The mobility test begins!
In the depths of the Gobi Desert in the northwest, the R&D team and the military of the unmanned tactical mecha are fully prepared. The first stage to test is the mobility of the unmanned tactical mech.
At this time, the unmanned tactical mecha has been activated by the staff. Under the surprised eyes of a group of soldiers, with the blessing of the artificial intelligence system, I saw that the tall unmanned tactical mecha anthropomorphic footsteps slowly moved towards Go to the center of the proving ground.
And in the distance in the other direction of the test field, ten main battle tanks of the current Long Kingdom military are already neatly arranged. It opened its monstrous mouth and devoured everything that stood in front of it!
far away,
Tang Zhenli, Du Wenxuan, and the military colonel stood behind a transparent wall made of high-strength molecular materials, each holding a telescope and looking at the white unmanned tactical mecha that was drifting away.
The expressions of the three are different, Tang Zhenli’s face is calm, and there is no fluctuation in the expression on his face.
As for Du Wenxuan, with a confident smile on his face, he looked at the white dot in the distance.
Obviously Du Wenxuan is very confident in the unmanned tactical mecha they developed, so there is a three-stage experiment that seems so frustrating!
The military colonel on the side had a solemn expression, and his eyes were always in the center of the test field in the distance. Of course, most of them were looking at the ten main battle tanks, but when he turned his eyes, he looked at the white A human tactical mecha, with some worries in his eyes…
In fact, unlike Du Wenxuan, a pure scientific research scholar, he is a pure soldier, and his knowledge of tanks is much higher than that of Du Wenxuan!
As a continuation of the world’s army’s mechanized thinking, since a hundred years ago, it has replaced the cavalry in the cold weapon era as one of the most important weapons in land combat, with direct firepower, off-road capability and armor protection.
Under the blessing of various abilities, it can be described as a land war tiger in modern countries!
Although tanks are also the marine weapons with the most natural enemies, in order to restrain this fierce tiger, the anti-tank weapons of various countries have also become one of the criteria for judging the military salutes of various countries!
But you must know that this time is not a battle. This test mission of the unmanned tactical mech is to ‘survive’ under the bombardment of ten tanks!
In other words, the unmanned tactical mech is not equipped with any weapons and equipment, and the task is to be safe and sound under the bombardment of the group in the designated area!
It’s like a military game, the army’s tiger is the attacker, the unmanned tactical mecha is the defender, and the defender has no chance to counterattack!
More importantly, this timeThe human tactical mech is facing ten tanks, not one!
So he is not optimistic about the unmanned tactical mecha at this time,
Even if unmanned tactical mechas may become another alien form of landing and exploration combat units one day in the future, at least the current unmanned tactical mechas are difficult to compare with the land tigers that have been developed for nearly a hundred years!
At this time, behind a few people, there is a temporary tent, which is full of instruments and equipment. A group of staff are preparing to record the data of the unmanned tactical mech after the test starts…
Soon after, the white unmanned tactical mech arrived at the planned target location.
In this square target area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters, the unmanned tactical mech will meet its first huge test since its birth! Because in the next period of time, the ten main battle tanks that are three kilometers away from here will be advancing while moving towards this side.
Countless ammunition scattered!
After the unmanned tactical mech stood still, a staff member of the R&D team and a soldier from the military trotted over here!
“Report to the head, the seventh armored company is assembled, please instruct!”
“Du Gong, the unmanned tactical mecha is ready, please instruct!”
Hearing this, Du Wenxuan and the military colonel looked at Tang Zhenli, who was between them, and saw Tang Zhenli nodded towards them. Immediately without hesitation, they issued orders to their respective subordinates!
And soon after Du Wenxuan and the military colonel ordered, in the telescope lens of the three people, the unmanned tactical mecha was already in a parrying posture, waiting for the baptism of artillery fire.
After that, a few thunderous sounds suddenly sounded in the distant direction, like thunder.
At this time they knew that the ten tanks had fired!
The sound of the earth-shattering sound shocked Du Wenxuan. Obviously, he did not expect the sound of the guns facing the tank to be so shocking.
When the colonel saw Du Wenxuan’s pale face, he shook his head helplessly. It seems that in today’s experiment, the unmanned tactical armor is sure to fail!
Then he turned his head and looked at Tang Zhenli subconsciously again, and saw that Tang Zhenli’s expression was calm, as if he was not affected by the sound of the cannon just now.
For the first time, I can face such a shocking scene of a tank salvo without changing my face…
Thinking of this, a different kind of emotion arises spontaneously in his heart… 830. . .
It seems that it is not without reason that such a young man can occupy such a high position…
Just as he was thinking, the people nearby could not help but let out an exclamation, which interrupted the thoughts in his mind, and then subconsciously raised the telescope and looked into the distance.
When he saw the scene in the telescope, there was a hint of surprise on his resolute face, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.
How could it be possible… I saw that the unmanned tactical mecha was surrounded by shell craters smashed by shells, and looking through a high-powered telescope, the unmanned tactical mecha was stained with some dust except for the white paint, and it was not Not damaged, even moving freely!
In other words, the unmanned tactical mech was unharmed in the first round of salvos! ! !
Although he didn’t look carefully at the dodging process of the unmanned tactical mecha, the result was beyond his expectations…
Then he thought about it, the surprise in his eyes dropped a little…
With the advancement of the tank, the accuracy and power of the shells will naturally become larger and larger under the shortening of the distance!
Obviously at this time, he still has a pessimistic attitude towards whether the unmanned tactical mecha can pass the first stage test…

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