Under this shocking shady scene, netizens from all over the world in the live broadcast room talked a lot.
“Inside the curtain,
/ \\\ *1 j* y
-It must be a shady scene!
“Who would have thought that the father of controlled nuclear fusion didn’t deserve the Nobel Prize in Physics? ? ? How ironic!”
“Even if I’m American, to be honest, I can’t stand it anymore. I’ve never heard of this award-winning guy! ! ! ” “I’m sorry, Tang Sang…”
“Xiba!! Thief, that man is a thief who stole Tang Zhenli’s Nobel Prize, protest, absolutely protest!!”
“Andrew Lee, I really want to have a little influence on this person. Isn’t this the genius we cultivated with all our strength ten years ago? ? ? How did you get naturalized in the United States! ! !”
As soon as this barrage came out, the people of Longguo in the live broadcast room gradually recalled it.
The juvenile class of Dragon University of Science and Technology was a prosperous one more than ten years ago, but I don’t know when it disappeared again~?
“I remember it! I have an impression of this person too! Isn’t this Li Xigang, the prodigy back then? -?”
“After saying that, I also remembered, so now I have joined the -Mi nationality??”
“No wonder… the once prosperous Longke University Junior Class has quietly disappeared.
So far, the fishing boats on the Internet have been divided into two shares, one is the discussion of the netizens of Longguo about this year’s winner Li Xigang, and the other is the questioning of the fairness of the Nobel Prize in Physics by netizens from all over the world.
Under the fermentation of the fishing boat, the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Cross Country also issued an announcement giving a formal explanation.
“Aware of everyone’s doubts about this year’s Nobel Prize winners in physics, the Royal Academy of Sciences officially announced that the selection of the winners was the result of a unanimous vote by the Nobel Prize jury.”
, “In advance, the Nobel Prize jury regrets the failure of Mr. Tang Zhenli, the father of controlled nuclear fusion, but we select all candidates with an objective and fair attitude! Because everyone is fair to the Nobel Prize. Sexual questioning, we can clearly explain the detailed reasons!”
“Mr. Tang Zhenli, the father of controllable nuclear fusion, is due to the theoryThe level lacks its own original theory, so the jury decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics to Mr. Andrew Li after comprehensive consideration! ”
But once this announcement was issued, it was not only not recognized by netizens from all over the world, but on the contrary, it meant that the description was getting darker and darker, so there was another scolding war on the Internet.
“This announcement hardly convinces us of the impartiality of the Nobel Prize jury!!!”
“Damn! Are you worthy of Mr. Nobel! You are blaspheming human scientific research!!!”
“I suggest members of the Nobel Prize jury to ask Mr. Andrew Li, can he really get the medal with Mr. Nobel in his hand with a clear conscience!!!”
“As of today, the Nobel Prize may become a joke in your hands!!!”
“Xiba!! Re-election!!! Give justice to His Royal Highness Tang Zhenli!!!”
“How could it be like this? Our Great Khan Kingdom has never been treated fairly!!!!”
u H
Among all the netizens, the netizens from the Kingdom of Khanate were the most excited and scolded the hardest. Even the netizens from the Kingdom of Long were not as excited as they were.
What’s more, the Khanates in the Crusaders even made an appointment to sit in protest at the gate of the Royal Academy of Sciences!
It seemed that they really regarded Tang Zhenli as a native, and they were determined to seek justice for their highness Tang Zhenli. And on the major domestic platforms of Longguo,
There was also a condemnation of Li Xigang.
“I’m so pissed off!!! I didn’t even think that Academician Xiao Tang’s Nobel Prize would be stolen by a white-eyed wolf!!!”
“I have been trained by the country since I was a child, I never thought that I would forget my ancestors so many classics!!!”
“A traitor will die!!!”
“I think everyone has their own choice, and I can’t blame him…Although I also feel unfair for Academician Xiao Tang.”
〃How about Li Zhongke who installed nm upstairs! If he hadn’t been trained by the country since he was a child, but had become a self-taught man, we wouldn’t even say a fart!
Ask for flowers….
“There are still washing, walking half a million???

“That is, if it wasn’t for the country’s focus on training him back then, he would have come to this point?? I wouldn’t believe it even if he was killed!!!”
“No, I have to suggest to the Long Science and Technology University and the Ministry of Science and Technology, don’t they not recognize Academician Xiao Tang? The controllable nuclear fusion technology should not be used at all, and let them learn all about the atoms and planets!”
It can be seen from various discussions that most of the netizens in Longguo are still very upright in their three views, and in the end, the sullenness in the chest of netizens seems to have found someone to confide in, and they have left messages in Longke University and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
United States, Jiazhou International Airport,
In the waiting hall, a middle-aged man was looking at the screen of the mobile phone in front of him with a sullen expression.
At this time, a blond girl with very three-dimensional facial features and very western characteristics leaned forward and said in a gentle tone.
“Oh, my dear Andrew, don’t look at the evaluations of those mediocre people. You deserve the Nobel Prize in Physics this time!” Andrew Lee of the Bell Prize in Physics, also known as Li Xigang! “Humph! ”
Hearing this, Andrew Li snorted coldly, then put down the phone.
“Okay, my dear, you are the leader of this college evaluation this time, who dares to question you when you go to Longguo this time???” The blond girl explained with a smile.
Seeing this, Andre Lee, or rather, Li Xigang didn’t speak, but his eyes gradually narrowed, and his eyes gradually calmed down. Longke University… really a familiar place…
The father of controlled nuclear fusion?
Crystal I 0
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