian came to pick her up, and waved to them again just before getting into the car, and then got into the car.
“Dad, go to the supermarket later… to buy some New Year’s goods…”
– Getting in the car, Wu Shaoying said to Wu Xingjian who was driving.
Hearing this, Wu Xingjian’s eyes lit up in the car, his eyes rolled a few times, and under the sudden change of mind, a trace of anticipation rose in his heart.
It seems… this is to make up for the ‘broken’ father-daughter relationship! ! !
He knew that it was impossible for his precious daughter to forget his loving father from childhood to adulthood! ! !
It is also very heart-warming to patch up the padded jacket after the air leak! ! !
Thinking of this, Wu Xingjian immediately said affirmatively, with a firm and unusual tone.
“no problem!”
Then in the car, Wu Shaoying added Tang Ziyue’s prestige according to the contact information given by Tang Zhenli, and waited for the confirmation of the verification.
I came back this time with Tang Zhenli’s ‘mission’…
Although strictly speaking, this is the second time he has seen the Tang family, but the meaning is obviously different.
I didn’t have a relationship before, but now I have a relationship…
– Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying’s face couldn’t help but turn a little red…

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