: Yi Kunpeng’ Test Flight! ! ! ? ? ?
After thinking carefully for a while, Chen Xinyao turned her head to look at Tang Ziyue, who was grilling rice with You Zi at the dining table, with a hint of relief in her eyes.
It seems that this… really fulfilled this little girl’s wish…
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chen Xinyao’s face, and then she walked towards Tang Ziyue.
“Ziyue, there is good news, do you want to hear it?”
Seeing her mother’s somewhat mysterious smile, Tang Ziyue’s mind moved, thinking of Chen Xinyao’s address just now, she also had some guesses in her mind, then shook her head and said.
“If it’s about escorting, then there’s no need…”
The homeroom teacher’s words had hinted at the intention of recommending her to her before, but she managed to convince her that she was going to apply for the Longke University. As Tang Zhenli’s younger sister “Ba Yi San”, how could she not have a little bit of pride in herself?
Just like Tang Zhenli who gave up his recommendation quota to go to the college entrance examination back then, as brothers and sisters, their cognition on this matter can be said to be exceptionally consistent. Tang Ziyue only looked a little naive on the surface. As Tang Zhenli’s younger sister, how could she be as heartless as she appeared? But this time, she obviously guessed wrong!
Chen Xinyao heard Tang Ziyue’s words, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she spoke directly.
“Huh? What is recommended? I’m talking about Long Ke University’s undergraduate enrollment this year!”
Q r Q ”

Hearing this, Tang Ziyue was stunned for a moment, then the corner of her eyes widened, and the last pair of beautiful eyes widened, looking at her mother in disbelief.
“What’s your expression? Here~ youLook…”
Seeing this, Chen Xinyao glanced at her, and then handed her the phone.
Immediately, Tang Ziyue couldn’t wait to find Chen Xinyao’s mobile phone. Looking at the announcement on the official website of Longke University on the screen of the mobile phone, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.
After a long while, Tang Ziyue clenched her fists tightly, as if celebrating, and then threw a heavy fist towards the ceiling, shouting loudly.
“Yeah! My brother and I are classmates!”
Unexpectedly, seeing this, Chen Xinyao patted Tang Ziyue’s little head lightly, and said to her earnestly.
“What are you doing blindly? You’ll be ashamed if you don’t pass the exam!”
“Humph! ”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue let out a coquettish snort from her nose, but she still regained her composure.
For the college entrance examination in a few days, Tang Ziyue is also a little nervous for the first time…
Now Longke University just says to set up an undergraduate department to recruit undergraduates, but I still don’t know what the score line is…
However, looking at the fame that Tang Zhenli brought to Longke University in the past two years, the number of reports has increased. Naturally, the score line is naturally not low…
Northwest Aerospace Base, Tang Zhenli’s office,
Looking at the adaptation materials and applications sent by the ‘Guan Peng’ aerospace UAV project team, Tang Zhenli’s eyes showed a little thought…
In the past few days, the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter has completed the preliminary adaptation with the Suzaku power module, and from the preliminary test data, the situation is still good.
And now what Tang Zhenli is thinking about is the application for the field test of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter…
You must know that aerospace fighters are no different than other aircraft. Eighty percent of the main sites it uses are above the atmosphere. Therefore, there is still a certain risk in the experiment.
Not to mention that the outer space of the earth is currently covered by many artificial satellites.
That is to say, with a little carelessness, it may be possible to shoot down or even collide with artificial satellites!
After all, it is only in the testing stage, so the technology is not yet fully mature, and some accidents are inevitable. However, if it is a satellite of other major powers, the consequences… will even affect international relations!
And in the unlikely event, if the Kunpeng’s aerial drone is captured by other countries, the price is even more unbearable!
This epoch-making technological product leaked out before it was completely exposed, and the consequences were unimaginable!
So this time, even Tang Zhenli had to think carefully about the experiment of the ‘Kunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter!
After careful consideration, a flash of decision flashed in Tang Zhenli’s eyes…
Experiment in the morning and experiment in the evening, and sooner or later you have to experiment!
But before that, in order to avoid accidents, you still need to be fully prepared.
At this point, Tang Zhenli issued an order to the satellite orbit monitoring department of the Northwest Space Base, ordering them to calculate the required test orbit of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace UAV as soon as possible, and try to control the test within a controllable range!
After all, it is only a test now, and it is impossible to fly around the world like actual combat. Testing according to the predetermined track can also get accurate test results, and it can also be kept secret to the greatest extent!
Soon, not long after his order was issued, the satellite orbit monitoring department of the Northwest Space Base sent a reply, but to his surprise, the satellite orbit monitoring department replied that the authority data held by the Northwest Space Base was insufficient. Calculating an accurate test orbit plan requires the cooperation of the Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department to accurately calculate a reasonable test orbit.
– In time, Tang Zhenli also dared to take some trouble.
The Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department…”
Tang Zhenli rested his chin with one hand and tapped the work desk with the other, with a thoughtful expression, and whispered to himself.
With this in mind, Tang Zhenli sent an email to the satellite orbit monitoring department of the Northwest Space Base again.
The email stated that the satellite orbit monitoring department of the Northwest Space Base was authorized to apply to the Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department in the name of the ‘Phoenix’ project team, and to make an accurate and accurate copy of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace UAV as soon as possible. Test track.
On the other hand, the satellite orbit monitoring department of the Northwest Space Base did not dare to delay after receiving Tang Zhenli’s order, and directly submitted an application for an orbit plan to the Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department.

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