Anti-gravity system engine? ? ?
Northwest Space Base,
The research and development team of the anti-gravity system engine arrived at the base yesterday, but it can be seen from the surface that the complexion of this group of people is obviously not very good, each of them looks very depressed, and their morale is also very low!
Committing this kind of mistake, let alone others, it is difficult for them to forgive themselves. Strictly speaking, they themselves feel that they are sinners of Longyang Kingdom!
Because this is no longer a mistake, to some extent, this is already an accident!
However, Tang Zhenli didn’t say much when he saw this. Now it’s not important to pursue the crime. It’s better to let them take the crime and make meritorious service.
After they arrived, Tang Zhenli directly issued an order, ordering them to recalculate according to the original wrong direction.
And Tang Zhenli himself has been studying the original anti-gravity system engine plan for several days.
In the past few days, he suddenly discovered that the direction of the original research and development team was somewhat similar to the general curvature spaceship theory concept he had completed before.
You must know that in the consensus of the current human scientific research community, there are two basic concepts of anti-gravity.
One is the anti-gravity engine of curved space. In fact, after a few days of preliminary understanding, Tang Zhenli discovered that, from a certain point of view, the warp speed engine is an anti-gravity engine, because their concept is to compress the space in front of the spacecraft. Space expands the space behind the spaceship, thereby forming a space potential energy to push the spaceship forward, but the anti-gravity engine only needs to correct the front-to-back distribution to be up and down, and the space compression and expansion are properly corrected to fight against gravity!
To change the curvature of space is nothing more than passing a certain large mass, or continuous and sufficient energy, so change the popular
According to the concept, the curvature engine is the spaceship sailing in space, and the anti-gravity engine is the propeller acting on the earth’s atmosphere!
And another concept starts from a hypothetical particle that transmits gravity as a medium, that is, the graviton!
From the perspective of gravitons, it is easier to understand. For example, light, that is, photons, can be blocked by a piece of paper. Of course, this is blocking in the narrow sense!
Starting from this concept, what human beings need to find is a substance that can isolate the transmission of gravitons! Of course, this may be a bit difficult, maybe someday in the future, some kind of force field can be created to block the transmission of gravitons! But for now, the graviton is still an unproven concept, and it is obviously impractical to start from this aspect! So now the human scientific research community is basically doing research in this area based on the first theory.
Just look at the direction of the previous anti-gravity system engine R&D team, through continuous and stable large-scale energy output, the space changes to achieve the concept of anti-gravity!
After reading the original plan, Tang Zhenli felt that this was very similar to the concept of the curvature spaceship he had conceived…
Thinking of this, his heart felt hot… If he started with the anti-gravity system engine, he might have accumulated experience in the development of future curvature spacecraft.
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli stood up from his seat, and kept pace in the office.
Finally, I sat back on the office chair, picked up the tablet computer that never leaves me anywhere, and then picked up the electronic pen and started gesticulating… A few days later, the Northwest Aerospace Base was still stable as usual, and the staff didn’t seem to feel it. The pressure is average, and the construction of the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ is proceeding in an orderly manner.
It’s just that in the past few days, I don’t know where the news came. I heard that the anti-gravity system engine may cause the failure of the entire “Tianting Project”! And there is still a tendency to become more and more violent. After all, it is well known that the anti-gravity system engine needs data errors. A few days later, the news inside the space base gradually began to spread..
The main reason is that the anti-gravity system engine is simply too important for the “Phoenix” or the “Tianting Project”!
…ask for flowers…
Together with the four holy power modules, it is called the cornerstone of the “Tianting Project”!
The failure of the current anti-gravity system engine is hard not to make them think…
And the high-level managers of the ‘Phoenix’ project also lost their voices at this time, collectively silent!
Even Wang Shan, thinking of Wei Pengyu’s phone call from Yandu yesterday, felt a little dignified in her heart!
But nowTang Zhenli, the backbone of the ‘Phoenix’, Tang Gong has not come out to speak, and for a while, they are not good at talking nonsense…
I just continued to work silently, but compared to the previous days, my spirit and energy were completely different…
… 0
The top management has not received the news for a long time, and Yandu seems to have made a decision…
With this in mind, the atmosphere inside the ‘Phoenix’ project at this time became more and more heavy…
It seems that everyone has already decided that there may be changes in the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’…
The driving force that can keep everyone going now may be Tang Zhenli, who has never spoken out!
At this time, Tang Zhenli, with the help of the system, has just completed the entire overall plan of the anti-gravity system engine!
That’s right, it’s the whole overall plan. Combined with some previous studies on the curvature spacecraft, in less than ten days, Tang Zhenli has simulated the initial stage of the anti-gravity system engine to the subsequent stage. All plans are made!
In other words, the anti-gravity system engine is achievable!
After inputting the last equation system on the computer, Tang Zhenli rubbed his temples, and he did not rest for nearly ten days, which was quite a load for his body at this time!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s mind gradually emptied, so he leaned on the back of the office chair and slowly leaned over.
After a while, a steady breathing sound came from the office!  …
Black I*
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