‘Heavenly Plan, Life and Death! !
in Chu WenAfter Qian left, Tang Zhenli drew up a report on the anti-gravity system and reported it to the Longguo Science and Technology Department, and then began to figure out how to solve the problem of the anti-gravity system.
After all, the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is nominally the head office of the Dragon Kingdom’s Science and Technology Department. With such a big deal, it is natural to report the situation.
At this time, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
Looking at Tang Zhenli’s report on the anti-gravity system, Ji Chengtian’s brows were furrowed, and he looked preoccupied.
After a long while, he murmured in a heavy tone,
“It really can’t be smooth sailing…”
It can be seen from this report that when the original anti-gravity system research was in the initial theoretical stage, there was a problem with a certain data, which caused the overall anti-gravity system engine to appear biased!
There are even concerns about feasibility, and the problem with the anti-gravity system’s engine has been a major obstacle to the overall development of the ‘Phoenix’.
It can be said that the anti-gravity system engine has not been successfully developed in one day, and the overall progress of the ‘Phoenix’ will continue to drag on like this!
And this is an unaffordable price for both the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Dragon Kingdom!
Every additional day of delay in the progress of the ‘Phoenix’ means that the project cycle will be delayed by one day!
You must know that this is not just a matter of time, but more importantly, cost. Every extra day of project cycle means that a R&D team of tens of thousands of people will spend an extra day of energy and time!
And what’s more serious is that if the anti-gravity system engine can be developed, Longguo can still insist on the extension of the project cycle! !!
Afraid of the feasibility of the anti-gravity system engine!
Because of that data error, the R&D team made a serious misjudgment of the anti-gravity system engine!
The current situation is that whether the anti-gravity system engine can be developed will be marked with a big question mark…
This may even affect the progress of the entire ‘Project Heaven’, if this aspect of the anti-gravity system engine makes the ‘Project Heaven’ a fantasy!
Not only does the staff need to apologize with death, but the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo may become a laughing stock in the field of international scientific research!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian sighed leisurely, propped his head with his hands, and tapped the top of his head lightly. At this moment, his mind was full of melancholy.
I thought it was smooth sailing, but who knew that at a critical juncture, there would be such a big question about whether the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’ could be implemented!
If possible, Ji Chengtian would very much like to give the person who miscalculated the data to the ‘a thousand-dollar drama’, but the matter has already happened, it is meaningless to hold you accountable, and it will make the military unstable!
The most important thing now is how to make a trade-off…
After a long while, Ji Chengtian decided to hold a major meeting at the Ministry of Science and Technology under the great importance of the matter!
The theme of the meeting is to discuss the choice of ‘Phoenix’ or ‘Heavenly Plan’!
Not long after, it was still the familiar meeting room,
All the bosses from the Ministry of Science and Technology were present. At first, they came in with a relaxed expression, but when they saw Ji Chengtian, who was sitting in the first seat, his face was so gloomy that water was dripping. Don’t know what happened, but just look at Ji Sung
The expression on the sky must be no trivial matter!
After being seated, everyone looked at Ji Chengtian, who was sinking like water.
It stands to reason that there is no pressure or dilemma inside and outside the scientific research community of Longguo, and even the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is proceeding in an orderly manner.
In the end what kind of thing will make the person in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology react so strongly?
Just as the atmosphere in the conference room became heavier, Ji Chengtian’s serious voice came slowly,
“Comrades, now we have encountered the biggest dilemma since the launch of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’! And the theme of today’s meeting is the choice of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!”
The voice fell, and everyone in the conference room immediately ignored the dignified atmosphere in the room, and suddenly there was an uproar.
The heads of the various departments under the Ministry of Science and Technology present here are stunned, and their eyes are a little horrified!
What does Jibu say…what does it mean?
How do you feel that Heaven is in danger? ? ? ? ?
With this in mind, the atmosphere in the field became even more solemn!
Even if everyone here is the big boss of the Ministry of Science and Technology, at this time, they dare not take a breath. What the **** happened!
After a few breaths, Ji Chengtian took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell, and then said solemnly.
“The latest news, the anti-gravity system engine has to start from scratch due to data problems… Starting from scratch means starting from a feasibility study!”
Ji Chengyi’s voice was steadily spread in the conference room, and everyone suffocated when they heard the words, and then exclaimed, even if they were calm, they couldn’t sit still!
What? ”
“how is this possible? ”
“Isn’t the anti-gravity system engine the core of the ‘Phoenix’? What did the people in charge of this work do!”
“Now that the ‘Heavenly Plan’ has been carried out and is known to the public, in case the ‘Heavenly Plan’ is cancelled due to the difficulty of this anti-gravity system engine. The consequences are simply unimaginable! ! ”
“I knew from the beginning that this piece was not so easy to overcome…”
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For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room, but looking at everyone’s appearance, it was obvious that they were more negative than positive!
At this time, Ji Chengtian snorted, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet.
Later, Ji Chengtian’s eyes sharpened rarely, and he glanced at everyone off the field like a falcon. He (did he) knew that the key now was not complaining or afterthought, but discussing a solution!
See the atmosphere between the venues is a little calmerAfter a while, he said.
“There are two plans in preparation now. One is to temporarily terminate the process of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’. After all, whether the anti-gravity system engine can succeed remains to be discussed! The R&D team will spend a month to study the preliminary feasible plan, and if feasible, the resources will be tilted, and try to catch up with the progress, if it is not feasible … refer to the first plan!”
As Ji Chengtian’s unhurried voice fell, the scene was silent!
Everyone looked at each other and could see the solemn meaning in each other’s eyes!
Everyone here knows that this may be a decision that decides the life and death of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!

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