The visitor is not good!
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
Fu Zhiyuan looked at the list of members of the college selection team on the computer, his complexion darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.
Li Xigang, whether it is for Longke University or Fu Zhiyuan, is a shameful name.
Unexpectedly, the leader of the college appraisal held every four years is actually him!
Coupled with the Nobel Prize incident that happened just now, it can be said that old and new hatreds rushed into his heart at the same time, making Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes even more gloomy.
Although regarding the Nobel Prize, Dragon Kingdom officials do not have much hope, after all, there has been a rumor circulating in the scientific research community of Dragon Kingdom for a long time.
It is said that it is very simple for scientific research scholars who want to win the Nobel Prize. They only need to change their nationality on “227”.
But it’s not good who wins the prize, but Li Xigang!
As Li Xigang’s former teacher, Fu Zhiyuan still had some understanding of Li Xigang’s character.
To a certain extent, this person is indeed a genius, otherwise Fu Zhiyuan would not have specially selected him as his student when he was in the Junior Class of Longke University!
But after all, he has a lack of personality, impetuousness, and the purpose of devoting himself to scientific research is not pure. Compared with the scientific research itself, he values ​​the fame and fortune brought by the scientific research results more.
In his heart, scientific research achievements are more like the key to his vanity fair, far less pure-hearted than Tang Zhenli.
With this kind of mentality, it is not difficult to explain that he went directly to the United States under the guise of academic exchanges, and became a citizen of the United States, and then became the biggest laughing stock of Long Kingdom!
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan shook his head, and then murmured involuntarily.
“It’s just that the comer is not good”
In the past, Li Xigang was one of the leaders of the Longguo delegation in the global university selection.
It was hard not to let Fu Zhiyuan think of the twists and turns.
It would be hard for Fu Zhiyuan to believe it if there were no inside stories.
To know,The four-year global university evaluation is very important for universities all over the world.
Even some famous schools with a long history of one hundred years, such as Jianqiao University with a school history of nearly two hundred years, and Mashen Institute of Technology, which has come from behind, are very important for the annual college evaluation.
And the above two colleges and universities are among the top ten international colleges and universities!
And the evaluation organization is also very formal. It is initiated by the official education organization of the United Nations. Every four years, some professionals sent by this organization go to various countries for evaluation.
The results of the final evaluation are very important to the major universities, and the ranking indirectly represents some of the strength of the university. Some countries even adjust the scientific research funding of their domestic universities because of this ranking.
In other words, the ranking of global universities is not only related to their global influence, but also related to the actual interests of some schools.
Although Longguo will not allocate scientific research funds according to the ranking, each university in Longguo will still use this to build its reputation at home and abroad, which is only good for the development of the school and not harmful.
But what Fu Zhiyuan couldn’t understand was that Li Xigang, who had just become the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, was able to become the core member of the Longguo delegation for the global university selection. It must be not easy behind this matter!
Faintly, Fu Zhiyuan felt that there was an invisible black hand behind the scenes manipulating all these things.
“1~ It seems that the controllable nuclear fusion technology of the Dragon Kingdom has aroused the prying eyes of many people!”
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, and then thought of Tang Zhenli again.
It’s been a long time since I’ve heard from Xiao Tang.
Presumably, the young people who are now at the center of fishing boats in today’s international scientific research field, I am afraid they still don’t know what happened…
But thinking about it, Fu Zhiyuan shook his head helplessly…
Even if he knew, with Tang Zhenli’s temperament, he might just laugh it off…
Thinking about it, for hundreds of years, the Nobel Prize has attracted attention not because of the award itself, but because of the brilliant award-winning talents in the past hundred years!
It seems that there are still many people who have not figured this out!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Chief,
Ji Chengtian stood by the window, looking at the vast white sky, with a serious expression, not knowing what he was thinking…
It took a long while before Ji Cheng returned to his desk, staring at the computer screen in a daze.
At this time, a knock on the door came, interrupting Ji Chengtian’s thinking.
“Come in I”
Then the doorknob of the office was turned, and Ji Chengtian’s confidential secretary came in and spoke to him in a calm tone.
“Jibu, there’s news from the airport that the plane with a total of 28 members of this year’s college selection delegation arrived at the Capital International Airport ten minutes ago!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian raised his eyebrows, then frowned again, thought about it in his mind, and then murmured.
“Come so fast?”
After that, Ji Chengtian turned his head and asked his confidential secretary.
“Who prepared to welcome the guests before?”
Hearing the words, the confidential secretary thought for a moment in his mind, and then said.
〃It’s Director Wang! ”
After Ji Chengtian heard it, he couldn’t help touching his chin, and then murmured.
“Wang Zhi…”
Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. If this is the case, then he can feel relieved. As the God of Wealth of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wang Zhi is tactful and tight in his dealings with others. Naturally, it is easy to deal with this group of unfriendly ‘guests’!

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