Satellites of the Northwest Space Base, so fast? ? ?
In the Longguo Aerospace Administration, in the spacecraft orbit monitoring department, Professor Qian and the staff hurriedly walked towards the control room.
After a while, I came to the control room. The control room is very large, and almost every wall is covered with display screens and satellite images.
Outside is the large computer in the center of the field.
The two pushed in the door and walked directly towards the computer in the center.
The staff member operated on the computer and called up the orbital route of the unknown spacecraft to Professor Qian.
After seeing some basic data, Professor Qian’s eyes showed a hint of horror.
“how is this possible! ! !

Satellite images show that the speed of this unknown spacecraft outside the Carmen line has reached Mach 5, which is five times the speed of sound, which is exactly the constant-speed cruise speed of the Yakunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter.
You must know that although this speed is not difficult to achieve, and even most rockets can exceed this speed, the satellite image shows that this unknown spacecraft is moving regularly!
In other words, this unknown spacecraft has the ability to maneuver quickly! This is a 19 condition that the rocket is difficult to meet!
Thinking of this, Professor Qian’s heart became more and more solemn, and then he said to the staff member in a calm tone.
“Liu, do you have the specific orbital route of this UFO? If there is one, let’s take a look!”
Obviously, even Professor Qian is not sure that this is an aircraft at this time, and can only be called a UFO for the time being, because this thing is too abnormal.
And the staff member suddenly realized when he heard the words, and nodded again and again.
“Professor Qian, yes, but only the orbit map from the stratosphere to space, the take-off and landing points are not even clear!”
“It’s alright, call it out and take a look!”
Professor Qian waved his hand at him, indicating that it was okay.
Seeing this, the staff member also quickly operated on the computer, and then a piece of detailed orbital data monitored by the satellite appeared on the computer screen.
Professor Qian looked at the track route, then looked at the time compared, his expression moved again, and then said in a serious tone.
“Hey~ the speed is even faster within the Carmen line!”
After speaking, Professor Qian began to read it carefully again, comparing the orbital data piece by piece, until at the end, Professor Qian faintly felt a strange feeling lingering in his heart, and he couldn’t help but let out a light huh.
“Huh? Why… this track…”
Seeing the strangeness in Professor Qian’s eyes, the staff member also thought of something and looked at it carefully.
Soon after, his eyes lit up, and he said with some sudden realization.
“Professor Qian, isn’t this the track we planned for the ‘Phoenix’ project team at the front end???”
The moment the words fell, Professor Qian’s eyes flashed a hint of enlightenment, and then he said in a hasty tone.
“Good! I said this track is so familiar
After all, Professor Qian and the staff looked at each other with a sense of enlightenment, and secretly relieved in their hearts. It can be seen that this is not some unknown spacecraft, but launched by the Northwest Space Base. Spacecraft!
But in the next moment, the two of them couldn’t help but fall into contemplation…
Could it be… this is the Northwest Space Base… or the latest satellite launched by the ‘Phoenix’ project? ? ?
But when did the satellite launch technology of the Northwest Space Base become so mature? ? ?
Even if it’s fast, can you still perform flexible high-speed maneuvers? ? ? ? ?
This is too ridiculous!
And just when the two of them didn’t know the reason, an icon flashed quietly on the central computer screen in the control room. Seeing this, the eyelids of the two people, one old and one young, were raised.
For them with sufficient work experience, this should be a backup of the satellite orbit plan data launched by a space base in Longguo. In an instant, the expressions of the two changed, and then their heads gradually turned around, could it be…
Then, without waiting for Professor Qian’s reminder, the staff member directly opened the backup data of this satellite orbit plan.
However, after just seeing the beginning, the two were shocked.
“About the test track data backup of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace UAV!”
“This this…..”
For a moment, both of them were speechless in shock.
‘Bao Peng’ aerial drone? ? ? ?
Dare that this is not launching a satellite? The orbit plan they developed for the Northwest Aerospace Base is the test orbit for the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter 7 7?

Using satellite orbits to test aerospace fighters? ? ?
Is this something that humans can do? ? ?
You must know that satellite orbit measurement focuses on accuracy, but this is based on the speed at which the satellite is carried into space! In layman’s terms, the more precise the satellite orbit is, the slower the orbiting speed will be. If you want to hand over, it will be a geostationary orbit! But now… looking at the perfect arc in the center of the computer that is still not quite evolving, at such a fast speed, how dare you set the track?
Road for testing!
This has to be said that the art masters are bold. You must know that when they formulated this track, they did not know that it was used for the test of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter, so it means that the 813The orbits of many satellites pass by this orbit!
At such a high speed, if you are not careful, you may derail, which will lead to a series of more serious consequences!
So in the control room for the next period of time, there were only the rapid breathing of the two people. Even though the test of the ‘Bao Peng’ air-to-sky drone had been completed, white sweat could not help but ooze from their vests at this time. !
However, it can also be seen that the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter project team does have full confidence in its own research and development technology!
Otherwise, no one would dare to play like this!
After a long while, Professor Qian’s mood gradually calmed down, and then he smiled helplessly and said with some emotion in his tone.
“It seems that no matter what kind of person is in charge, there will be what kind of subordinates…”
Obviously, Tang Zhenli’s boldness and meticulousness in scientific research is well known in the scientific research community of Longguo through his series of scientific research projects… It seems that the project team members under the “Phoenix” have also been more or less influenced by Tang Zhenli !
It can also be seen from this that there are no underdogs under the strong generals!
This is not difficult to explain why the scientific researchers of Longguo have to drill into the research and development team of the ‘Phoenix’ even if they squeeze their heads…
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