Start the research, lead the team in person!
In the top-secret conference room of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo,
The atmosphere in the arena was very depressing. Even though everyone here was an extraordinary figure, their faces were very heavy at this time!
You can imagine how much pressure there is.
After Ji Chengtian finished speaking, the conference room was silent for a long time before someone spoke.
The person who spoke was Li Wei, the second-in-command of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He had a serious face and said in a calm tone.
“Ji Department, I think it’s too early to stop the research and development of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’. The rash stop is undoubtedly a waste of previous efforts. My opinion is to give the research and development team some time!”
Hearing this, everyone present nodded, obviously Li Wei’s words hit their hearts.
Even Ji Chengtian nodded, and at this moment, Wang Zhi also spoke,
“Ji Bu, I also think that we should give the R&D team some time. Just now, news came from the Northwest Aerospace Base that it is said that the re-derivation of the anti-gravity system engine was led by Academician Tang Zhenli himself!”
As the God of Wealth of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wang Zhi naturally knows more informal news than Ji Chengtian!
Unexpectedly, Wang Zhi’s voice just fell 240, the eyes of everyone present in the room suddenly lit up, and even Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed a hint of surprise.
I’ve been busy for a long time…how could I forget Tang Zhenli!
After Wang Zhi mentioned Tang Zhenli, the atmosphere in the conference room eased down in a visible form…
After all, the name Tang Zhenli is synonymous with miracles in the scientific research community of Long Kingdom!
To put it simply, the rapid development of the Dragon Kingdom in the past two years is inseparable from Tang Zhenli.
Not to mention that the civilian use of controllable nuclear fusion has made the quality of life of the people of the Long Kingdom higher. Things that were previously thought impossible!
Even in retrospect now, everyone still feels a little unrealistic!
But at this time, Ji Chengtian frowned, and obviously found that the people present had great confidence in Tang Zhenli. For now, this is not a good thing…

So after pondering for a while, Ji Chengtian poured a basin of cold water on everyone,
“The difficulty of developing an anti-gravity system engine is no worse than the (biei) controllable nuclear fusion technology! Even if Academician Tang Zhenli leads the team, as the coordinator, it is impossible to consider only one possibility!”
Hearing this, the crowd fell silent again.
As Ji Chengtian said, as a high-level executive of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is impossible to only see the good side, and you need to consider the possibility of failure in every step of the landing!
Now that I think about it, just now, I was indeed carried away by my confidence in Tang Zhenli…
After a long time, the atmosphere of silence was broken again, and Wang Zhi said thoughtfully.
“It’s better to set a time limit. If the feasibility of the anti-gravity system engine is re-verified and feasible, then the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ will naturally continue. If the verification is not feasible, naturally there is no way to continue…”
After Wang Zhi finished speaking, there was a trace of thought in the eyes of everyone present.
In the end, Ji Chengtian said calmly.
“I think it can, if it’s a deadline, three months! Three months is the limit we can afford! We just need to prove it’s feasible! ‘The Heavenly Court Plan’ continues, otherwise… Otherwise, let’s discuss it later!”
When the words fell, Li Wei’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then he said.
“Three months? ?? Ji Department, will these three months be too tight… The original R&D team has taken half a year to get to now, and they are still taking a dislocated route… Three months…”
A look of embarrassment appeared on the faces of other senior officials of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Three months, to be honest… some strong people are in trouble…
Then, without waiting for Ji Chengtian to explain, Wang Zhi, who made this opinion, spoke in a somewhat inexplicable tone.
“Supporting for three months is already the limit that our Ministry of Science and Technology can support financially!”
Hearing the words, everyone’s expressions changed, and if the God of Wealth said so… there’s nothing I can do…
Three months should be the last chance for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!
Some of them may have had confidence in Tang Zhenli before, but looking at this time now…it’s almost impossible…
Either way! These three months can be considered the last chance for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!
Seeing that the wind direction in the field was certain, Ji Chengtian looked around the crowd again, made up his mind, and then made a final decision.
“In this case, comrades, whether the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ can continue depends on the three-month period! ! !”
Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, and Long Guo’s next step for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ was officially finalized!
Will the ‘Phoenix’ be reborn in nirvana, or will it be the final lament for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!
After March, see for yourself!
Northwest Space Base,
Since yesterday, Tang Zhenli has been involved in the research and development of the anti-gravity system engine.
At this time, he was in the Northwest AirlinesInside one of the most cutting-edge laboratories in the space base, or in the office of the laboratory.
Looking at the original plan of the anti-gravity system engine of the “Heavenly Court Project”, I secretly speculated in my heart.
At this time, a staff member didn’t even knock on the door of the office. He pushed the door open with the documents in his arms, and walked towards him anxiously.
“Mr. Tang, urgent news from the Ministry of Science and Technology!”
After finishing speaking, he directly handed the document in his hand to him.
“Oh? ”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli raised his head, raised his eyebrows slightly, then took the handed over document and read it directly, and the staff member retreated knowingly upon seeing this.
“Three months…”
After a while, Tang Zhenli looked at the document in his hand, frowned, and then relaxed…
Finally, Tang Zhenli subconsciously glanced at the office door, and then threw the document into the office shredder…
For him, three months may not be a short period of time, but for ordinary scientific researchers, three months is indeed a bit too short
In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Tang Zhenli could only do this…
And most importantly, he is confident enough to develop the anti-gravity system engine!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sighed slightly, and then subconsciously said to himself.
“It’s time to speed up the process too…”

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