What’s the point! ! Where can there be…
Shanghai market, the old house of the Tang family,
In the room on the second floor, Tang Ziyue was lying on her bed, her slender and straight calves were constantly swinging, her hands were supporting her small head, and she was watching the variety show on the phone screen intently.
From time to time, there was a sound of laughter like a silver bell in the room. As a normal little girl, Tang Ziyue spent her vacation time in the same way as others of the same age group.
“Ding Dong”
At this moment, a message came from the mobile phone.
Out of curiosity, Tang Ziyue switched to the prestige interface, and then clicked to the ‘new friend’ interface.
“Friend request? Wu Shaoying?”
Almost subconsciously, Tang Ziyue wanted to click to reject, but on second thought, Wu Shaoying is now her own sister-in-law!
With this in mind, let’s look at Tang Zhenli’s “210” linking method marked in the remarks.
Only then did she realize that this is a real sister-in-law! ! ! !
A happy smile appeared on his face immediately, and then he clicked to agree.
Within a moment, Wu Shaoying’s avatar flashed, and a message was launched.
“Ziyue, the first time we met last year, do you still remember me?”
“Hello, sister-in-law!”
Tang Ziyue almost didn’t think about it when she saw this, and replied directly, if you can tell the meeting last year for Chinese New Year, then this must be my sister-in-law!
Tang Ziyue’s behavior made Wu Shaoying on the other side of the phone stunned for a while… Then her beautiful eyes lit up, and a smile from the heart could not help showing her face, and her mind suddenly became alive.
This sister-in-law…calling so smoothly…
Does this mean that the Tang family… have accepted themselves! ! !
While he was happy, Wu Xingjian’s excited voice came from a distance.
“Yingying, come here, is this wine Wuliangye or Maotai?”
“Oh, here we come”
While chatting with Tang Ziyue, Suicang Wu Shaoying was shopping for the New Year’s goods to visit the Tang family…
On the other side, Tang Ziyue was also excitedly chatting with her future sister-in-law.
This is a big star! ! ! Although more importantly, this is my future sister-in-law…
After a long while, seeing the news from Wu Shaoying, Tang Ziyue’s eyes widened involuntarily, and then she ran downstairs in a hurry, shouting loudly as she ran.
“Grandpa, Mom and Dad, good news, my sister-in-law is coming to visit our house tomorrow!!!”
Unexpectedly, this voice shook the entire Tang family.
Chen Xinyao was cooking at this time, and when she heard the words, she couldn’t care about anything else, so she stuck her head out of the kitchen, holding a cooking spatula in her hand, and said with a look of surprise.
“Really? ”
Even the old man and Tang Lizhe in the yard hurried over, and the father and son said in unison.
“Ziyue, are you telling the truth????”
Tang Ziyue was also stunned by the enthusiasm of the family for a while, and after reacting, she took the mobile phone and said to everyone.
“of course it’s true! ! ! ”
Wen Shu; Ren Lengzi’s vicissitudes of life suddenly moved, his eyes lit up, then he turned his head and hurriedly pushed his son to the side, and said anxiously.
“Then I have to prepare well, Lizhe, go for a walk! Drive me to the supermarket to buy something, and the old man cooks himself! Take care of our granddaughter-in-law! ! !”
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue’s expression changed, and there was an inexplicable sense of crisis in her heart.
How do you feel compared to your own siblings…His sister-in-law is more like his own? ? ?
brother – big…
Wu Shaoying deliberately got up early in the morning and put on a light make-up. When she came to the living room, she looked at her parents who were busy making breakfast with a guilty conscience.
At this time, Wu Xingjian was standing in front of the wine cabinet with arms crossed, looking at the bottles of good wine that his precious daughter had bought for him, he couldn’t help but burst into joy.
A little padded jacket is just a little padded jacket, even if it was patched up after a wind leak, who would call it warm? ! !
Full of pride, a pair of tender white hands touched it quietly, and directly extended to the two most expensive bottles of 20-year-old Moutai in the center of the wine cabinet.
Afterwards, Wu Xingmu’s expression froze for a moment, then he turned his head and looked at Wu Shaoying with an innocent face, feeling a little bad in his heart.
Seeing that the situation was not going well, the guilty Wu Shaoying brought up the two bottles of 20-year-old Moutai and ran away, saying in an extremely fast tone while running…
“Mom and Dad, I won’t be coming back for dinner today, I’m leaving first, bye!”
When approaching the door, I didn’t forget to take two beautifully packaged New Year’s goods.
But just as she was about to step out of the gate with half a foot, a loud shout came directly.
“Wu Shaoying, stop for me!!!!”
Wu Shaoying couldn’t help but pause, and then Wu Xingjian walked towards her with a solemn expression, and even Yao Shihuai, who was busy in the kitchen, walked towards her with a bad look on his face.
“Mom and Dad…”
Wu Shaoying stuck out her tongue and said something weakly.
“Put it down… Tell me, today I want to see where you are going to eat on the second day after you come back!!!” Wu Xingjian said with a sullen face and a bad tone.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying also knew that the idea of ​​sneaking out today was unrealistic.
The small mouth shrunk, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and then he spoke truthfully, with a somewhat waxy tone. “.I made an appointment to go to Tang Zhenli’s house, and I will pay a visit…”
Hearing this, the husband and wife were surprised for a moment, as if they didn’t hear clearly, Wu Xingjian frowned, and then said in a somewhat indignant tone.
“It’s unreasonable!! How can the woman go to the man’s house first, what about Tang Zhenli? You called him over, it’s shameless!! I want to go to the man’s house today.
Teach him what rules are! ! ! How can a daughter-in-law take the initiative to find her husband’s family? ? ? ”
After finishing speaking, he looked at her with a little anger in his eyes.
“Yes, yes, Tang Zhenli will come to our house if you want to come. Even if you marry in the future, how will your husband’s family think of you like this! Our daughter is not allowed to be inferior to anyone else!!!”
Here, Yao Shihuai also said earnestly.
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying’s eyes turned red, then she shook her head, and said in a tone of disappointment.
〃No…Tang Zhenli…I don’t have time to go home for the New Year this year…”
Hearing this, Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai frowned, and then looked at each other, with a complicated look flashing across their eyes.
Yu I M
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〃No…Tang Zhenli…I don’t have time to go home for the New Year this year…”
〃what? ”
Hearing this, Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai frowned, and then they looked at each other, a complex look flashed in their eyes.
* I empty
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying raised her head from Yao Shihuai’s arms, her beautiful eyes shone slightly, and she said in surprise. “real? ”
“Then it can still be fake, I can’t let you run around!”
A hint of pampering flashed in Yao Shihuai’s eyes, then she lightly tapped Wu Shaoying’s smooth forehead, and said angrily.
“I definitely don’t mind, I’ll just ask my sister…Ask Tang Zhenli’s sister!”
Wu Shaoying immediately jumped up excitedly, got out of her mother’s arms, then picked up the phone, and then seemed to think of something, raised her head, and asked Wu Xingjian a little nervously.
“Dad? Are you going?”
Hearing this, Wu Xingjian rolled his eyes at his daughter, and then said sullenly.
“What do you think? I’m reluctant to part with my two bottles of good wine? Wouldn’t it be a big loss if I didn’t go…”
Speaking of general, he subconsciously glanced at the two bottles of 20-year-old Moutai.
“Okay, I know!”
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying showed a happy smile on his face, and his pair of star pupils narrowed together. She knew that her father just couldn’t save face and was just looking for an excuse…
Tang Family Ancestral House,
Tang Ziyue ran up to the old man who was busy in the kitchen, and said with surprise in his eyes.
“Grandpa, my sister-in-law won’t come tomorrow, but there may be two more people for today’s reunion dinner!!!” “What?”
Tang Heguang was taken aback for a while, then turned his head and asked in surprise.
“My sister-in-law and her family are all coming to our house for the New Year’s Eve dinner, is that okay?” Tang Ziyue said immediately with a trace of questioning in her tone.
Hearing this, the surprise on Tang Heguang’s face disappeared immediately, and then his old face stretched out, with a smile on his face, and he said excitedly.
“No problem, no problem…Of course it’s no problem!!! Go talk to your dad and tell your in-laws to come to our house for Chinese New Year!”
“Yeah! I’m going!!”
As soon as Tang Ziyue heard the order, she ran directly to the living room.
Before I knew it, two days passed quietly.
New Year’s Eve, evening, Yandu, Four Saints Research Institute,
Although the staff in the research institute have no holidays, on this New Year’s Eve, some festive atmosphere is still set up early.
Moreover, in the afternoon, a half-day vacation was deliberately given. Although everyone’s ideological consciousness is very high, some necessary humanistic care must be given.
After all, researchers are also human beings, not more superficial than ordinary people. Sometimes, it is only because they have firm beliefs in their hearts that they are so different.
At this time, the four saintsAll the staff of the institute gathered in the cafeteria on the ground floor, in addition to the nearly fifty researchers who had been selected earlier, plus many laboratory assistants who were recruited from famous universities in the Dragon Country.
At this time, the scale of the Sisheng Research Institute has reached nearly 200 people. It can be said that except for several major aerospace bases, the Sisheng Research Institute at this time is the largest scientific research institution in the Dragon Country!
After today’s renovation, the cafeteria of the Sisheng Research Institute is quite different from the past. The rows of tables are surrounded by a circle.
The distance between them is close, and the heart is naturally close. For a team, such a collective activity is the best way to gather team action!
At this time, Tang Zhenli, who had just finished the experiment and washed up, finally came to the cafeteria.
Looking at the lively atmosphere in the field, I couldn’t help but feel a little warm in my heart.
Human beings are creatures that keep warm at all times, and this is also an important factor in the development of human civilization to the present!
“Tang Gong is here!”
“Tang Gong is here!”
At this time, there was a movement in the crowd, and it seemed that his arrival attracted the attention of some people.
“Good job Tang Gong!”
“Good job Tang!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli showed a smile on his face, and nodded towards everyone who kept greeting him, especially those new lab assistants, whose eyes were even more burning. Seeing Tang Zhenli for the first time, it was difficult to restrain himself.
After all, this has shaken the big guys in the international science and technology field. The scientific research achievement of controllable nuclear fusion technology alone can suppress many old professors in the world who have been immersed in atomic energy for many years!
More importantly, this is still a big guy in the same age group as them! ! !
“Tang Gong, this way!”
At this time, a familiar voice entered Tang Zhenli’s ears. Not only that, but as soon as the voice fell, the voices of the two hundred people in the room suddenly choked.
[Gen obviously, this voice belongs to Qi Lu…
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also walked towards Qi Lu.
Afterwards, after everyone was seated, a table of five or six people was formed, with a total of forty tables, and then the same delicious meals were served, forming a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner.
At this moment, there were bursts of fireworks outside, and in joy, everyone hurriedly gathered around the window, looking at the bright fireworks outside with longing expressions.
Obviously they are all highly intellectuals with profound knowledge, but at this time they are looking at the fireworks in the night sky, but they are smiling like children.
Under the atmosphere, looking at the mental state of the people inside, Tang Zhenli felt a little inexplicably touched, and then he couldn’t help but sigh.
The lights of the Ten Thousand Houses of the Dragon Country seem to have nothing to do with them, but they are guarded by them! ! !
Perhaps, this is the mission of being a pioneer!
almost I

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