Test track plan? ? ?
Yandu, the Longguo Aerospace Administration, is a national unit under the jurisdiction of the Longguo Ministry of Science and Technology.
However, the positioning of the General Administration of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Longguo is very embarrassing. Generally speaking, although the space bases outside Longguo are nominally managed by the General Administration of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Longguo.
“But it’s just that the rank of the major aerospace bases in the Dragon Country is the same as that of the Dragon Country Aerospace Administration, all of which are subordinate units of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
So this also leads to the fact that the Longguo Aerospace Administration is only a name, and none of the major aerospace bases in the Longguo are under its orders, and everything is reported directly to the Longguo Science and Technology Department.
As a result, the General Administration of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Longguo is only responsible for the major civil aviation in Longguo, and it cannot control the major aerospace bases at all.
From a certain point of view, the word aerospace of the Longguo Aerospace Administration should be removed, and it will directly become the Longguo Aerospace Administration.
However, the Longguo Aerospace Administration has a sub-unit of the Longguo 19 spacecraft orbit monitoring department. Whether it is the aviation route planning of ordinary civil aviation or the calculation of various satellite orbits in the aerospace field of Longguo, this unit is in charge.
Let the Longguo Aerospace Administration keep the word ‘aerospace’.
Even the Northwest Aerospace BaseNominally speaking, the satellite orbit monitoring department is still under the jurisdiction of the Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department.
This jurisdiction is no less than the nominal jurisdiction of the Longguo Aerospace Administration over the major bases of the Longguo. The Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department manages all kinds of flying things in the entire Longguo. The database alone is extremely complete!
At this time, in the Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department,
A staff member looked at an application sent by the Northwest Space Base Branch, and at a cursory glance, his expression was a little suspicious.
It stands to reason… The reason for the establishment of the Northwest Space Base Branch is that the satellites in the Northwest Space Base are frequently launched, so they simply solve it themselves. But now…. what about the application for this satellite orbit plan?
Could it be that the Northwest Space Base can’t even come up with an orbital plan for satellite launch?
For the sake of confidentiality, the satellite orbit measurement department of the Northwest Space Base did not disclose the detailed experimental content, but only gave some basic data.
So it’s no wonder that the staff member looked surprised at this time, and the staff member didn’t dare to make a random decision when he had doubts in his heart. After that, he saw that he took the application and walked into the Longguo spacecraft orbit monitoring department. Inside the office.
Then he said directly to an old man who looked like a gravel on the desk.
“Professor Qian, here is an application for an orbit plan for the Northwest Space Base, let’s make an orbit plan”
Hearing that, the professor also glanced at him in surprise, and then repeated in a low voice,
“Northwest Aerospace Base? Bring it here and have a look…”
When the staff member saw this, he honestly went out and brought in his laptop.
After Professor Qian took the computer from the staff member, he took a pair of reading glasses from the table and looked at it.
Looking at it, I saw that Professor Qian’s expression changed slightly, and then he murmured subconsciously.
“Hi~ Is the requirement of this plan to be so precise? Is there a new type of satellite to be launched from the Northwest Space Base? No wonder…”
As an expert and scholar who has been immersed in this field for a long time, his vision is naturally higher than that of the staff member, and he can see at a glance that the demand for this program is not normal.
Generally speaking, except for the satellites that need to be handed over, the general satellite orbits are accurate within ten meters, and the accuracy of this application plan actually needs to be within one meter, second only to the satellite orbits that need to be handed over!
Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand why the branch of the Northwest Aerospace Base can’t do it. It’s not that the expert level is not good, but the database is not good.
Q You must know that after each country successfully launches a satellite, it will submit a backup of its orbit plan to other countries capable of launching satellites.
°The purpose, in layman’s terms, is to tell you that there are our aircraft or satellites in this orbit. Don’t hit me when you launch. If you hit it, the backup of the orbit plan will be the evidence of the claim!
In the entire Long Country, only the Long Country spacecraft orbit monitoring department has a complete database backup.
In the office, Professor Qian looked at the application and couldn’t help but twitch when he saw the end.
The staff member noticed Professor Qian’s strangeness and asked curiously.
“What’s the matter, Professor Qian?”
“It’s okay, this is not what the Northwest Space Base wants, specifically, this is what the ‘Phoenix’ project team wants
Professor Qian shook his head and replied calmly.
Unexpectedly, the Muming staff was slightly startled when they heard the words, why does the ‘Phoenix’ need the cooperation of our satellite department?
However, when I was excited, I didn’t think about it. 813
If you want to ask what scientific research project the entire Dragon Kingdom is looking forward to now, it must be the first stage of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, the ‘Phoenix’ project! So when I heard that this plan was needed for the ‘Phoenix’ project.
Thinking of this, his interest suddenly came, and then he asked curiously.
“Professor Qian, do you mean to stop other projects first, or…”
Hearing this, Professor Qian nodded and said calmly.
“Yeah! Stop for a while, you go to convene the people, although I don’t know what they need the satellite orbit plan for, but in short, put this ‘Phoenix’ first
‘The solution needed is solved! ”
“Okay, I’ll go right now!”
The staff member’s eyes lit up when he saw this, and then hurriedly ran to shake people, thinking to himself as he ran.
I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to participate in the ‘Phoenix’ project…
This is the ‘Phoenix’ project! Dragon Kingdom’s star project! The person in charge is also the star of the current Dragon Kingdom!
It can be regarded as a project that every scientific researcher in Longguo wants to participate in!
< Ihshare

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