The sea of ​​stars! !
On the other side, after Qi Lu left, only Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were left in the office.
Although Tang Zhenli also had a lot of things in his heart that he wanted to talk about, but due to work, he could only temporarily hold it in his heart, and then said to Wu Shaoying,
“Shu Xian is done with this, you can just sit back and relax.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying smiled and nodded, then walked to Tang Zhenli’s living area and began to look at it.
Tang Zhenli, on the other hand, continued to change the plan of the Suzaku power module according to the input of today’s ‘Heavenly Court Project’.
At the end, after Wu Shaoying walked around, she sat on the sofa and looked at Tang Zhenli, who was still busy, from a distance, her right hand resting on her chin, her eyes did not blink, and the corners of her mouth outlined a beautiful arc.
The atmosphere between the two was so peaceful and beautiful.
Unconsciously, Tang Zhenli worked like this, and the time moved from the afternoon to the evening.
On the desk, Tang Zhenli stretched his waist a lot, then stood up, walked straight towards Wu Shaoying, and then sat down beside Wu Shaoying.
“Sister Xia and the others didn’t come, did they?”
Tang Zhenli looked at his close girlfriend and asked curiously.
“Yeah, Sister Xia and the others are still in the Shanghai market…”
Wu Shaoying tilted her head, her long smooth hair was scattered on Tang Zhenli’s shoulders, and her eyes were full of brilliance.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was slightly taken aback, and then said.
“Shanghai market… If there is no one at home, then how many days will you stay with me?”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s eyes flashed with a hint of shyness, and she couldn’t help but slightly turned her head to look at the big bed in the distance.
Could it be..
In the end, Wu Shaoying seemed to have thought of something. With her face hot, she glanced at Tang Zhenli subconsciously, and found that his expression was still calm.
Seeing that Wu Shaoying’s eyes were a little strange, Tang Zhen couldn’t help but ask.
“How about it? ”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying couldn’t hold back any longer, her pretty face flushed red, and she said nervously.
“Okay… It’s just that my parents said, not before marriage
In the end, he was so ashamed that he wanted to drill into his chest, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito murmur.
A trace of surprise flashed in Tang Zhenli’s eyes, he only heard what Wu Shaoying said before, and then he couldn’t help but ask curiously.
“Huh? What?”
“It’s nothing”
Nian Shaojing’s small head suddenly lifted, and he waved his hand as if he was guilty. Tang Zhenli looked at him in confusion, but there was still a smile behind him, and his tone was very warm.
“Then you can stay here, the living measures here are still sufficient, I’m not very relieved that you live alone!”
“Oh, that’s good!”
Wu Shaojiao calmed down a little, but was still a little nervous.
After that, Wu Shaoying settled down at Tang Zhenli’s side smoothly, but the actual situation was not what Wu Shaoying thought…
A few days later, Wu Shaoying hugged the pillow and glanced at Tang Zhenli who was still working in the distance, then Wu Shaoying pouted.
Mouth, muttered softly.
“Damn… don’t you need to rest?”
After careful feeling, you will find that there is a hint of resentment in Wu Shaoying’s tone.
In the past few days, Wu Shaoying found that Tang Zhenli’s life and rest were very difficult.Regular, so regular that you don’t need to sleep at all.
In the office during the day and in the laboratory at night, there is a special person delivering the dishes at mealtime, but he just doesn’t have any time for himself…on his own bed.
“Have I disturbed you?”
Tang Zhenli in the distance also noticed the strangeness here. After getting along for a few days, he also knew that his little girlfriend likes to sleep in late, so he was a little surprised to see her up early in the morning.
“No. No!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying Qiong’s nose wrinkled slightly, her mouth deflated, and she responded immediately.
For some reason, she always felt that there was something in her heart that couldn’t be vented.
For a while, I couldn’t find anyone to talk to, so I could only hold the pillow alone and sullenly on the bed.
From time to time, his eyes wandered between Tang Zhenli and the pillow in his arms, and Xiao Quanquan occasionally vented on the pillow.
Although she can understand, it does not mean that she can let go!
When she was bored, Wu Shaoying could only swipe her phone alone, and when she got tired, she looked at Tang Zhenli from a distance.
I spent another boring day like this. After washing up in the evening, I found that Tang Zhenli was holding the tablet in his hand and was about to go to the laboratory.
, Wu 2 Zhaoying finally couldn’t bear it anymore, hurriedly came to his side, and said tentatively.
Although work is important, it is also important to pay attention to rest! ”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was slightly taken aback, and then said with a smile.
“Okay, I’ll pay attention…”
Just as Wu Shaoying smiled and was full of anticipation, she heard a ‘click’, the door of the office was slowly closed, and Tang Zhenli disappeared in front of her again.
Then Wu Shaoying’s smile instantly froze on her face.
Finally, Wu Shaoying returned to the sofa after being mad with anger, and her eyes gradually returned to calm.
The depression in his heart was also swept away, and his eyes gradually revealed a clear color.
Putting aside personal feelings, Wu Shaoying finally knew for the first time why Tang Zhenli was so successful in scientific research (to Zhao). Just after getting along for the past few days, the sleepless days in a row, it can be seen that it is just a routine for him. There is no doubt about Tang Zhenli’s talent, but the efforts that often account for 99% of the latter are rarely mentioned.
There are thousands of thoughts in Wu Shaoying’s mind, and all the complicated thoughts in the end just turned into a long sigh.
All you can do is do your best to support it!
After all, aren’t you already prepared before this?
sea ​​of ​​stars…
Tang Zhenli’s sea of ​​stars may be in the long starry sky, but her sea of ​​stars is right in front of you, within reach…
Thinking of this, a golden light flashed across Wu Shaoying’s eyes, and her eyes narrowed like crescent moons.

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