On the second day of the new year, leave the Shanghai market!
On the first day of the new year, Wu Shaoying, who was awakened by the sound of firecrackers all over the street, opened her eyes in confusion.
Immediately feeling the restraint on her body, she froze for a moment, then looked at Tang Ziyue, who turned her head around her like an octopus, with a slightly surprised expression.
Outside powder?With such a loud voice, he could still sleep so sweetly.
After some twisting, Wu Shaoying struggled to get rid of Tang Ziyue’s entanglement, then got up and glanced out the window.
After looking at the snow by the window, Wu Shaoying’s expression froze,
On the night of New Year’s Eve, a light snow fell on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. When I looked from the window, my eyes were full of white.
The roadside and the trees were covered with a thin layer of snow.
Looking at Tang Ziyue, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, Wu Shaoying’s expression showed a playful expression when her mind was active. She saw Wu Shaoying tap the tip of her nose, and then pinched her oval face. After the set, finally let the sleeping girl Tang Ziyue frowned subconsciously.
She was dragged by Tang Ziyue last night and insisted that she would sleep with her. In desperation, Wu Shaoying had to stay at Tang’s house and sleep all night.
As for Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai, because of drinking, they walked home when they went to bed yesterday evening.
Originally, the Tang family’s ancestral house was not far from Wu Shaoying’s house, and it only took about ten minutes to walk, so in a sense, it would be very convenient to go back to her parents’ house in the future.
At this time, there was a loud noise from below. Wu Shaoying looked through the window and saw two figures approaching the courtyard door.
Taking a closer look, besides Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai, who else is there.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying quickly put on her clothes, and then looked at Tang Ziyue, who was still sleeping, with a nasty interest.
I saw Wu Shaoying twist a strand of her hair, and then put it under Tang Ziyue’s nose, scratching constantly.
After a while, Tang Ziyue let out an unintelligible hum, and when Wu Shaoying was about to continue, she found Tang Ziyue’s big eyes staring at her, making her move.
“Am I dreaming?”
I saw Tang Ziyue’s eyes bewildered, and a low voice came out of her mouth.
Just as Wu Shaoying wanted to explain, Tang Ziyue bit her face in one bite.
Almost instantly, the corners of Wu Shaoying’s eyes were sparkling, and she said anxiously.
“It hurts, Ziyue, let go!”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue woke up instantly, but it was already night, and a row of teeth marks were left on Wu Shaoying’s pretty face.
“Ah, it’s really my sister-in-law! I didn’t dream! Ah… I’m sorry, sister-in-law, I didn’t mean to…”
Tang Ziyue’s voice fell, Wu Shaoying gave her a leisurely look, and Tang Ziyue stuck out her tongue in a guilty conscience.
Then Wu Shaoying nodded at Tang Ziyue’s little head, and said in a resentful tone.
“Little stupid pig, I wonder if the dream is biting yourself! Not biting others!”
Tang Ziyue smiled, and embarrassedly touched the tooth marks on Wu Shaoying’s pretty face.
“…Sister-in-law, I was wrong!”
“Alright, alright, get up soon! You can’t sleep late on the first day of the new year!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying could only eat this dumb loss silently, after all, to a certain extent, this is self-inflicted… On the first day of the new year, the two families in the small building gathered together and had breakfast happily.
Both families are locals in the traditional Shanghai market, and some customs are naturally the same.
For example, the ‘old rice’ on the table at this time is a bowl of red bean rice left over from the year before, and it is brought to the table on the first day of the new year, which means that there is more than one year in the next year.
Looking at the future in-laws and her parents’ family who were talking happily at the table, Wu Shaoying had some inexplicable feelings in her heart.
Immediately, he thought of Tang Zhenli, who was alone in Yandu, and his expression was a little regretful.
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying revealed his original thoughts and thoughts.
“Grandpa Tang, uncles and aunts, parents, I want to go back to Yandu tomorrow…
Hearing this, the atmosphere on the table suddenly froze, and then everyone’s eyes were focused on her, and then they all came out.
“So soon? It’s only been a few days since I came back!”
“Yeah, stay a while longer!”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying was already prepared and said in a complicated tone.
“Tang Zhenli is still in Yandu alone, I can’t rest assured… I’m afraid he will be too lonely…”
…ask for flowers…
When the voice fell, the atmosphere in the field was a bit complicated, especially the Tang family headed by the old man, and there were some unspeakable emotions. Zhenli can be so affectionate to a person, I have to say, it is also a blessing
Thinking of this, Tang Heguang and Tang Lizhe, who were present, looked at each other and sighed silently.
In the end, Chen Xinyao’s face changed and she said decisively.
“There’s nothing to worry about, Zhenli is also an adult, so it’s not difficult to take care of himself, stay in the Shanghai market for a few more days…” Yao Shihuai glanced at her daughter, and naturally she was I understand it very well, and then turned to Chen Xinyao and said
“I, in-laws, that’s not a good word, after all, it’s a newly married couple, let Yingying go!” At this time, Tang Ziyue said without heart, with a hint of joy in her tone.
“Yes, yes, I just happened to go see brother too!”
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao glared at Tang Ziyue and said in a feigned anger.
“Speaking of adults, what a child does, school will start in two days, and there are still a few months for the college entrance examination. What are you going to do!” Seeing this, Tang Ziyue shrank her head, and then her mouth was deflated, and then her eyes turned to her own. sister in law.
Seeing Tang Ziyue’s help-like gaze, Wu Shaoying said comfortingly.
“Ziyue, auntie is right, will my sister-in-law take you to Yan after the college entrance examination?”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue was a little disappointed, but she made up her mind that she must take the university entrance exam in Yandu! So far, with the acquiescence of the two families, Wu Shaoying’s return to Yandu tomorrow has been settled. But before that, Wu Shaoying still needs to prepare some gifts, some specialties of the Shanghai market.
Tang Zhenli can’tGoing home, that at least makes him feel a little bit of home.
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying thought of her own undeveloped cooking skills, and felt a little self-pity. If you were better at cooking, then you wouldn’t have to worry so much…

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