: Family Country! !
On New Year’s Eve, against the background of firecrackers and fireworks, the lights of Wanjia were filled with laughter and laughter.
After the reunion dinner, most people are enjoying the moment of reunion with relatives and friends.
After the meal, the two families sat at the dinner table and chatted. The atmosphere was very lively, and there would be bursts of laughter from time to time.
Obviously, both in-laws are very satisfied with each other.
Regarding the follow-up matters between Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying, the two families also seemed very open-minded.
While the elders were chatting, Wu Shaoying was dragged to her room early by her sister-in-law.
in the room,
Tang Ziyue and Wu Shaoying sat on the bed and chatted, at least for now, the two of them seemed to be chatting speculatively.
Especially Tang Ziyue, face-to-face with her celebrity sister-in-law, her face flushed with excitement.
Thinking of the fairy sister that others have passed on from mouth to mouth, one day she will become her relatives, and the words are full of enthusiasm.
“Sister-in-law, can you keep an eye on me with your scarf?”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying froze for a moment, then smiled.
“Ah yes!”
Seeing that Wu Shaoying agreed, Tang Ziyue yelled happily, what kind of experience is it to be a traffic star with nearly 100 million fans, she will feel it soon.
“Great! ! ! !”
227 Seeing this, Wu Shaoying just showed a quiet smile, with a doting look in her eyes, obviously after a short time getting along, she also greatly appreciated it.
I probably understand the heartless character of my sister-in-law.
It has to be said that the personalities of the siblings are quite different.
But Wu Shaoying also likes the eccentric Tang Ziyue.
Then, in front of Tang Ziyue, Wu Shaoying opened the scarf, and followed Tang Ziyue’s nickname, and directly clicked Follow.
“Wow! ! ! Over 90 million fans! ”
Tang Ziyue was so excited that she couldn’t contain herself. For a little girl who was still in high school, happiness didn’t come too easily.
“Sister-in-law, look, the family photo you just posted has hundreds of thousands of likes and tens of thousands of comments in less than an hour…” Wen Yan, Wu Shaoying just shook her head, didn’t speak, looked at Tang Ziyue, who was excited and unable to extricate herself, had a little tenderness in her eyes.
For young people, most of the leisure time after tea and dinner is on the mobile phone, so Wu Shaoying did not take the traffic that the family portrait photo ushered in.
In the information age, all kinds of news will be infinitely amplified and spread rapidly.
On this New Year’s Eve, when everyone has free time, it is not surprising that the family photo released earlier has attracted the attention of the majority of netizens.
Not to mention it’s an unusual family photo.
If it is a normal family photo, it will definitely not attract everyone’s attention, but this is a different family photo.
In this photo, it is obvious that there are two families, coupled with Wu Shaoying’s copywriting.
“From now on, we are a family!”
For netizens with a little brain, this reasoning is not too simple.
Isn’t it obvious that the parents of the two sides met?
It seems… Academician Xiao Tang and sister Tianxian have a bright future!
However, what is puzzling is that Tang Zhenli did not appear in the photo, which caused a heated discussion among netizens.
“Where’s Academician Xiao Tang? Why isn’t Academician Xiao Tang here? Should I take a picture? I shouldn’t!!!!”
“Everyone in the room laughed happily. It seems that Academician Xiao Tang and sister Tianxian have also received blessings from the family? But who is the girl next to my sister? She is also very beautiful…”
“Can’t you see it? Don’t you think it’s very similar to Academician Xiao Tang?”
“Academician Xiao Tang has a younger sister???”
“What little academician Tang, that’s my uncle!!!”
“Academician Xiao Tang’s brother-in-law of ten years, come uninvited!”
“What about Academician Xiao Tang?”
“Should be taking pictures!”
“…Are you talking about people upstairs?”
“Sister Tianxian celebrates the New Year alone? This is how long the relationship will be determined…”
“The two families spend the New Year together, it seems that there should be some hidden feelings…”
For a while, under the thought-provoking inquiries from netizens who had nothing to do when they were full.
Where is Academician Xiaotang (biei) going, it has become the first hot search on New Year’s Eve!
It didn’t take long, after some netizens’ derivation, things gradually became clear.
“Where did Academician Xiao Tang go? Why don’t you ask? If you have time to come back, can you not come back for the New Year?”
“My uncle is at the Four Saints Research Institute, and he didn’t come back for the New Year this year!”
“It seems that Academician Xiao Tang didn’t come back either…”
“I’m…the two have been together just a short while ago, and I didn’t expect that they wouldn’t be able to spend the first reunion night together…”
“In the face of major national events, personal emotions are still too small, and it is difficult for my sister…”
“Looking at the photos, the two families are very happy, and the sisters have always dealt with these relationships!”
“It’s really not easy to become a bond between two families before getting married!”
“I didn’t expect my sister to have the attributes of a good wife… Who wouldn’t want such a good helper? No wonder Academician Xiao Tang has fallen…”
Under everyone’s discussion, Wu Shaoying seems to be the only emotional sustenance between the two families. All kinds of distress and praises are inexhaustible, but Wu Shaoying has no intention to pay attention to it. As for her at this stage, how to deal with Tang Zhen A good life is the most important thing in her heart.
Wu Shaoying was chatting with Tang Zhenli on her mobile phone at this time, and at this time, she could only express her thoughts in this way.
At this time, Tang Ziyue suddenly spoke to Wu Shaoying.
“Sister-in-law, look at them praising me!”
Although Wu Shaoying didn’t have the heart to read the comments on that post just now, Tang Ziyue was different, her curiosity was very strong.
Especially seeing netizens compliment her on her beauty. As an underage girl, where has she experienced such a battle, she hurriedly showed off to Wu Shaoying with her mobile phone.
It looked like a child who got his favorite toy.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying put down her phone temporarily, pinched Tang Ziyue’s small face, smiled, and said to her in a soft tone.
“Praise you and go on!”
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue hugged Wu Shaoying’s shoulder, just like how she was relying on Tang Zhenli, and said to Wu Shaoying in a glutinous tone.
“Sister-in-law… When will you and my brother get married! When we get married, we can live together! ! ! ”
As soon as Tang Ziyue’s voice fell, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, then a look of longing appeared in her eyes, and then she touched Tang Ziyue’s head and said softly,
“It depends on when your brother gets enlightened!”
“my brother? ”
Tang Ziyue was stunned when she heard the words, her little head seemed to wonder what marriage had to do with Tang Zhenli’s enlightenment?
Seeing Tang Ziyue’s ignorant look, Wu Shaoying finished speaking, no more words, but her eyes wandered.
Can’t be together in the new year, regret?
Wu Shaoying felt regretful, but this was her choice, but for a moment, a smile appeared on her face, and her beautiful eyes were full of happiness.

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