Serious men are the most attractive!
Yandu International Airport,
Wearing sunglasses and a mask, Wu Shaoying pulled her suitcase and walked out of the airport lobby.
“This way!”
At this time, a female assistant who was waiting outside immediately recognized Wu Shaoying who was stern, but she did not dare to call Wu Shaoying’s name directly, for fear of attracting everyone’s attention, so she could only wave her hand at Wu Shaoying. shouted.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying’s expression moved, and then walked towards this side.
After Wu Shaoying confirmed the contact information provided by Tang Zhenli, she nodded.
Afterwards, the two got into a pair of black di cars, which were also the exclusive cars assigned to Tang Zhenli by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Although he did not usually go out, the rare trips were usually by military planes.
However, Tang Zhenli’s identity at this time, not worthy of a special car, is somewhat unreasonable.
As one of the most advanced research institutes in the Dragon Kingdom and even in the world today, the Sisheng Research Institute, Tang Zhenli, who is in charge, does not have a special car, and it would be a laughing stock to say it.
After driving for a long time in the car carrying the two women, it finally drove directly into the Four Saints Research Institute.
As Tang Zhenli’s special car, it naturally has the right to drive into the Sisheng Research Institute.
After getting off the car, Qi Lu, who had been waiting early, greeted him.
Obviously, although they have only met once, Wu Shaoying still recognizes the chief female assistant under Tang Zhenli.
The two women nodded to each other and gave each other a look.
When Qi Lu brought Wu Shaoying to the third basement, Tang Zhenli was improving today’s Suzaku power module scheme on the computer in the office, laying the foundation for tomorrow’s practical changes.
At this time, Tang Zhenli seemed to be so focused that even Qilu and Wu Shaoying came in and didn’t even know it.
At this time, Wu Shaoying also saw Tang Zhenli at work for the first time. Looking at the almost perfect profile face and serious and focused expression, Wu Shaoying couldn’t help but see a little star in her eyes.
Then, thinking that this was his own man, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
As the so-called serious man is the most attractive, you can know a thing or two by looking at Wu Shaoying’s performance at this time.
At this time, Qi Lu knocked on the door of the office, reminding Tang Zhen of the truth.
“Tang Gong…”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s hand was still operating on the electronic board, and his eyes turned around first. After seeing Qi Lu and Wu Shaoying, his serious and focused face suddenly melted like an iceberg, and a warm smile appeared on his face. .
Then he stopped what he was doing and stood up.
Seeing this, Qi Lu also knew that the next world should be the two worlds of Tang Gong and Wu Shaoying, and immediately said.
“Tang Gong, then I’ll go first!”
“it is good.”
Tang Zhenli nodded and focused on Wu Shaoying.
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying’s voice came from behind Qi Lu who was about to step.
“I’m, Qi Lu, wait!”
Hearing this, Qi Lu turned his head in surprise, only to see Wu Shaoying opening the suitcase swiftly, then took out some specialties of the Shanghai market, and said to Qi Lu with a smile.
“Qi Lu, I know you’re from the Shanghai Stock Exchange too. You have all of these, and you all share!” Upon seeing this, Qi Lu’s indifferent face instantly revealed a sincere smile, and then he thanked Wu Shaoying with a soft tone.
“thanks! ”
At this time, Qi Lu’s smile came from the heart, as if she was the most real her.
After receiving the gift, Qi Lu walked out of the office with a smile, but after walking out of the office, his face returned to the indifferent expression he used to have.
Walking in the corridor outside the laboratory, Qi Lu looked at the gift in his hand, and his eyes were dazed. These are some traditional snacks in the Shanghai market, such as butterfly cakes, pear paste candies, spiced beans, champion cakes, begonia cakes, etc. It was the taste in her memory.
Thinking of this, she also had a different view of Wu Shaoying for the first time in her heart.
Then Qi Lu turned around and walked towards the assistant’s office.
After a while, he went to the office and looked at the other four male assistants who were busy with work and thought hard, and a look of satisfaction flashed in Qi Lu’s eyes.
“There are some things here, you can share your share!”
The words fell, and the four boys turned their eyes, first glanced at Qi Lu, and then at the thing she was holding. The four boys’ eyes showed a hint of surprise, but none of them dared to step forward.
Seeing this, Qi Lu felt helpless and could only add.
“This is from your Tianxian sister…”
Hearing this, the four of them were stunned for a moment, as if they hadn’t reacted in their minds yet, but their thoughts quickly became active, and then a flash of inspiration flashed. Sister Tianxian? … Could it be that… this is a visit to relatives? ? ? ?
Hiss…think about it…it’s not impossible…
After all, little is better than a newlywed…
Then the four of them turned their eyes and looked at the gift in Qi Lu’s hand, the gift from Sister Tianxian! ! ! !
I saw the eyes of the four of them burst out in an instant, and their breathing was a little short in an instant!
Immediately after that, they surrounded him. Among them, Li Haoxuan bravely took the gift from Qi Lu, and he couldn’t wait to share your share with me.
Li Haoxuan is also a native of Shanghai. Seeing that these are some traditional snacks in Shanghai, the joy on his face is beyond words.
“In the light of Tang Gong, I didn’t expect that one day I would also receive a gift from the National Goddess…”
“Yeah yeah…”
The other male assistants also responded in succession.
At this time, Xue Ziyao pointed to Li Haoxuan’s hand and said in surprise,
“Li Haoxuan, how come you have two copies???”
Hearing this, the eyes of the others swept over sharply. It turned out that due to the angle, the two gifts in Li Haoxuan’s hands overlapped, so they didn’t notice it for a while.
After being reminded by Xue Ziyao, everyone came to their senses, and then looked at Li Haoxuan with bad eyes.
“Okay, eat alone?”
“It’s a shame we still treat you as a brother!”
Immediately, Li Haoxuan ushered in the condemnation of everyone. If it’s anything else, it’s a gift from Sister Tianxian!
See the one with one less! You know, one of Wu Shaoying’s autographs can be sold to thousands of yuan by enthusiastic fans, not to mention this full gift box!
“no no
Just when Li Haoxuan wanted to defend himself, Qi Lu’s voice came from behind.
“Do you think… that would be mine?”
Hearing this, the four of them felt like they had been splashed with a basin of cold water, and they couldn’t utter the words of denunciation in their throats, as if a few ducks were stuck in their necks.
Damn, how could I forget about this witch!
Li Haoxuan was also stunned in his heart, and quickly handed over the extra portion in his hand to Qi Lu.
“Humph! ”
As a result, Qi Lu snorted softly, and then walked straight to his desk.
The boys let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at the gift box in their hands, each with a look of joy in their eyes.
A gift made them so excited, and then they thought of someone being chased by Tianxian sister… Thinking of this, several people shook their heads, slightly
People are more mad than people!
I really don’t understand, how did Tang Gong block the charm of Tianxian sister in the past

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