: Wang Zhi’s Suffering!
Northwest Aerospace Base, since the successful maiden flight of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter jet a few days ago.
The project team conducted several tests in succession, also following the original calculation track.
Overall, the results are quite optimistic.
In a total of five experiments, the performance of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace drone was perfect!
Every take-off and landing recreated the perfection of the first test.
And this level has already reached the level that can be put into practical application and mass production.
That is to say, the first generation of ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter has been successfully developed so far!
As for the follow-up improvement, we can only talk about it slowly in the future. The most important thing now is to develop all the subsystems of the “Phoenix” to the extent that they can be put into use, which is enough!
After announcing the success of the research and development, Tang Zhenli directly submitted a report to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, and decided to start mass production.
In the original plan of the “Tianting Project”, the space strategy center should be established with the “Phoenix” large-scale aerospace strategy platform as the core, so its scale must be quite large, that is to say, its investment must be quite large!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Head of the Department.
Ji Chengtian slowly pushed the printed application report to Wang Zhi who was sitting opposite him, a trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes, and then he said in a somewhat reserved tone.
—The danger is the mass production plan of the ‘Bao Xun’ aerospace unmanned fighter jet, take a look…”
Hearing this, Wang Zhi couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, the ‘Yukunpeng’ air-to-sky unmanned fighter has been successfully developed?
However, the surprise in his eyes only flashed for a moment, and then he calmed down. Thinking that Tang Zhenli solved the anti-gravity system engine in less than half a month, it would be quite a fuss now..
Thinking of this, Wang Zhi glanced at Ji Chengtian subconsciously, then dragged the application report to his eyes, turned it over and read it carefully.
But looking at it, Wang Zhi’s fat face couldn’t help but twitched.
“The first batch is only one hundred!!!???? Jibu, this is not a joke, right? Even if the first batch is to be mass-produced, it is impossible to mass-produce so many!”
At the end, Wang Zhi said to Ji Chengtian in a hasty tone, with some doubts in his eyes.
What a concept of a hundred! ! ! This is no ordinary plane!
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian smiled, then shook his head, and said calmly.
“At the beginning, the “Tianting Project” originally expected to achieve a large-scale space strategic strike group, which is the lowest level!!! This was discussed at the beginning, so don’t be picky now!”
At the end, Ji Chengtian tapped Wang Zhi with his finger.
Hearing the words, Wang Zhi’s face suddenly collapsed, thinking that he was also present when the “Heavenly Court Project” was first discussed, but it’s a pity that he was patronizing to watch the group of academicians have fun…
For a while, Wang Zhi felt a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he might have saved a few fights…
But the matter has come to this point, even if Wang Zhi has no choice but to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach…
After a long sigh, Wang Zhi continued to look back, but when he saw a number, the corners of his eyes twitched, and then he stood up straight away, which surprised Ji Chengtian.
But before Ji Chengtian could speak, Wang Zhi’s voice came.
“Fifty million a plane?????!!!!!! Is this Yi Kunpeng’s whole body made of gold??? No! Absolutely not!!” It can be heard that Wang Zhi’s voice is high-pitched at this time several degrees, like a duck being choked by the back of the neck, the voice is hoarse and unpleasant.
Obviously, the cost of Yi Kunpeng’s air-to-sky drone really scared Wang Zhi a lot!
Fifty million one, one hundred, the life of the Ministry of Science and Technology is not enough!
Seeing Wang Zhi’s big reaction, Ji Chengtian’s expression was calm, obviously he had expected it in his heart, and then he pretended to be embarrassed, shook his head, glanced at Wang Zhi, and said in an inexplicable tone.
“Yeah, I know it’s a bit embarrassing if it’s true, but there’s nothing I can do about it!”
“Ji Bu, if this is the case, this day will be impossible!”
Hearing Ji Chengtian’s slightly evasive words, Wang Zhi felt a little discouraged for a while.
I have been in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology’s finances for so many years, is it easy to save these family assets?
With his mind active, Wang Zhi thought to himself.
No, we must find a solution!
No wonder it is said that Wang Zhineng is in the dragonThe Ministry of Science and Technology has been in charge of finance for so many years? No one has this kind of mentality anymore!
And Ji Chengtian looked at Wang Zhi who was thinking, and knew that Fatty Wang was trying to figure out a way. The corner of his mouth couldn’t help but outline a smile, waiting for Wang Zhi to come up with a solution.
Eight, as the minister of Jiji Life, Ji Chengtian naturally didn’t want to empty the Ministry of Science and Technology with just a ‘Phoenix.
After a long while, Wang Zhi’s heart moved, and he said to Ji Chengtian while clenching his teeth.
“Department II, we can’t let our science and technology department pay for everything. This ‘Phoenix’ is not used by our science and technology department. Whoever uses it will pay for it!”
Hearing this, the smile in Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed away. Obviously, he had long known that Wang Zhi would attack other departments, and then said to Wang Zhi in a calm tone.
“Huh? Since you have a way to ask for money from other places, the Ministry of Science and Technology will fully cooperate!” Hearing Ji Chengtian’s approval, Wang Zhi’s eyes moved, and then he said firmly.
“Okay! Ji Bu, I can rest assured if I have your words. It’s not too late. I’ll go to raise money!” Feng Xiao Xiao Xi Yi Shui Han means! Wang Zhi knew very well in his heart, who else besides the military will deliver the ‘Phoenix’ in the future?
Although the name of the military’s stubborn iron rooster has long been known within the Dragon Kingdom, Wang Zhi is really ruthless at this time. If he doesn’t bite off a few hairs from the iron rooster, his name Wang Zhi will be written upside down!
In addition to the military, the popularization of controllable nuclear fusion technology should always receive some interest!
The civilian use of controllable nuclear fusion technology has reduced the cost of the economic construction of the Dragon Kingdom to almost zero, and the cost has dropped, but the Dragon Kingdom has an annual
The appropriation for economic construction is not small at all!
Don’t pay for the hard work of controllable nuclear fusion,
It’s unbelievable!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhi’s footsteps became more and more resolute…

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