Major logic error?
“what happened? ”
Upon arriving here, Zhao Yunxia first glanced at the screenwriters in the center of the room, then glanced at the other staff members, and said solemnly.
But after a long while, everyone who heard the words just lowered their heads, and no one spoke.
Looking at Zhao Yunxia, ​​her brows tightened, and the expression on her face became heavier.
“Why, are you still deaf if you don’t hear?”
The voice fell, and everyone’s heart jumped, secretly saying that they would suffer!
Everyone could feel that a strong momentum was condensed on Zhao Yunxia!
At this critical moment, one of the screenwriters bravely stood up and said weakly.
“Director Zhao, there is a major logical error in the script… So we discussed “August 13″”
“Major logic error?”
Seeing that someone finally answered, Zhao Yunxia’s face looked a little better. She hugged her arms with both hands, and then looked at several screenwriters and said.
“tell me the story”
Hearing this, the editors could only honestly say,
“It’s like this, Director Zhao, the plot has reached the stage of landing alien exploration, and the atmosphere of this alien is distributed with hard meteorites, forming something similar to a protective shell. The current logic is that the spacecraft cannot break through this hard layer. the ‘protective shell
“Now we are arguing whether to change the setting of this meteorite, or to change the plot…”
Unexpectedly, the voice fell, Zhao Yunxia shook her head firmly, and then said.
“No, you can’t change the settings! This is the principle!”
Years of directing experience told her that changing the setting may trigger a series of chain reactions later, which has a great impact on the texture level of the entire film.
So at this time, she said without thinking at all.
Seeing that Zhao Yunxia said in such a resolute tone, the two screenwriters who had suggested changing the setting lowered their heads.
But then the other two screenwriters said with embarrassment.
“It’s just Director Zhao, we are not professionals as to how to break through this ‘protective shell’ solution. If we want to base it on the current physical theory, we have no way to start…”
Hearing this, Zhao Yunxia’s expression was slightly startled, and she fell silent.
One of the most important requirements of the Longguo Science and Technology Department and the Propaganda Department for “Deep Sky” is to strive for authenticity!
Because this was shot as a promotional video for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’.
Therefore, in the setting of the plot, it is absolutely not allowed to fabricate it, and any theory extended by the plot must be scrutinized and pondered.
The people present were not professionals, and they didn’t know anything about these things. For a while, the scene fell into silence, and even Zhao Yunxia, ​​who had always been decisive, had a look of embarrassment on her face at this time.
Although she is a famous director of the Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible for her to be omniscient in all aspects, but now she has to try her best to be true… It’s hard to do…
When the atmosphere in the room became more and more silent, a very small voice came from Zhao Yunxia’s ear,
“Sister Zhao, is the problem really that big?”
But no matter how quiet it was, in the current atmosphere where the needle drop could be heard, it broke the silence of the scene.
Everyone followed the voice to see that it was Wu Shaoying, who had been silently observing beside Zhao Yunxia, ​​who spoke.
Just now, everyone had a heated discussion, and they didn’t pay attention to Sister Tianxian for a while.
When the people on the field heard Wu Shaoying’s address to Zhao Yunxia, ​​their expressions moved one after another.
When was the relationship between Director Zhao and Wu Shaoying so good?
Zhao Yunxia nodded after hearing the words, and then said solemnly,
“If you don’t solve this logical problem, you can only skip this plot first, and then start shooting after it’s solved!”
For a perfectionist like Zhao Yunxia, ​​such imprecise logical errors cannot be tolerated!
Hearing Zhao Yunxia’s words, Wu Shaoying’s beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, and then her expression gradually became heavy. Obviously, she did not expect such a logical question to be so important to Zhao Yunxia.
You must know that the filming of skipping plots is a big problem for the post-editing and production of the film. If one is not good, it may even reduce the layering and texture of the film…
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying’s heart moved, as if thinking of something, and then whispered to Zhao Yunxia.
“Sister Zhao, otherwise, I’ll see if I can think of a way.
Hearing this, Zhao Wenxia’s expression was slightly stunned, and she couldn’t help but look at Wu Shaoying, who had confidence in her eyes, and she also knew something.
Is it…..
Thinking of this, Zhao Wenxia’s eyes flickered, her complexion a little better, and then said.
“Shao Ying, then… you try?”
Very, Zhao Wenxia also had some guesses about what Wu Shaoying was thinking.
When others saw that Sister Tianxian seemed to have a way, their expressions also lit up.
After all, it is well known who is the boyfriend of Sister Tianxian.
Thinking of getting along with Academician Xiao Tang every day, Sister Tianxian might also know something about these. Thinking of this, everyone looked at Wu Shaoying expectantly, expecting her to solve the logical error in the plot.
At this time, Wu Shaoying seemed to be the focus of everyone’s eyes, and she took out her mobile phone in a hurry, and then sent a message to Tang Zhenli like a tentative.
“exist? ”
Obviously she doesn’t know if Tang Zhenli has time now.
the other side,
At the Northwest Aerospace Base, Tang Zhenli, who was inspecting the project below, only felt the phone in his pocket shake.

Now, apart from working on experimental projects in the experiment, Tang Zhenli’s mobile phone is basically inseparable.
And when the news shocked, he knew who it was.
“What’s the matter?”
Looking at the news of Nian Ming Zong, Tang Zhenli also replied directly.
Almost at the moment of replying, Wu Shaoying’s avatar flashed again.
“Then do you have time now?”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, then glanced at the project he was currently in, and replied.
“Well, it should be there in a short time!”
Unexpectedly, just after replying, the phone vibrated again.
It’s just that this time it’s not a message, it’s a phone call…

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