The research and development progress of the Four Saints Project, submit a report!
The next day, under the detailed discussion between Ji Chengtian and Li Wei.
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo issued a note explaining in detail the concept of Longguo establishing new awards for major achievements in international scientific research!
“In view of the current blowout development of human science and technology, Longguo hereby set up a scientific research truth award! To show outstanding scholars who have made outstanding contributions to people
A major role in promoting scientific research! And through the results of the first selection, Academician Tang Zhenli, the father of controllable nuclear fusion, was selected as the first truth award
Winner! ”
As soon as the news came out, the international scientific research field suddenly boiled.
This is what a normal person can see, and this is Long Guo’s next response to the injustice of the previous Nobel Prize. And most importantly, the winner of the first truth award is Tang Zhenli!
You must know that even if Tang Zhenli has never appeared in the field of international scientific research, and even said that he has never published a paper, but for now, who would dare to deny Tang Zhenli’s current status in the field of international scientific research?
After Long Guo initially announced the controllable nuclear fusion technology, no country did not value this technology, and this established Tang Zhenli’s status!
no matter who,
When it comes to controllable nuclear fusion, the name Tang Zhenli cannot be bypassed.
No joke, Tang Zhenli’s status in the field of international scientific research is no less than those of 227 famous scientists who have left history!
It is conceivable that the gold content represented by the three words Tang Zhenli is now!
And the first winner of the Truth Award is Tang Zhenli. Indirectly, even if the Truth Award is the latest established by Long Guo, it will follow Tang Zhenli.
Li’s name is infinitely high!
Under this situation, it is even approaching the status of the Nobel Prize in the field of international scientific research!
And Long Guo’s behavior is completely equivalent to slapping the face of the Royal Academy of Sciences! The kind of crackling! – The Internet is full of discussions about the Truth Prize.
“The truth award, just because the first winner is the father of controlled nuclear fusion, the starting point is higher than the general award!”
“Some people win the award to add authority to the award, and some people win the award only to discredit the award! This is the gap! ! ”
“Andrew Lee: You can report my ID number yourself!
“This perfectly explains what the value of different people is. In fact, the highest award is never the award, but the person who won the award!!” “It seems that there will be another supreme award (biei) in the international scientific research field in the future…”
As Ji Chengtian and Li Wei expected, the moment the truth award came out, the majority of netizens expressed their approval of the award! Even if it took only a few days from the idea in their minds to the implementation!
Sisheng Research Institute, the third basement floor,
In the past two days, Tang Zhenli has been busy handing over the Suzaku power module with the members of the perfect group.
During the one-week handover period, the changes to the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ have had little impact on the Suzaku power module. In addition, the research and development progress report of Qinglong power module submitted by Qi Lu two days ago, due to the particularity of Qinglong power module. At present, the components of the main body have been completed. If you want to experiment next, you must go to the Northwest Aerospace Base.
In other words, the initial stage of the current Four Saints plan has already passed.
In Tang Zhenli’s inner planning, this means that the Kirin curvature spacecraft can be put on the agenda.
But before again, a report needs to be submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Because the curvature of the spacecraft is too shocking, and out of confidentiality, Tang Zhenli submitted a separate report to the Ministry of Science and Technology in his own name, which also included the progress of the current Four Saints plan.
In the afternoon of the same day, Ji Chengtian saw the report.
In the office at this time, Ji Chengtian looked at the report on the curvature spacecraft submitted by Tang Zhenli word by word, and more at some of the data and theories.
But after watching it for a long time, Ji Chengtian found out…he couldn’t understand,
He understands the concept of the curvature spaceship, but he can’t understand the data and theory…
So this also caused him to frown when he looked at the report, like reading a book from heaven.
It is true, after all, this thing is a super-generational thing. With the current scientific theory and level, it is normal for Ji Chengtian to not understand.
Later, when Ji Chengtian saw the current progress of the Four Saints Project, his brows gradually stretched out, and then he became aware of it.
“Xiao Tang is trying to be a hands-off shopkeeper!”
The Four Saints Plan has been initially completed, whenIt doesn’t matter if you throw your hands at the shopkeeper, as long as you control the overall situation.
But… Tang Zhenli’s throwing hands is different…
This is not only to be the master of the hand, but also to develop the curvature spaceship!
To be honest, even Ji Chengtian is very confident in Tang Zhenli, but it is difficult for him to believe that the curvature spacecraft can be developed at the current level!
Is this a pure waste of time?
If ordinary people’s time is wasted, it will be wasted, but this is Tang Zhenli!
How can you spend time doing this kind of useless work…
With this time, why not let Tang Zhenli be the person in charge of the ‘Phoenix’?
Wang Shan has also submitted reports more than once, saying that she can no longer afford it…
Although Wang Shan has been the second person in charge of the ‘Strong Eight’ over the years, generally speaking, she has been assigned to the front line to guide the work at the grassroots level. Where can she live in the office?
With this in mind, Ji Chengtian has already made a decision in his heart. For the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, it is the best decision for the Dragon Kingdom!
Let Tang Zhenli be the person in charge of the ‘Phoenix’ in the first phase of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!
In fact, this is the first time he has rejected Tang Zhenli’s report, so he has to be more cautious in his wording last season.
After all, who doesn’t know now that Tang Zhenli is now the biggest treasure of the Dragon Kingdom!
After thinking for a long time in his mind, Ji Chengtian still replied.
In this report, Ji Chengtian explained the unreality of the current curvature spacecraft and the current lack of manpower at the Northwest Space Base with affection and reason, and faintly revealed that Tang Zhenli should go to the Northwest Space Base as the person in charge. mean…
After replying, Ji Chengtian shook his head and smiled bitterly.
How do you feel… I, the Minister of Science and Technology, begged Tang Zhenli to be the person in charge of the ‘Phoenix’…

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