Arriving at the Experimental Site! ! !
After walking out of the central tent, Tang Zhenli walked directly towards the debugging tent of the unmanned tactical mecha under the leadership of a staff member.
When he was in the air just now, he could see that the tents were connected together, occupying a large area. Now that he was inside the tent, Tang Zhenli felt the same feeling. After walking for more than ten minutes, he arrived at the debugging area of ​​the unmanned tactical mecha.
It can be seen that the military attaches great importance to this test, otherwise it would not have dispatched a regiment of nearly 2,000 people, so the entire camp area was not as large as usual.
As soon as he entered the debugging area of ​​the unmanned tactical mech, he was greeted by a pungent smell of engine oil, which made Tang Zhenli wrinkle his nose. But the scene after that made him subconsciously ignore the strong smell.
The debugging area of ​​the entire unmanned tactical mecha of “830” is a large field surrounded by more than a dozen camps, and teams of soldiers with live ammunition are constantly patrolling the periphery.
And on the central field, two unmanned tactical mechas, one black and one white, are neatly placed here with a height of six meters.
From a distance, these two mechas seem to have been painted, which makes the overall look more aggressive, so now they just stand there quietly, and there is an invisible wave of momentum radiating out!
It’s like a ferocious beast that chooses to devour people, dormant for the last time before hunting!
And next to the two unmanned tactical mechs, there are staff members who are constantly preparing for the final inspection before the test!
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also stepped forward curiously, only to feel that as he got closer, he could more and more feel the sharp aura of these two unmanned tactical mechs.
However, these two unmanned tactical mechs were born out of the “Hanguang” unmanned tactical mechs developed by Tang Zhenli before, so Tang Zhenli didn’t feel irritated by this momentum, but felt a little close to it.
After coming up close, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel his heart move as he carefully looked at the two unmanned tactical mechs.
picture! so similar!
It’s really similar to ‘Hanguang’!
Suddenly, he thought of the ‘Hanguang’ that was sealed on the third basement floor of the Four Saints Research Institute…
Too bad it was supposed to be the first….
“Tang Gong!”
“Tang Gong!”
Just as Tang Zhenli was contemplating, several voices came over. Tang Zhenli took a closer look. If it wasn’t his original assistants, who else could it be? Just looking at the faces of the four people, their bodies are covered with oil, but looking at their expressions, they all faintly reveal excitement.
It can be seen that no one can resist the temptation of the mecha!
“When will the test start? There is no problem with the mecha for the time being, right?”
Looking at the excited people, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help asking.
“Tang Gong, we should wait until the R&D team and the military discuss it… As for the mecha, everything is normal!”
Hearing this, Li Haoxuan replied directly, and finally, the excitement on his face was undisguised.
Tang Zhenli also thought for a moment in his mind. When he was listening in the tent just now, he saw that the progress should be about the same. It seems that the experiment should not be long.
Just as Tang Zhenli was about to speak, there was some movement from behind.
Turning his head subconsciously, he saw Du Wenxuan, the person in charge of the unmanned tactical mecha, and the military colonel walking by
“Tang Gong, specificallyThe matter has been finalized, ready to experiment at any time! ”
With a smile on his face, Du Wenxuan said towards Tang Zhenli with a little respect.
Without waiting for Tang Zhenli to speak, the colonel officer who was with Du Wenxuan also stepped forward, gave Tang Zhenli a standard military salute, and then said loudly.
“Report to the chief! All officers and soldiers of regiment B of C Corps of the Northwest Military Region are on standby at any time, waiting for instructions!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was a little helpless, but he also knew that this was what the Long Kingdom military has always done.
“Testing begins, proceed as planned!”
“Yes! ”
The officer replied in a firm tone.
And Tang Zhenli glanced at Du Wenxuan again after speaking, and continued to say…
“I’m just here to observe, the specific test is still up to your R&D team to decide!”
“Okay, Mr. Tang!”
Hearing this, Du Wenxuan also nodded.
After that, the unmanned tactical mech test officially started!
Then, as can be seen by the naked eye, everyone in the entire test camp was mobilized, and two unmanned tactical mechas, one black and one white, in the center of the field were loaded into the test field ten kilometers away.
Since today’s experiments may involve live ammunition, for safety reasons, the specific test site must be a certain distance away from the tent.
A short while later, a convoy set off from the tent. In addition to the vehicles from the Northwest Space Base, there were many main battle tanks and armored vehicles that were scheduled to be tested today.
As for the originally scheduled fighters, naturally they cannot go to the experimental site with the convoy. In the original plan, the fighters used for testing will arrive when the unmanned tactical mecha starts testing. Warplanes wait to take off at an airfield near the Northwest Military District…
But just this train team, if nothing else, this posture is very spectacular!
And Tang Zhenli, who came to watch, was naturally among the mighty convoy.
For the needs of the experiment, it is necessary to observe the experiments of the unmanned tactical mecha more intuitively and analyze the various data of the unmanned tactical mecha, so basically most of the research and development team members of the unmanned tactical mecha are in the team.
Twenty minutes later, the team arrived at the designated testing ground as planned. As soon as they got off the car, a group of soldiers rushed out from behind the military vehicle. They picked up the tools and started to create some experimental protection measures.
After a while, transparent walls of high-strength molecular materials were constructed on the desert Gobi Desert to resist the impact of the unmanned tactical mech test!
So far, the test of the unmanned tactical mecha is already ready to go!
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238

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