“Land of Deep Space” enters the Great Northwest!
Due to Zhao Yunxia’s high status in the film industry, she has a lot of authority.
So at this time, after Zhao Yunxia said that she was going to go to the Gobi to film, the crew basically had no objections and started to pack things. Accompanied by Sister Xia and her assistant, Wu Shaoying also walked towards the commuter bus.
“Wu Shaoying, wait a moment!”
At this moment, Zhao Yunxia’s voice came from behind Wu Shaoying and the others.
Hearing that Wu Shaoying and the others paused, they turned their heads and looked at Zhao Yunxia with some doubts.
Zhao Yunxia looked at Wu Shaoying with a smile on her face, and then said in a slightly gentle tone.
“The conditions of the filming location this time are difficult. You are a girl, so bring more things for skin care. Well, it’s getting late, go back and pack up your things and have a rest early!”
After finishing speaking, without waiting for Wu Shaoying and others to answer, he left on his own.
Seeing Wu Shaoying, sister Xia and the little assistant looked at each other, and called Wu Shaoying to stop, just to say this? ? Apparently, Zhao Yunxia’s operations made the women a little confused.
In fact, anyone who knows Zhao Yunxia a little bit knows that her mood is basically written on her face, and she has always been 813 verbal to those who are not used to it!
There can only be one explanation for such seemingly unreasonable concerns!
It can be seen that Zhao Yunxia is very satisfied with Wu Shaoying, the heroine.
In other words, in the past two months, Wu Shaoying successfully used her performance to get Zhao Yunxia to recognize her!
To put it bluntly, any actor who starts filming again because of a single action, will not be able to stand it!
If it is done once or twice, it may still be able to withstand it, but after a long time, who can withstand it?
It just so happened that Wu Shaoying had resisted in the past two months, no matter how much Zhao Yunxia asked for a reshoot, she never complained at all. After two months like this, how could Zhao Yunxia have a bad impression of her?
After that, the crew of “The Land of Deep Space” stayed at the Longguo Film and Television Culture Base for the last night,
With the support of the two major departments of the rich and powerful Dragon Kingdom, in order to save time, the crew of “Deep Space” directly chartered a special plane to the Gobi Desert!
Departing in the morning, the plane landed in a small northwest city at noon, and in the afternoon the crew of “Deep Space” drove to the Gobi Desert in the northwest…
Along the way, the little assistant was shocked by the scene of the Gobi Desert in the northwest just through the car window.
“Wow, this… this place is too big!”
The people who heard the words looked at the boundless Gobi desert. Looking up, it was an open area, from near to far, and connected to the horizon like a yellow curtain.
It has to be said that the actual desert is far more shocking than the one on TV.
After several hours of driving, the convoy slowly stopped at a small county town, which is the most populated place in the Northwest.
It can be seen from the various buildings or architectural decorations that there is a long-standing atmosphere everywhere, and it looks like a small town ten years ago.
However, it can be seen from some busy electricians on the street that the benefits of controlled nuclear fusion for civilian use are about to spread here. The convoy drove slowly on the street, but it didn’t attract much attention from the aborigines here.
The reason is that there is an endless stream of crews and tourists coming and going here every year, so the locals have long been familiar with it.
Finally, the convoy stopped slowly in a group of B&Bs that had been arranged long ago. They were a few small flat-floor buildings with Northwest characteristics, and the crew of “Deep Space Land” will live here during the filming cycle!
In the shooting plan, for the safety of shooting, the crew of “Deep Space” did not go deep into the desert.
In other words, in the next period of time, the crew of “Deep Space” will spend several months of shooting here.
Because the city module has been filmed in nearly two months, and all the scenes of “Deep Space Land” will be completed here. I
Of course, the filming location is not in a small county, but in an uninhabited area a few kilometers away.
After the convoy stopped slowly, Zhao Yunxia’s voice spread through the crew as soon as the crew got out of the car,
“It’s getting late today, everyone take a good rest, and the filming will officially start tomorrow!”
The crew members who heard the words also responded one after another, and then each carried their luggage to the rooms they arranged.
On the contrary, the little assistant glanced at the sun in the sky suspiciously.Is it too early? ? ?
Then he looked at the time subconsciously, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he exclaimed in a low voice.
“Sister Yingying, look at the time, it’s already seven o’clock in the evening, and the sun is still there!”
Unexpectedly, this opening immediately exposed her IQ, and Wu Shaoying and the others looked at Xiao Yin with a hint of disgust in their eyes. In the end, it was Ye Yingxin who explained with a sincere expression.
“Little Yin, do you know about jet lag?”
Wen Yan’s little assistant shook his head frankly, with a cute expression on his face.
Seeing this, Ye Yingxin couldn’t help but put her hands on her forehead, feeling a little helpless, and then lost the patience to explain, and said directly.
“Forget it, let’s go, Jiu Leu Yu, slowly you will get used to it!”
Then the three girls, Qi Qi, glanced sympathetically at the bewildered Xiao Yin, and walked straight to the arranged residence. Only the little assistant was left alone, meditating on the spot, muttering softly from time to time,
“Jet lag? What is that thing??”

“Forget it, let’s go, Jiu Leu Yu, slowly you will get used to it!”
Then the three girls, Qi Qi, glanced sympathetically at the bewildered Xiao Yin, and walked straight to the arranged residence. Only the little assistant was left alone, meditating on the spot, muttering softly from time to time,
“Jet lag? What is that thing??”

Hearing this, Wu Shaoying subconsciously glanced at Sister Xia, then nodded towards Zhao Yunxia, ​​and followed her as if walking towards the periphery of the set.
“Director Zhao, what can I do for you?”
Zhao Yunxia smiled slightly, then shook her head, and said in a gentle tone,
“It’s okay, I just want to chat with you, after all, there are not many young actors who can endure hardships like you.”
Wu Shaoying was taken aback for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment,
“Director Zhao won the award, this is what an actor should do
Unexpectedly, Zhao Yunxia shook her head again, and then said,
“What to do and what to do are two different things! I know it very well!”
Seeing that Zhao Yunxia had said that, Wu Shaoying didn’t know how to answer her for a while.
Afterwards, Zhao Yunxia didn’t deliberately bring up the topic of conversation, and the two women just walked slowly around the periphery of the crew.
After a long while, Zhao Yunxia stopped in her footsteps, and Wu Shaoying also paused subconsciously when she saw this, and then looked at Zhao Yunxia with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.
Zhao Yunxia stared at one direction in a daze, then pointed in that direction, turned her head to look at Wu Shaoying and said, her tone was a bit inexplicable.
“Do you know where that is over there?”
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying froze for a moment, then shook her head calmly,
“do not know
The corners of Zhao Yunxia’s mouth curved slightly, and she said with a little thought in her eyes
“That’s the direction of the Northwest Space Base! My father and husband also work there…”
Wu Shaoying’s expression froze, her breathing became slightly chaotic, and she also looked in the direction Zhao Yunxia was looking at.
So… is that the Northwest Space Base?
After a long while, Zhao Yunxia regained her composure, turned her head to look at Wu Shaoying, seeing that she was also a little stunned, she understood it, and then said in a gentle tone.
“Shao Ying, I will call you that in the future. To be honest, I admire you as a little girl. I have heard about you and Academician Xiao Tang. As a family member of scientific research, I can empathize with this feeling of missing you. , Before the national event, no personal affair is allowed, you may have a hard time in the future, but please go on!”
At the end, Zhao Yunxia patted Wu Shaoying on the shoulder.
Although the ages of the two are quite different, the situations of the two women are very similar, so Zhao Yunxia always has a feeling of empathy for Wu Shaoying.
So at this moment, Zhao Yunxiao said this to Wu Shaoying in the tone of someone who had experienced it.
After a long while, Wu Shaoying turned her head to the side, with a sweet smile on her face, and said softly.
…ask for flowers…
“Director Zhao, I understand!”
Seeing the smile on Wu Shaoying’s face, Zhao Yunxia felt happy from the bottom of her heart, and said immediately.
“If you don’t like it, don’t call me Director Zhao, call me Sister Zhao, or Aunt Zhao!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying nodded and said with a smile.
“Okay, Miss Zhao!”
After this short exchange, with similar experiences, the relationship between the two women has obviously improved a lot…
At this moment, the staff of the crew behind said loudly towards this side.
“Director Zhao! Not good, something happened!”
Hearing the words, the expressions of the two goddesses suddenly changed, and then they looked at each other, but they could only temporarily put aside their complicated emotions, and hurriedly walked towards the crew.
When the two women came in front of the staff member, Zhao Yunxia said with a serious expression, her tone was very hasty.
“what’s the matter, what happened?”
Seeing this, the staff member quickly replied.
“Director Zhao, the scriptwriters got into a fight because of the script!”
This book was published by Yueyao
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s expression remained unchanged, she just turned her head to look at Zhao Yunxia, ​​only to see Zhao Yunxia frowned, and then said bluntly.
“Go, go and see, what happened!”
During the speech, the tenderness when they were getting along just now was gone, and the aura of a strong woman was revealed again. After speaking, she went straight to the vehicle where the screenwriter was originally arranged.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying could only follow secretly.
Several people hurriedly walked towards the crew, and before they came to the front, they could hear the quarrel of several people from a distance, and when they came to the front _Look
The h screenwriters all blushed and were arguing loudly. If it weren’t for the staff members of the crew next to each screenwriter, maybe there would beMaybe straight up.
At this time, seeing Zhao Yunxia and Wu Shaoying coming, the sharp-eyed man shouted a few times.
“Director Zhao is here!”
Immediately, the scene was suffocated, and the voices including several screenwriters paused, and then all eyes focused on Zhao Yunxia!

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