You said, who is here? ? ?
The name Tang Zhenli named himself, naturally no one objected, and the name of the first series of unmanned tactical mechas was decided on the sword wielder! After three rounds of testing, this external experiment came to an end.
Although it is only two days, the shock to everyone is far more than two days…
After the third stage of the test, Tang Zhenli simply said hello to Du Wenxuan and the others and got on the plane back. on the helicopter,
Tang Zhenli fiddled with his phone in a bit of boredom. It could be seen that he was quite satisfied with the three-stage test.
Just as he was about to close his eyes and rest, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows, thinking of what Wu Shaoying said before that she was also filming in the Northwest…
It just so happens that things at this stage have already been dealt with. As long as the construction of the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ is completed and the test flight is completed, the first stage of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ has come to an end.
Why not… go see her?
Thinking about the fact that we haven’t seen each other for more than three months since we parted after the new year… To be honest, my boyfriend is really incompetent… With a lively mind, Tang Zhenli sent a message directly to Wu Shaoying.
“Are you there? ”
After clicking Send, Tang Zhenli closed the screen and waited for Wu Shaoying’s reply.
Isn’t it a while? After a few minutes, Tang Zhenli’s phone vibrated.
“Yeah~ I just finished a scene! (Smiley)”
“Where are you? I just have time, can I come to you?”
Tang Zhenli replied.
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying sent a position directly, the intention is self-evident.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also showed a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and immediately opened the position.
The distance is not too far, it is about 200 kilometers away from the Northwest Aerospace Base, and it is also more than 200 kilometers away from here…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli turned his head and gave a command to the pilot in front of him, but the two pilots did not refuse. When he went back, the plane sent to pick up Tang Zhenli was from the Northwest Aerospace Base, and it had been prepared before that. There is enough fuel, so naturally Tang Zhen can go wherever he wants to go.
After that, the plane in the air turned directly, and then flew in the direction indicated by Tang Zhenli…
On the other side, where the crew is located,
She was resting in the nanny’s car, and Wu Shaoying, who was wearing a costume, had a charming smile on the corner of her mouth. This smile has been on her face since she returned to the nanny’s car. From the new novel network disk resource library
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
“Yingying, I think you’ve been having fun for an hour? What’s wrong?”
Seeing this, Sister Xia was also puzzled, and finally she couldn’t help but ask.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying glanced at Sister Xia with a nympho-like smile on her face.
“Tang Zhenli is coming to visit the class!”
“what? ”
“real? ”
After the birthday speech fell, the assistant and Ye Yingxin in the nanny’s car sat up instantly, looking at her with hopeful eyes.
“Why are you lying to you!”
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying pouted and said immediately.
“Okay, I haven’t seen my brother-in-law for a long time!”
After hearing Wu Shaoying’s confirmation, the little assistant was the most lively, and immediately jumped up.
Just listening to the sound of ‘dong’, the little assistant’s little head came into direct contact with the roof of the car, which caused a burst of laughter from the three women. Xiao Yin’s IQ is simply unparalleled! Of course in the other direction…
Just at this moment, there was a ‘shushu’ wind sound in the sky outside, and then the sound became louder and louder, until the sound stopped for a moment.
°And such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the crew, and who else could be the one who made such a big movement, not Tang Zhenli in a helicopter?
Seeing a helicopter landing, Zhao Yunxia, ​​the director, naturally wanted to check it out.
However, when she saw a handsome young man descending from the helicopter, her brows subconsciously wrinkled, apparently thinking that it was some playful kid who came to watch the fun.
This kind of thing is not unheard of in her directing experience…
But as the young man got closer and closer, there was an inexplicable familiar feeling in Zhao Yunxia’s mind, but she couldn’t remember it for a while. But at this time the young man had already walked in front of her, and then said to her in a warm tone,
“Excuse me, is this the filming crew of “The Land of the Deep”?”
Zhao Yunxia’s mind was still thinking about whether the young man had seen him there, so she could only stop thinking temporarily when she heard the words, and said in a cold tone.
“Yes, but no one is allowed to visit the class during filming!”
Apparently, Zhao Yunxia already knew the excuses for those arrogant children.
When the words fell, Tang Zhenli’s eyebrows could not help but twist, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.
“Are you not allowed to visit classes?”
Zhao Yunxia responded coldly, and then walked directly into the crew, obviously wanting to use this attitude to make the people who came to retreat in spite of the difficulty. At this moment, the backWu Shaoying’s voice came. It turned out that she heard the movement in the nanny’s car and ran out directly.
Immediately, he saw Tang Zhenli standing next to the helicopter. In addition to being pleasantly surprised, his star eyes narrowed into a happy arc, and he waved at Tang Zhenli and said loudly.
…ask for flowers…
“Tang Zhenli, am I here?”
As Wu Shaoying’s voice fell, the originally noisy crew suddenly suffocated, and then all the staff looked at this side in surprise. At this time, Zhao Yunxia, ​​who was facing Tang Zhenli, also stopped after hearing Wu Shaoying’s words, and then He seemed to remember something, his face changed for a while, and then he turned his head with a stiff neck.
After seeing the young man’s face again,
Only then did she understand why she was so familiar with this young man…
This is obviously Tang Zhenli, the rising star of the current Dragon Kingdom! ! ! !
For a moment, Zhao Yunxia felt a little regretful, had she been too indifferent to what she just said…
On the other hand, Tang Zhenli’s face was also a little embarrassed, and his eyes stayed on Zhao Yunxia and Wu Shaoying from time to time.
At this time, Wu Shaoying also obviously found something. Seeing that Tang Zhenli hadn’t come over, she moved towards that direction.
When she came to Zhao Yunxia, ​​she called out to Sister Zhao sweetly, and then walked towards Tang Zhenli.
“Why didn’t you come here…”
As soon as she came to Tang Zhenli, Wu Shaoying, who was holding her hands behind her back, pursed her lips and asked pretending to be unhappy.
“I heard just now that your crew is not allowed to visit the class… So Tang Zhenli lowered his head slightly, looked at Wu Shaoying and said.
Wu Shaoying, who heard the words, was slightly startled, when did Sister Zhao make this rule… Then she wanted to explain.
But before she could speak, Zhao Yunxia’s voice came from behind.
“What’s the matter? When I said that the class is not allowed to visit the class, it means that the class is not allowed to visit the class other than family members. By the way, this is Academician Tang. I didn’t recognize it just now. I’m really sorry!”
At this time, Zhao Yunxia’s tone was completely different from the indifference she had just before, but instead revealed a little apology.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also flashed a smile in his eyes, and nodded towards Zhao Yunxia.
After watching Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli walking together, Zhao Yunxia raised her brows and said to Wu Shaoying.
“Yingying, you can rest for a while this afternoon, it just so happens that the next show is a night show…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying also knew that Zhao Yunxia was fulfilling herself, and thanked her with a smile.
“Sister Zhao, thank you!”
After speaking, he and Tang Zhenli looked at each other, and then walked towards the periphery of the crew…
When Zhao Yunxia saw the backs of the two, there was also a gratified smile on her face.

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