‘Phoenix, the person in charge, Tang Zhenli! !
Sisheng Research Institute, laboratory on the third basement floor.
Tang Zhenli looked at Ji Chengtian’s reply on the computer screen, touched his chin subconsciously, thought for a while in his mind, and then muttered in a low voice
one sentence,
“This is for me to go to the Northwest Space Base?”
Although this reply did not mention much about the curvature spacecraft that he had reported before, Tang Zhenli knew that it was not that Ji Chengtian didn’t notice it, but that he deliberately ignored it.
“I still don’t believe that the curvature spaceship technology can be realized…”
If you think about it, you can understand that now the ‘Heavenly Project’ is already busy, and there is no time for yourself to do something unrealistic such as a Luo Shizi curvature spaceship…
Tang Zhenli could understand Ji Chengtian’s consideration, he immediately replied, and then sighed in his heart. It seems… the curvature spaceship… can only do it slowly…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s mood was a little complicated. In the blink of an eye, he was going to the Northwest Aerospace Base again.
On the other side, Ji Chengtian looked at Tang Zhenli’s reply with a little relief on his old face, Xiao Tang… After all, he is sensible!
Then his expression changed, he drew up a transfer order and sent it to the Sisheng Research Institute, and also contacted the Northwest Space Base to speed up the progress of the ‘Phoenix-Phoenix’!
Northwest Aerospace Base, the former ‘Zhuangba’ project building, in the office, at this time Wang Shan was sitting at the desk. She had just completed the approval of the entire ‘Phoenix’ project, and she subconsciously rubbed her eyebrows, her expression a little bit Tired, long-term labor and effort made her hair on her head a few more strands.
For this kind of overall planning, even after a period of adaptation, Wang Shan still feels a little powerless.
Overall planning and guidance at the grassroots level or local planning are completely two concepts, even Wang Shan, it is difficult to adapt at this time.
Wang Shan leaned her head on the back of the office slightly, then closed her eyes, her mind was full of thoughts.
Just then, there was a clear sound from the computer on the desk.
And Wang Shan, who was very familiar with this voice, opened her eyes subconsciously,
Needless to say, there is another project schedule below…
But when she took a closer look, she found that it was an order from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Looking at the paper order, Wang Shan’s expression was a little surprised, and then she couldn’t help but mutter to herself.
“Strange…Isn’t it already in the speed-up phase now…〃
Under the circumstance that you have submitted your application… do you need to speed up…
Thinking of this, Wang Shan’s heart moved. It stands to reason that at this stage, she is very clear that her overall planning ability is not enough to make the progress of the ‘Phoenix’ go a step further.
Unless… someone is coming!
As the thoughts in her mind became more and more certain, Wang Shan directly found out the recent project progress of the Sisheng Research Institute. “Sure enough… it’s Tang Gong!”
Judging from the progress of the project, the preliminary modules of the Four Saints Plan have been completed.
According to Wang Shan’s understanding of Tang Zhenli, he must be content to continue to improve the Four Sages plan… Thinking of this, a relaxed smile appeared on Wang Shan’s face.
It is not difficult to guess that the short term is three days, and the long one is ten days. Tang Zhenli’s transfer order is estimated to go to the Northwest Aerospace Base…
Overall planning has always been her shortcoming, and Wang Shan also knows that if Tang Zhenli really came here, then she can really breathe a sigh of relief!
Sure enough, three days later, the Northwest Aerospace Base received a staff transfer appointment from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo.
Tang Zhenli was temporarily transferred to the Northwest Aerospace Base as the general manager of the ‘Phoenix’!
Subsequently, Wang Shan continued to convey the meaning conveyed by the Ministry of Science and Technology to the next level.
‘Phoenix’ speed up! Prepare for Tang Zhenli’s arrival!
At present, the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ has just started construction, and the timing of Tang Zhenli’s taking over is considered appropriate!
Jinling Bieyuan,
Sister Xia and the assistant were busy with Ye Yingxin’s advertising endorsement, so Wu Shaoying was the only one in the villa at this time.
Since Wu Shaoying came back from the Four Saints Research InstituteAfter that, it’s been almost two months now.
Due to the film of the Longguo Science and Technology Department and the Propaganda Department, Wu Shaoying did not return to the Longguo Drama Academy for a while. At this moment, she is in her room, looking at the recipe on the computer screen intently.
…ask for flowers…
From time to time, he lowers his head and writes something in the notebook, as if he is taking notes, and his serious look does not seem attractive at this moment. It was obvious that Wu Shaoying still did not give up the idea of ​​cooking for Tang Zhenli.
At this moment, there was some movement downstairs, Wu Shaoying listened carefully, obviously heard the voice of Sister Xia, and then ignored it.
After a while, there was a knock on the door of ‘dong dong dong’,
“Come in!”
Wu Shaoying lowered her head and replied dully.
Then I saw that the door handle of the room was twisted, and Sister Xia walked in on her own.
“Yingying, I just received a notice that the film officially undertaken by Longguo is already planned to be filmed. It’s probably just a few days ago. You should be familiar with the script sent to you before, so don’t be sloppy!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying raised her head with a hint of anticipation in her eyes, then turned to look at Sister Xia,
“Finally filming? I get it, I’ll be ready!”
For this movie, Wu Shaoying can be said to watch it very seriously. She knows that Tang Zhenli likes this type of movie!
After Sister Xia finished speaking, seeing Wu Shaoying’s excited look, she shook her head helplessly, and immediately exited the room!
Maybe this is Aiwu and Wu! As long as it has something to do with Tang Zhenli, this little girl will rush to her! After Sister Xia left, Wu Shaoying was left alone in the room.
Overjoyed, Wu Shaoying rolled over on the bed a few times, and at this moment, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang, which was the sound of prestige.
Immediately, she couldn’t care less about her excitement and picked up the phone excitedly.
She had set it up before, and only Tang Zhenli’s news has a prompt tone!
“Have a meal together in the evening?”
Seeing this news, Wu Shaoying’s beautiful eyes lit up directly, her crystal-clear lips pursed slightly, and she replied directly.
“Okay, I’ll wait for you to pick me up!”
Not long after, Tang Zhenli also replied.
“Okay, I’ll pick you up later!”
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying’s star eyes narrowed together, his eyes were full of anticipation, and there was a trace of nervousness during the period! This idiot, is he going to wake up?

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