The desert has nowhere to go!
At this time in the crew,
When Zhao Yunxia returned to the crew, especially when she saw Wu Shaoying walking outside with the young man, the entire crew was already in a frenzy!
After getting Zhao Yunxia’s approval, he was the only one who could walk with Sister Tianxian and behave intimately!
Academician Xiao Tang actually came to visit the crew in person! ! !
At that moment, someone in the crew even had the idea of ​​stepping up to see the true face of Academician Xiao Tang. After all, this is the living Academician Xiao Tang!
The last telephone lecture had made them unable to control themselves for a long time… If they could see Academician Xiao Tang in person, they would not be so excited! If we can take a photo together…then I can stand straighter when chatting with relatives and friends…
You know, even if “830” is online now, no one has a photo with Tang Zhenli…
If you and others can… just think about it and get excited!
But in the end, I don’t know if it was because of Zhao Yunxia’s pressure, or no one dared to do this.
And more importantly, I heard that Academician Xiao Tang is usually surrounded by many people to protect his safety. They don’t want to be rushed out by a few big men before they see Academician Xiao Tang…
In the end, all kinds of rumors finally let the thoughts in their hearts slowly go out…
But even if they didn’t have the opportunity to meet with Academician Xiao Tang in person, they still couldn’t hide their excitement…
Especially seeing Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying walking together at this time, some people couldn’t help but turn on the camera and took this beautiful scene..
You can’t take a frontal photo, but it should be okay to take a back view…
It can be seen that although the couple has been separated for a long time, the relationship between the two has not subsided at all, or else they would not have taken time out of their busy schedules to take a helicopter to visit the crew!
“What an enviable love…”
At this time, Zhao Yunxia looked at the two people in the distance, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and there seemed to be a flash of reminiscence in her eyes as she muttered to herself.
I don’t know if I am feeling the person in front of me, or I am recalling the person in my dream…
the other side,
Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying circled towards the outside of the crew. The couple was a little silent at first, especially Wu Shaoying, whose face was inexplicably red, as if thinking of the last parting…
After a long while, Tang Zhenli quietly took Wu Shaoying’s left hand, and the two interlocked their fingers, looking at each other with a tacit understanding, and a smile flashed in each other’s eyes.
“You’ve turned black!”
Suddenly, Wu Shaoying stared at Tang Zhenli’s face for a while, then pointed at Tang Zhenli’s face and said.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said helplessly.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying seemed to have reacted, and then released Tang Zhenli’s right hand, rummaging in her pocket to find something.
Tang Zhenli glanced at it subconsciously, but didn’t take it to heart.
Not long after, Wu Shaoying found it. It was a bottle of sunscreen. She didn’t say anything after that. She unscrewed the cap and squeezed out a long strip, kneaded it in her hand, and then wiped it on Tang Zhenli’s face.go.
“do not move!”
At the beginning, Tang Zhenli flashed subconsciously, and after hearing the words, he honestly let Wu Shaoying play with it.
No one would have imagined that Tang Gong, who was one of the best in the ‘Phoenix’ project team, could only be ’rounded and flattened’ in front of his girlfriend.
The sunscreen was applied on his face, it was a little cool, and Wu Shaoying’s delicate palm was rubbing against his face, and the touch made him feel a little inexplicable nostalgia…
There was even a moment when Tang Zhenli let time stop at this moment forever…
“All right!”
After smearing it evenly, Wu Shaoying slid the sunscreen into Tang Zhenli’s pocket, and then clapped her palms, showing a sense of accomplishment on her face. Looking at Tang Zhenli’s face, she seemed to be appreciating her masterpiece, with sweetness and harmony in her beautiful eyes. happiness.
At this time, Tang Zhenli also turned his head slightly, and looked at Wu Shaoying blankly, the tip of his nose lingered with the fragrance of Wu Shaoying or sunscreen, and his heart was slightly touched.
“What are you looking at!”
Wu Shaoying’s face that was being stared at was a little hot, and she said in a thin voice like a mosquito murmur…
“Look at my fiancee…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli subconsciously said what was in his heart directly.
The words fell, and both of them were stunned. The next moment, Wu Shaoying’s face flushed with shame, and Tang Zhenli also showed a rare embarrassment.
Emotional expression.
After the atmosphere was so silent for a while, Tang Zhenli slowly spoke the thoughts in his mind just now.
rm rm ,
During the test flight of the ‘Phoenix’, some ordinary people may be recruited to follow the liftoff,
do you want to go? ”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s expression moved, and then she said without thinking.
“Are you going? I’ll go if you go?”
When Wu Shaoying’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli showed a smile, his heart was slightly certain, and then he said with a firm tone.
“certainly! ”
“That righteousness goes too!”
With that said, Wu Shaoying stepped forward and hugged Tang Zhenli’s arm, as if she was expressing her firmness with her actions.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also showed a warm smile on his face, and then slowly pulled his arm out of Wu Shaoying’s arms, and hugged Wu Shaoying directly from the other side, and Wu Shaoying also took advantage of the trend to rest her head in his arms.
Judging from the current project cycle, the test flight of the ‘Phoenix’ may be within a few months!
And under the premise that various technologies are becoming more and more mature, the success rate of the ‘Phoenix’ test flight can be said to be 100%!
So this is why Tang Zhenli invited Wu Shaoying to go with him.
Of course, there are also some ideas in his mind.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed with fire, and then he hugged Wu Shaoying in his arms tighter.
If that’s the case, let’s be bold…
Looking at the vast Gobi desert, Tang Zhenli’s heart became more and more stable.
At this time, the embrace of the two people forms a beautiful picture against the backdrop of the scenery…
It is as if the desert has nowhere to rely on, and the beautiful woman is already in her arms!
< Ihshare

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