Quietly is a farewell flute!
In the evening, under the astonishing eyes of Sister Xia and the others, Wu Shaoying, who was dressed up, slowly walked downstairs.
Said to be dressed up, in fact, simply put on makeup and put on a new dress, which brought Wu Shaoying’s original ethereal aura to the extreme.
But you must know that in general, sister Tianxian rarely dresses herself up except for formal occasions, a proper makeup goddess!
And what it looks like now, for Wu Shaoying, is already an extremely grand scale. From the new novel network disk resource library https://wwa.lanzoui.com/b010pzc9i
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
The little assistant sat on the sofa, his eyes kept on Wu Shaoying, and then said.
“Sister Yingying, it’s almost night, are you going out?”
Before Wu Shaoying could answer, Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin gave Xiao Yin a blank look at the same time.
In this scene, does anyone really ask such a question?
Isn’t this lice on a bald head – obvious?
Anyone can guess that this must be going out on a date with Tang Zhenli!
Then the two women “227” gave a sympathetic look at the bewildered assistant, and shook their heads at the same time.
It seems that even after a year, the IQ of the little assistant is still offline.
Sister Xia’s eyes were inexplicable, and she said something in a mocking tone.
“Yingying is happy tonight!”
Lying alive also winked playfully at Wu Shaoying and said with a narrow expression.
“Yes, yes, we won’t leave your door tonight!”
Wu Shaoying’s pretty face flushed instantly when she heard the words, and then she stuck out her tongue at them, quenching a sentence. At this moment, a car horn sounded outside.
Wu Shaoying didn’t have time to tease with Sister Xia and the others, and hurriedly walked towards the outside.
Outside, Tang Zhenli’s familiar car parked steadily beside the villa, the window slowly fell, and Tang Zhenli’s familiar smile appeared in front of Wu Shaoying’s eyes.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying’s pretty face blushed, then she moved lightly, opened the car door and sat in.
Seeing Wu Shaoying getting into the car, Tang Zhenli also said to the driver,
“Master driver, let’s go! As I said before…”
Then, the vehicle started slowly and drove towards the destination.
In the evening, the Emgrand Hotel, in a box,
Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were sitting opposite each other, looking at Wu Shaoying, whose pretty face was flushed, Tang Zhenli’s heart moved, thinking of the purpose of inviting Wu Shaoying to dinner today, he couldn’t help but sigh.
I have already introduced the appointment of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and in a few days, I will go to the Great Northwest again…
So even he could not help but feel a sense of indebtedness towards Wu Shaoying. Since the two got together on New Year’s Eve, they haven’t been together for a week in total!
In a way, I am not a qualified boyfriend…
“Tang Zhenli, what’s wrong?”
At this time, Wu Shaoying noticed his strange expression, and said a concerned tone.
“It’s okay, think of something…”
heard,Tang Zhenli shook his head and sighed in his heart, but on the surface he smiled slightly towards Wu Shaoying.
Let’s talk later…
At this moment, the hotel’s waiter walked in and saw Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli sitting opposite each other at a glance. His eyes looked back and forth on the two of them. His expression was stunned for a moment, and then his face instantly became excited. Then he could not help but exclaimed in a low voice.
“Academician Xiao Tang…Sister Tianxian!!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli nodded towards the waiter with a warm expression, while Wu Shaoying made a ‘shush’ gesture towards her.
The waiter understood, and then quickly covered his mouth and nodded again and again, but the excitement in his eyes did not dissipate so easily in a short time.
Who would have thought that he would meet Academician Xiao Tang and sister Tianxian on a date! ! ! !
Now these two are well-known figures in the Dragon Country… They are also officially recognized couples… Who wouldn’t be excited when they meet them! ! !
But the excitement returned, the waiter still did the work she was supposed to do very professionally.
Then, as the dishes came together, Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying spent their first date with each other.
During the meal, both of them drank some red wine.
Finally, in the car back home, Tang Zhenli looked at Wu Shaoying with a red face, and his mood was a little complicated. After a long sigh of relief, he said to Wu Shaoying.
“Yingying, go to Longke University for a walk?”
“Okay, I just haven’t been to the artificial lake for a long time…”
Hearing the words, Wu Shaoying said in a dull tone, it was obvious that Wu Shaoying’s drinking capacity was not good, and now she was a little tongue-tied when she spoke.
Tang Zhenli gave an order to the driver, and the car finally stopped slowly beside the artificial lake of Longke University.
After the two got out of the car, they walked side by side around the artificial lake as before, constantly chatting about the past.
With the breeze on the lake, Wu Shaoying’s sense of drinking gradually woke up, but her pretty face was still flushed.
In the end, Tang Zhenli glanced at Wu Shaoying with flickering eyes, and his heart was ruthless, and then he said…
“Yingying, I will be transferred to the Northwest Aerospace Base in two days. The cycle may be a bit long…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying, who was walking in front, paused, as if she had not recovered.
After she recovered, she could feel Wu Shaoying’s mood drop instantly, but she still didn’t speak.
Afterwards, Wu Shaoying turned her head, her mouth was deflated, her eyes were reddish, and she looked at Tang Zhenli with complicated eyes, as if she was reluctant to give up, she seemed to be resentful…
Every move is silent, but there are thousands of words in a pair of beautiful eyes…
Tang Zhenli’s heart was filled with heartache as he looked at it…
From the beginning to the end, Wu Shaoying never said anything to complain. Instead, she showed her support with silent actions!
While thinking about it, he suddenly felt a warm fragrant nephrite rush into his arms, and Tang Zhenli also subconsciously embraced the beautiful figure in his arms.
At this moment, both of them feel each other’s heartbeats, and the whole world seems to be stagnant at this moment…
After a long while, Wu Shaoying’s head lifted from Tang Zhenli’s chest. At this time, her expression seemed to have returned to normal, and she whispered, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.
“Then you have to compensate me!”
After speaking, he raised his head and closed his eyes.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli moved in his heart, looking at Wu Shaoying’s blushing pretty face, his slightly trembling eyelids showed that its owner was not as calm as it seemed.
But at this moment, the feeling of drinking has not yet dissipated, so that Wu Shaoying exuded a unique charm at this time.
Even Tang Zhenli’s eyes couldn’t help flashing a hint of surprise. He was not Liu Xiahui, who was sitting in his arms. He saw that his lips were slightly on Wu Shaoying’s crystal lips.
“not enough!”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying said to herself without even opening her eyes.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli felt helpless and could only tap Wu Shaoying’s lips again.
“not enough!”
Tang Zhenli: “…”
“not enough!”
Tang Zhenli: “…”
After the last kiss, Wu Shaoying slowly opened her eyes, and there was a hint of sweetness and satisfaction in her eyes. Just as she was about to speak, she was directly blocked by a mouth halfway through.
“Come back soon… uh~”
It seems… this should be enough!

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