The tough Tang Zhenli!
There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, all about Tang Zhenli’s rejection of the Nobel Prize in Physics.
“This is too outrageous! Rejecting the Nobel Prize! ! Thinking about it makes my hair tingling!”
“Hey~ Think about it carefully, this tough attitude is obviously a previous response!”
“According to the internal news of the Four Saints Research Institute, the original words of Academician Xiao Tang are two words: no time!”
“Fuck, this is too tough!!!!”
“Why do I see domineering in these two words! ! ! ”
“What is it about me in the early stage, you love to ignore it, and you can’t stand up to me in the later stage. I thought it was a joke, but now the Royal Academy of Sciences has perfectly explained what a joke comes from reality!”
“Professor Tang is probably the first person in history to reject the Nobel Prize so strongly! This is the Nobel Prize!!!!”
“It’s over, it’s over, the Royal Academy of Sciences will lose face by doing this! ! In the future, the authority of the Nobel Prize in the field of international scientific research will be greatly reduced!
“Have to do this, or they’ll always think we don’t care about his awards!!”
“Nice job, Academician Xiao Tang tells you with action, you give it, we don’t want it yet!!!”
Tang Zhenli’s sudden appearance made the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Cross Country panic! After thinking about it, he never thought that Tang Zhenli would refuse the Nobel Prize…
Or, I didn’t expect to reject the Nobel Prize in this way! ! ! !
If there are other valid reasons they can force themselves to accept it.
But this reason is definitely not a perfunctory reason such as lack of time. It can be said that just the word ‘no time’ has deeply overwhelmed their psychological defense line of being strong outside and working in the middle.
Stomping on the ground and trampling their arrogance!
The kind without mercy! ! !
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Chief,
Ji Chengtian stared blankly at the statement issued by the Four Saints Research Institute, his throat was a little dry…
After a long while, Ji Chengtian shook his head with a complicated expression, and then muttered to himself.
“Young people today…the mood is really getting higher and higher…even the Nobel Prize in Physics is not in the eye
Having said that, Ji Chengtian’s eyes showed a slight smile, and his words were mixed with an indescribable admiration.
Although Ji Chengtian knew that not accepting this award was the most beneficial choice for Long Guo, but Ji Chengtian asked himself, if he was replaced by Tang Zhenli, he would never be so determined!
After all, this is a Nobel Prize, or a very valuable physics prize!
The Nobel Prize has been well-known in the field of international scientific research for nearly two hundred years. I didn’t expect that it would suffer a big loss from Tang Zhenli today!
“What an amazing young man”
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help but whisper.
Then Ji Chengtian seemed to think of something again, and his eyes could not help but light up slightly.
Maybe we can take this opportunity to give Longguo a voice in the field of international scientific research. …
As he was thinking in his mind, Li Wei just knocked on the door and came in. Ji Chengtian’s eyes moved immediately, and then he said,
“Lao Li, given the current reputation of the Nobel Prize in the field of international scientific research, have you ever thought that the Dragon Kingdom can take this opportunity to create a world-wide award by itself!”
Hearing this, Li Wei, who had just walked in, was obviously stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, and a bright light flashed in his eyes, showing a bit of hope in his eyes. Obviously Ji Chengtian thought of it, and he thought of it too!
At this point, Li Wei naturally agreed with it in every possible way, and said immediately.
“I think it works! But the name and authority of the award…”
At the end of the day, there was a trace of thought on Li Wei’s face.
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian had already made plans in his mind, and seeing Li Wei’s thinking expression, he was about to say all the thoughts in his mind.
“In the end, this award has to start with Xiao Tang… After all, for now, whether he has an international reputation or a scientific research achievement, he is the top of our Dragon Kingdom!”
“Tang Zhenli?”
Hearing this, Li Wei was startled, and then said subconsciously, with a little doubt in his tone, obviously he still hasn’t figured out how to set up awards from Tang Zhenli’s point of view.
Seeing Li Wei’s suspicious appearance, Ji Chengtian said directly without hiding it.
“We can use Xiao Tang to establish an award, and the first winner of this award is Xiao Tang. Let me ask the first winner, the father of controllable nuclear fusion, whether the gold content of this award will come up in an instant! As for the name, you can also start with Xiao Tang, Tang Zhenli is a good name, Zhenli Zhenli, seeing Zhenzhen, we may all be able to directly use Xiao Tang’s name as the name of the award!”
ThisOn the side, Li Wei’s eyes gradually lit up after hearing Ji Chengtian’s explanation.
That said, it does make sense.
The gold content of the father of controllable nuclear fusion should not be too high!
And most importantly, through this award, no one can deny and shake Long Guo’s achievements in the field of controllable nuclear fusion!
In the future, people’s impression of this award will be the father of controllable nuclear fusion!
Based on this influence alone, this award is destined not to go unnoticed!
“Yi Laoji, what do you mean, the name of this award (for Zhao)”
During the speech, Li Wei’s eyes were also slightly burning.
“The Truth Award, which is homophonic with Xiao Tang’s name, has a very good meaning!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian opened his mouth to make a decision, and said in a firm tone.
In a sense, this is also a kind of compensation to Tang Zhenli. After all, they rejected the Nobel Prize in Physics. Long Guo doesn’t make a point of expressing his feelings, and it’s not justified.
“Truth Prize… The meaning is really good!”
Li Wei touched the white beard on his chin and nodded in agreement.
So far, under the discussions of the two leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the prototype of the Truth Prize, which is destined to occupy a certain weight in the field of international scientific research, has gradually been implemented!

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